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Cacoethes 26-11-2024 04:50 PM

They did thanks tamo!

How's your day going?

Elmer 26-11-2024 05:32 PM


I hope you're all having a nice Tuesday! Brownies and colouring and coffee all sound good. I'm very bad at remembering to post here but I keep up with you all and I wanted to dive by with some hugs if they are wanted. <3

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 06:05 PM

Lovely to see you in here!
Hugs to you also, if wanted :)

long road 26-11-2024 06:56 PM

I had a nice time with partner's parents. I made them coconut milk coffee with my proper coffee and milk frother as they can't have milk due to lactose intolerance.

Ooh driving home for Christmas is a great choice Tamo!

Lio!!! <3 Drive by hugs ftw!

one_step_closer 26-11-2024 07:28 PM

Colouring group was hard but hard to be at home too.

You don't actually have to make me brownies, Beckie!

Well done for everything you've done today, Jen. It's nice to hear that you've managed to do some things that you have enjoyed.

Driving Home For Christmas is a good choice, Tamo. How many songs are on your playlist in total?

Hi Lio, nice to see you here. Thanks for the hugs *hugs back if needed*

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 07:37 PM

I like making brownies lindsay!
Especially when people enjoy them :-D

one_step_closer 26-11-2024 07:38 PM

Well I am very happy to eat them any time!

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 08:07 PM

Excellent! :-D

I am way too early for glow beatz so sitting in my car waiting XD

long road 26-11-2024 08:45 PM

It has been a good day, despite being in pain. Finished the day off by eating pizza and watching anime with my partner. Now just chilling before bed later (going to attempt an early night).

tamobhuuta 27-11-2024 11:30 AM

Hi everyone!

Lr, I've got 2 and a half hours of Christmas music.

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 11:38 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 27-11-2024 11:41 AM

Hello Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 12:05 PM

I'm ok thanks
It's L's day off, so we're going to a Christmas shop to find some decorations!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 27-11-2024 12:11 PM

That's fun. I'm ok, seeing CPN this afternoon.

not_so_insig 27-11-2024 02:00 PM

Afternoon all.

one_step_closer 27-11-2024 02:12 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Hope you enjoy all the sparkliness etc, Beckie and don't get overwhelmed with it all!

Hope everything goes ok with your CPN, Tamo.

Hi Dawn, how are you?

tamobhuuta 27-11-2024 02:17 PM

Hi insig and osc, how are you?

one_step_closer 27-11-2024 02:22 PM

Still not feeling great. How are you? Have you seen your CPN yet/when do you see him?

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 02:47 PM

It was a successful trip thanks!
Got some lovely sparkly things for our tree, that we're going to get in a couple of weeks!
And there was a café, so we got a hot chocolate too.

Hope it goes ok with cpn tamo

Sorry to hear that lindsay :(
Do you have anything on today?

not_so_insig 27-11-2024 02:53 PM

I am not so good today.

one_step_closer 27-11-2024 03:10 PM

Sounds good, Beckie. You will definitely need to share a photo of your finished tree. I won't get to have one because of Crookshanks never learning that if he eats the tree he will just throw it back up so I like to see other peoples decorations.

I've done some housework things. Need to sort out my bins and bird feeders soon.

Can you phone your CPN, Dawn?

not_so_insig 27-11-2024 03:15 PM

I don't feel safe phoning my cpn Lindsay because of reasons I can't say on a public forum.

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 03:25 PM

I will lindsay!
Naughty crookshanks!
Ours will probably get picked apart by S, but we'll see!
Hopefully he won't eat it. He does have a thing for eating plants sometimes.

Well done for your housework!
I've just done mine while L is out shopping

tamobhuuta 27-11-2024 04:05 PM

Seeing CPN was helpful thanks.

Sounds like a fun Christmasy outing Cacoethes.

Sorry you're not feeling great osc. Hugs if wanted.

Ditto you insig.

Ahimsa 27-11-2024 04:13 PM

Afternoon everyone

not_so_insig 27-11-2024 04:18 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta.

one_step_closer 27-11-2024 07:32 PM

Look after yourself, Dawn.

I really hope S doesn't eat your tree, Beckie!

I'm glad seeing your CPN was helpful, Tamo.

Hi Beth, how are you?

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 08:23 PM

He will at least pull the tree apart. We will try to stop him eating it XD

long road 27-11-2024 09:13 PM

Friend of mine ate some of a evergreen tree when we were in primary school he was fine. YMMV. Probably best not to eat lots though!

My asthma is playing up :(

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 09:54 PM

He's been OK with whatever plants he's eaten so far. But it's not ideal XD

Oh no :(
Hope your lungs start to behave themselves! I am given them a stern look!

long road 27-11-2024 10:38 PM

Not ideal as most plants aren't a problem but some are poisonous....

Nebuliser helped so guess will see if it was a blip or becomes part of a trend! Wish stern looks worked on my lungs XD

Cacoethes 27-11-2024 11:15 PM

He mainly just gets a tummy ache, which isn't good! But managed to keep him away from anything poisonous so far!

Glad the nebuliser helped. Hopefully that'll be it for tonight!

Ahimsa 27-11-2024 11:15 PM

Double stern looks!

Cacoethes 28-11-2024 09:39 AM

Beth!!! I missed you :(

Morning everyone
I woke up late, so having a slight time crisis XD

tamobhuuta 28-11-2024 11:36 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

not_so_insig 28-11-2024 01:33 PM

Afternoon all.

one_step_closer 28-11-2024 02:30 PM

Afternoon everyone.

How are your days going so far?

Cacoethes 28-11-2024 02:55 PM

Hey everyone!
Just on my break
How are we all?

tamobhuuta 28-11-2024 03:46 PM

Hi everyone, how are you all? Half my laundry is hanging up, half is in the dryer. In a minute I'm going to make a pot of tea for me and my siblings. Nice chilled day.

one_step_closer 28-11-2024 07:34 PM

Hope you're all getting on ok. What's everyone up to this evening?

What time do you finish work, Beckie?

Hope you had a nice relaxed day, Tamo.

long road 28-11-2024 08:19 PM

Stern looks appear to have worked asthma is behaving so far today. Although nighttime is always worse.

Woke up late at 12pm and then my friend came round for board games at 1pm so been busy until they left half an hour ago. Love to all!

Cacoethes 28-11-2024 08:52 PM

I finished at 6pm today, which was nice!

Relaxed day sounds good tamo!

I'm glad the stern looks helped jen!

tamobhuuta 29-11-2024 10:22 AM

Morning everyone.

Cacoethes 29-11-2024 11:40 AM

Morning tamo!
How are you?

not_so_insig 29-11-2024 01:14 PM

Afternoon all.

one_step_closer 29-11-2024 02:35 PM

Afternoon everyone.

How are you all? Doing anything nice today?

one_step_closer 29-11-2024 02:57 PM

Are any of the Taskmaster fans watching the Junior version?

long road 29-11-2024 03:10 PM

I am watching JTM not as good as TM original but enjoyably silly.

Also, Hello Everyone!

tamobhuuta 29-11-2024 04:10 PM

I went to Mass, that was nice :)

I don't watch taskmaster.

not_so_insig 29-11-2024 05:13 PM

Neither do I tamobhuuta. I hope that you enjoyed mass

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