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Cacoethes 19-12-2024 04:52 PM

Was it lovely party food dawn?

Thanks dawn.
I guess it's the time of year for bugs!

long road 19-12-2024 05:58 PM

I didn't manage to nap finding sleep a lot harder at the moment but did meditate. Then I read some more and now I am extra tired as Nd have lost benefits I gained from meditating... What am I like eh?

Reading is really fun and a great distraction but takes a lot of mental energy and wears me out a lot more hanibused to before FND

Glad S is on the mend Beckie. How has your day been?.

Ooh leftover foods! Hope you got some nice treats Dawn.

Cacoethes 19-12-2024 06:14 PM

That's annoying jen!
Can you try and get an early night?
I know your sleep pattern hasn't been good to you lately!

My day has been ok i think.
Spent an hour at the GP this morning. Went to asda, dropped off old neighbour's card and had a nap. L has gone up for another nap so I've just done the washing up and cleaned the kitchen.
Not sure what to do with myself now though!

long road 19-12-2024 06:29 PM

I have tried to get early nights at some points. I either fall asleep for a few hours and then am awake from midnight into early hours of morning or I just can't relax into sleep and it still takes forever to actually fall asleep (3 or 4 hours on average at the moment)

Sorry your at a loose end now. Always annoying.

Cacoethes 19-12-2024 06:58 PM

What a pain!
Irregular sleep schedules can make you feel so sh*t

It is. I've done all the houseworky things I can think of!

one_step_closer 19-12-2024 07:07 PM

Have read but feeling too drained/on edge/low to reply properly.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

not_so_insig 19-12-2024 07:26 PM

Yes there was lots of party food. Including doughnuts which I took home.

Cacoethes 19-12-2024 08:47 PM

Hope you're ok lindsay <3

Oooh doughnuts!

not_so_insig 20-12-2024 07:51 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 10:23 AM

Morning Dawn
Morning everyone

How are you?

tamobhuuta 20-12-2024 10:24 AM

Hi insig and Cacoethes, how are you?

not_so_insig 20-12-2024 10:57 AM

I am rather itchy today. But generally I am ok otherwise.

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 10:59 AM

I'm ok thanks

How are you?
Any plans today?

tamobhuuta 20-12-2024 11:13 AM

Try not to scratch insig! I'm a bit itchy too.

We've got to finish decorating before aunts arrive for dinner.

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 11:34 AM

Hopefully you have fun decorating!
I enjoyed decorating

one_step_closer 20-12-2024 01:48 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I am always constantly itchy with my eczema!

Hope you enjoy decorating, Tamo.

What will you be getting up to Beckie and Dawn?

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 04:49 PM

Hey lindsay!
How are you?

I had a blood test this morning, well, an attempt at a blood test XD
Tried 3 times AGAIN and nothing. So booked in for the 3rd time on Monday.
Just been to town to go to asda, get meds and pick up the click and collect.

long road 20-12-2024 04:57 PM

Drink all the water on Monday Beckie! Maybe some electrolytes too. I also have hear being warm helps with getting blood so wrap up nice and warm and keep jumper on until you get in the nurses room.

Must be super frustrating to have had 6 stabs in 2 days and still no blood actually got.

I have spent most of day asleep. Had a long seizure around 4am last night and afterwards was so exhausted I finally got some sleep. My sleep pattern remains messed up but at least I got some sleep!

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 05:49 PM

I shall!
She booked an afternoon appointment for that reason!

It is rather frustrating
Especially as I nearly passed out yesterday and actually passed out today *facepalm*

Sorry to hear that jen
Glad you got some rest though

one_step_closer 20-12-2024 06:58 PM

I used to have one really good vein but now it doesn't always behave itself so I absolutely hate getting blood taken. I hope you have better luck next time, Beckie.

I'm glad you at least managed to get some sleep, Jen. I hope you feel better soon.

