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Cacoethes 09-06-2017 07:11 PM

Yeah that bit is sad!

Buttons. 09-06-2017 07:24 PM

And Night at the museum naturally. Also could there have been a better Genie??

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 07:27 PM

Ah yes of course!
I was going to say Aladdin. No one could have played the genie better!

When he died, i saw a picture from aladdin, the bit where he says 'genie, you're free'
And i bawled my f*cking eyes out!!!
I NEVER cry at things like that!

Buttons. 09-06-2017 07:29 PM

Ha ha oh bless your little cotton socks Beckie *pets*

Okay The Fisher King is an official must see film, if only for the absolute mindf*ck that it is :P

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 07:32 PM

Is it on netflix Katy?

Buttons. 09-06-2017 07:39 PM

Not sure I'll look now.

Doesn't look like it is :(

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 08:03 PM

Ah thats a shame. Will have to get the DVD when i eventually get something to play them on :p

Anyone got any plans for the weekend?

Buttons. 09-06-2017 08:24 PM

Become one with my blanket, sofa and Sky :P How about you?

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 08:25 PM

Decent plan katy!!

Ive got the village fete tomorrow at mum's and will be cleaning on Sunday.
So fun Saturday, not so fun sunday! :p

Buttons. 09-06-2017 09:00 PM

Aww I love village fete type things! Have fun! Eww to cleaning though :P

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 09:03 PM

Im sure i will!
Yeah ikr!! Cleaning is the worst.
One of my life goals is to be able to afford a cleaner but alas, I doubt thats ever going to happen!

Buttons. 09-06-2017 09:07 PM

Ha ha with my physical probs (and a healthy dose of laziness) I have on occasion saved up for a cleaner just before an inspection :P nice couple who do it for £20 which once every 6 months or whatever is usually maneagable

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 09:14 PM

Thats a very reasonable price!!
I can usually manage house inspections although they keep going on about limescale on the taps and to use white vingear which i have done several times and they are still going on about it and im like WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM.ME?!??!!?

Buttons. 09-06-2017 09:22 PM

I know!! Ha ha mine tried whinging about taps but they were in that state when I moved in and nothing me/support workers have done has shifted it so tough.

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 09:23 PM

Both me and chels have tried to shift it. I cant even identify what it is they want off!!

Buttons. 09-06-2017 09:30 PM

Ha ha I've just imagined a short length drama film 'the menace of the tap returns' or similar :P

Cacoethes 09-06-2017 09:31 PM

Ahaha!! It basically is :p

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 10:30 AM

Morning guys!

Shy_Bambi 10-06-2017 11:59 AM

Good morning everyone! I just woke up, I'm so lazy haha
Pirates of the Caribbean is AMAZING. Everyone needs too see it!!! :D

not_so_insig 10-06-2017 12:35 PM

Afternoon all.

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 12:48 PM

Glad you enjoyed it! It is an epic film!

Hi dawn!

Im just on way to see the fam.
Nice weather for a fete!

Shy_Bambi 10-06-2017 03:34 PM

Hello Dawn! How are you?

I hope you have a good time, Beckie!

I'm staying in my room today, I have BBC news channel on for background noise whilst I randomly read stuff online.

Buttons. 10-06-2017 03:40 PM

Sounds like good chilling time Rebecca, and glad you liked the film, can't wait to see it!!

Enjoy the fete Beckie!

Hi Dawn hows you?

not_so_insig 10-06-2017 04:28 PM

I am ok everyone. Not up to much today.

Buttons. 10-06-2017 05:22 PM

Same. I just started watching Thelma and Louise for first time chilling out and messing with my new makeup.

not_so_insig 10-06-2017 05:24 PM

I am binge watching Neighbours.

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 05:37 PM

Hey guys.
Im shattered and its 35 mins until bus :'(
Good day though!

Sketchy 10-06-2017 08:08 PM

Evening all.

I'm having a day inside. Not up to leaving the flat. I just watched doctor who, which was good, and waiting for casualty.

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 08:08 PM

Hi Lorraine
Im doing the same this evening!

Sketchy 10-06-2017 08:10 PM

How are you getting on with orange is the new black? I was up late watching it last night. It's so good. I'll likely watch an episode after casualty.

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 08:23 PM

I think im on like episode 8 or 9? Not sure!

Sketchy 10-06-2017 08:28 PM

I'm on episode 5.

Did you have a nice day at the fete?

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 08:39 PM

I had a lovely day thanks.
Very tiring though! Im shattered now!

Sketchy 10-06-2017 08:42 PM

Glad you had a good time.

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 08:47 PM

It was great weather for it.
I was a bit worried what it was going to be like with all the rain we've had this week!

Buttons. 10-06-2017 10:11 PM

Casualty tonight :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Cacoethes 10-06-2017 10:15 PM

Did anyone else think that everyone MAJORLY overreacted when the woman gets coffee spilled on her?
Like they all freaked out and started yelling about gel packs and dressings before they even looked at it properly!!

not_so_insig 10-06-2017 10:30 PM

Casualty isn't on until 9 pm next week.

Buttons. 11-06-2017 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4114422)
Did anyone else think that everyone MAJORLY overreacted when the woman gets coffee spilled on her?
Like they all freaked out and started yelling about gel packs and dressings before they even looked at it properly!!

Yes, just a little!

Cacoethes 11-06-2017 11:23 AM

Hey guys

Buttons. 11-06-2017 11:56 AM

Hey hows you?

Shy_Bambi 11-06-2017 12:20 PM

Good afternoon, hope everyone's doing well.

Cacoethes 11-06-2017 01:49 PM

I just woke up from a nap.
I am very tired today!

How is everyone?

Shy_Bambi 11-06-2017 02:15 PM

A nap sounds good. I love a good nap!

I'm just randomly surfing the internet again with no real aim. I just read a wiki page about jelly babies. I don't even like jelly babies xD

are you up to much today, Beckie?

Cacoethes 11-06-2017 03:33 PM

Thats a bit random Rebecca!

Im not up to much. Went to asda, put some washing on and now watching orange is the new black.
I was going to mow the lawn but not feeling too great with the heat!

Shy_Bambi 11-06-2017 03:41 PM

It's quite cool here. Though I'm sitting my room with the black-out curtains closed so I'm not sure what the weather is outside
I still haven't watched that! I started to watch the first episode and it was like, naked people and I was like wow okay I wasn't expecting that, and I left xD

Cacoethes 11-06-2017 03:45 PM

I think i just overheated because i was walking.

Aha! Yeah, there are lots of naked people!

Sketchy 11-06-2017 03:49 PM

Hi everyone.

I'll be watching orange is the new black later. At this rate I'll finish the series soon and then be sad when it's over.

Cacoethes 11-06-2017 03:50 PM

Me too lorraine!

Sketchy 11-06-2017 03:51 PM

It's so good this series. I hope they make more. I'm being greedy.

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