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Cacoethes 20-01-2025 10:34 AM

Same really. But got to do things.
Had a blood test. Didn't see the point in going home and coming back again for 10:10 for my next appointment. So just sitting in my car.

How are you?

one_step_closer 20-01-2025 02:00 PM

I hope you manage things ok today and you feel better soon.

I’m very impatient to get home. Should be discharged tomorrow. The last bit of waiting is the hardest.

Cacoethes 20-01-2025 02:51 PM

Thank you lindsay

Fingers crossed for you!

tamobhuuta 20-01-2025 08:55 PM

Evening guys. I thought I didn't have access to RYL here but turns out all I needed to do was turn off the WiFi! Sorry to hear people are struggling.

Zurg 20-01-2025 09:10 PM

The zoo is great. I have adopted another bird, or, he adopted us…. By the end of last summer I could suddenly hear zebra finch noises coming from my balcony. And sure enough, out there on a plant sat a teeny male zebra finch. So now he lives in the cage with my original pair. Findus is ever so cute and slightly naughty. He got very ill during the fall and I had to spend almost my entire disability pension on him during the month he was ill. That was awful!!!! He had to stay in hospital over night, poor wee bun bun!!! But somehow it made his trust in me stronger and he's quite the cuddle beast now.
I'll try to stick around. Trying to work on maintaining relations and friendship, which is difficult for someone who tends to self-sabotage everything.
Nice to see you all again.
I hope they let you go home tomorrow, Lindsay!!!

not_so_insig 20-01-2025 09:11 PM

Hello all. I am not having a good day either hence the lack of posting. Spent most of today in bed mentally and physically exhausted.

Zurg 20-01-2025 09:22 PM

I hope it helped to relax, Dawn. Sometimes, catching up on rest and sleep is all you can do.

Cacoethes 21-01-2025 08:55 AM

Morning everyone

one_step_closer 21-01-2025 10:26 AM

Morning Beckie, how are you?

Cacoethes 21-01-2025 12:42 PM

Morning lindsay

Much the same, unfortunately
Did some matrix level dodging with the crisis team psych this morning. Managed to talk my way out of hospital, but only just, and it's not off the table.

How are you?

tamobhuuta 21-01-2025 12:53 PM

Morning guys. Sorry things still aren't good Cacoethes. How are you osc?

Cacoethes 21-01-2025 01:02 PM

Thanks tamo

How are you?

tamobhuuta 21-01-2025 04:11 PM

I'm ok thanks. Feeling quite isolated, I want to go home.

Cacoethes 21-01-2025 06:56 PM

Feeling isolated while being away is horrible
Hope you can get home soon

one_step_closer 21-01-2025 07:57 PM

I hope you can get the support you need to stay out of hospital, Beckie.

I hope you feel better soon, Tamo, and can get home asap.

I'm home now. The sound/noise here is so different to the ward, it feels really weird! Crookshanks is settled on my lap so all is well.

Cacoethes 21-01-2025 08:22 PM

Me too. Hospital is not a vibe

L encouraged me to go to glow beatz. So I am here. I don't really want to be. I see why L encouraged me though.

Glad you're home lindsay

tamobhuuta 21-01-2025 09:50 PM

I'm glad you're enjoying being back with Crookshanks osc :)

How was glow beatz Cacoethes?

I'm wearing slightly damp pyjamas because I washed them today but the dryer is broken so all my clothes had to air dry, draped on the chair in my room.

Cacoethes 21-01-2025 10:30 PM

It was ok thanks.
I didn't particularly enjoy it tbh. But glad I went.

Ugh! That's not good! Probably take them 2-5 business years to fix it too

not_so_insig 22-01-2025 07:58 AM

Morning all. I am struggling with stuff hence the lack of posting these past few days.

Cacoethes 22-01-2025 08:21 AM

Morning Dawn

Looks like it's the struggle bus for us all currently

not_so_insig 22-01-2025 08:31 AM

Yes that seems to be true Beckie. How are you,?

Cacoethes 22-01-2025 08:48 AM

Not too great. Seeing crisis again today at some point.

How about you?

not_so_insig 22-01-2025 11:25 AM

Not brilliant. Hope crisis is ok.

Cacoethes 22-01-2025 12:12 PM

Sorry to hear that
Thank you

tamobhuuta 22-01-2025 01:51 PM

Good afternoon. I would offer you some chocolate buttons but I ATE THEM.

Cacoethes 22-01-2025 01:53 PM

Hey tamo!
Well, the thought was there XD
I hope you enjoyed them!

tamobhuuta 22-01-2025 01:59 PM

I really did. I'm debating whether to ask L to get me more chocolate when she cones this evening. What are you up to?

Zurg 22-01-2025 02:10 PM

I come with hugs, cups of coffee/tea, chocolate and my presence. Feel free to snatch what you need :) <3

one_step_closer 22-01-2025 02:11 PM

Sending love and hugs to you all if you want them.

It's so strange being home. It felt very weird being outside, hoovering, and using my laptop!

not_so_insig 22-01-2025 04:33 PM

But home is the best place for you to be Lindsay.

long road 22-01-2025 04:59 PM

*steals Zurg*

I just had some ginger cake and a cup of tea. There is cake left is anyone interested.

Completely understand you eating all the chocolate buttons Tamo, Om Nom Nom.

Change is always weird Lindsay but being home has many benefits.

Sending love to all xx

I just came back from meeting my new support worker for first time. He seems sound.

Cacoethes 22-01-2025 06:39 PM

Hey everyone
Sorry, very little energy.
Hope everyone has a decent evening

one_step_closer 22-01-2025 06:43 PM

Yeah, I'm not saying it's bad being back home just weird to do things I haven't for a while. I am very glad to be home.

I'm glad you got on well with the support worker, Jen.

Look after yourself, Beckie.

tamobhuuta 22-01-2025 09:14 PM

Evening all. Thanks for the ginger cake lr!

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 07:27 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 23-01-2025 12:20 PM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 12:37 PM

Morning dawn

not_so_insig 23-01-2025 12:49 PM

How are you doing today Beckie?

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 12:51 PM

Pretty much the same unfortunately.
Off to see crisis soonish.

How are you?

not_so_insig 23-01-2025 12:55 PM

Good luck with crisis Beckie.

I am slightly better today than what I have been all week. Still feel very tired however.

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 12:58 PM

Thank you

Glad to hear you're a bit better. Hopefully the tiredness also improves soon!

not_so_insig 23-01-2025 01:18 PM

Thanks Beckie. I think I will be better after some caffeine.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2025 02:45 PM

Good afternoon everyone. Sending love.

not_so_insig 23-01-2025 02:48 PM

How are you doing today tamobhuuta?

one_step_closer 23-01-2025 02:54 PM

Hi everyone, sending even more love and hugs.

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 02:56 PM

Hi tamo and lindsay

How are you both?

one_step_closer 23-01-2025 03:04 PM

I'm ok. Had an appointment with my CPN earlier. It was good to see him.

Have you seen crisis yet?

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 03:07 PM

That's good!

Yeah. Was only there 15 mins. Was pretty pointless tbh.
Oh well, don't particularly want to see them anyway! I just have to

tamobhuuta 23-01-2025 03:57 PM

I'm ok, had ward rounds, he's increasing my clozapine.

Cacoethes 23-01-2025 04:01 PM

Hopefully that helps

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