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 07:28 PM

Yep same lindsay!
They have to use the tiny needle, though that hasn't been working lately either. Annoying!

long road 20-12-2024 08:20 PM

Oof! Passing out is not a vibe. Hope Monday goes much better. I am usually an easy stick if you use my good vein the other veins it's a 50/50 thing but last year had a cannula blow in good vein. Mind you last year I was stabbed a lot due to asthma being especially rubbish so fair play to vein XD

But more with it now. Going to have dinner and then try and play in Alien RPG online with friends.

Cacoethes 20-12-2024 11:18 PM

It's really not!
Thank you. I think mine has been used so much it has finally given up! I think i would too tbh XD
I was having weekly bloods for a long time. Often daily in hospital!

Hope you have fun!

Cacoethes 21-12-2024 11:14 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 21-12-2024 02:20 PM

Afternoon all. I am having a tesco shopping order today. 2 substitutions of which I am going to reject one. No unavailable items which is good.

tamobhuuta 21-12-2024 03:16 PM

Good afternoon everybody. Big sis is here so I'm just popping by.

not_so_insig 21-12-2024 03:22 PM

Enjoy your visit by big sis tamobhuuta

Cacoethes 21-12-2024 05:16 PM

I'm at work and so tired I don't feel connected to my brain or body XD

tamobhuuta 21-12-2024 06:56 PM

What time do you finish Cacoethes?

What's everyone up to? Big sister has gone now, I'm going to watch some TV.

Cacoethes 21-12-2024 11:31 PM

I finished at 9pm. Though left a little late because the delivery drivers left the back door unlocked AGAIN :eyeroll:

not_so_insig 22-12-2024 08:52 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 22-12-2024 10:09 AM


long road 22-12-2024 11:07 AM


Although I haven't decided if I am staying awake yet or trying to get some more sleep.

Cacoethes 22-12-2024 11:39 AM

I vote more sleep jen!
I'm guessing you need it with your crazy sleep pattern.

tamobhuuta 22-12-2024 11:41 AM

Morning all!

Cacoethes 22-12-2024 01:41 PM

How are you?

one_step_closer 22-12-2024 01:45 PM

Afternoon everyone, how are you all?

not_so_insig 22-12-2024 02:24 PM

Freezing as it's very cold here. It's sleeting here plus windy.

one_step_closer 22-12-2024 02:29 PM

It's cold and windy here too, Dawn but no sleet. Have you got ways to keep warm? My plastic bin has blown over. As long as the rubbish stays in my own garden it's fine.

tamobhuuta 22-12-2024 03:26 PM

Weather same here osc!

Cacoethes 22-12-2024 04:42 PM

Very cold and windy here too

I feel dreadful. Sick and light headed and tired. Plus stomach pain :(
I really don't want to have to go home early!

one_step_closer 22-12-2024 06:54 PM

Oh no, Beckie. If you have to go home you have to go home. Not good to be ill.

Cacoethes 22-12-2024 11:02 PM

I did not go home early. Can't really afford it.
But home now. Feeling rather unwell!

Cacoethes 23-12-2024 10:38 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 23-12-2024 10:53 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you feeling today?

Cacoethes 23-12-2024 12:36 PM

A bit better but still not great.
Thanks for asking :)

How are you?

one_step_closer 23-12-2024 01:43 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I'm glad you're at least a bit better, Beckie. Hope it continues in that direction. Are you dong much today?

Hi Tamo, how are you?

Cacoethes 23-12-2024 01:50 PM

It has not continued in that direction unfortunately XD
I feel very wiped out.
I have my CC at 2pm and the 3rd attempt at a blood test at 4:37pm.
I was going to go out with jas for dinner this evening, but don't think I'm up to it. I'm not even able to stomach a lot to drink, let alone a whole dinner out! Or the drive there tbh.

How are you?

one_step_closer 23-12-2024 03:19 PM

Oh no, that's a shame. I hope you're not really unwell. Good luck with your CC and getting blood taken.

tamobhuuta 23-12-2024 03:33 PM

Sorry you're feeling so rotten Cacoethes. Get well soon!

Hi osc, how are you?

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