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Cacoethes 24-11-2024 11:38 AM

I'm ok thanks
How are you?

one_step_closer 24-11-2024 01:39 PM

Afternoon. Hope you all have a good day.

Cacoethes 24-11-2024 02:01 PM

Hi lindsay
Thank you! Hope you do too

tamobhuuta 24-11-2024 02:49 PM

I'm ok thanks. Just got Mass at 5 today. What are you both up to?

Cacoethes 24-11-2024 03:04 PM

I have work today. 4pm until 12am. Maybe later if we're not finished with the audit. It's literally just going to be a day/night of counting allllll the stock. Boring :'(

tamobhuuta 24-11-2024 04:17 PM

Eurgh, I hope you can get some enjoyment out of it!

Cacoethes 24-11-2024 04:33 PM

I very much doubt it XD
But thanks!

one_step_closer 24-11-2024 07:11 PM

How is that even a possible thing, Beckie? Very weird hours. I think I would cry at some point during it. Hope it goes ok.

Cacoethes 24-11-2024 08:04 PM

Exceptional circumstances!
It's gonna suck

long road 25-11-2024 01:18 AM

Hope you have finished counting by now Beckie!

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 01:25 AM

Nope. About 60-70% ish done so far!
Probably another hour or two to go.
I was meant to leave at 12am. But I'm not tired and actually getting quite into it XD

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 09:21 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 25-11-2024 11:03 AM

Morning Cacoethes! What time did you get home last night??

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 11:29 AM

I got home at 4am. Went to bed around 4:30.
How are you?

one_step_closer 25-11-2024 01:22 PM

That sounds awful, Beckie. I couldn't work through the night. Did you manage to get some sleep? How are you today?

How are you, Tamo?

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 01:40 PM

I got a few hours. I'm ok thanks!
Not tired still. I'm sure I'll crash at some point.

How are you?

not_so_insig 25-11-2024 02:31 PM

Afternoon all.

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 02:37 PM

Hey dawn

one_step_closer 25-11-2024 02:57 PM

I hope you can get enough rest, Beckie.

I'm in a very long and unsure waiting mode because I don't know if/when my CPN is going to contact me or how he's going to do it - if he's going to come to my house or phone me.

Hi Dawn, how are you?

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 03:05 PM

I have done all my things, so I am now resting.
I'm not tired but may try a lie down

That's so anxiety provoking!
I hope that if he phones, he'll do it sooner rather than later!

long road 25-11-2024 03:47 PM

Hey everyone,
I was home all yesterday night but didn't get to sleep until 4am myself. Silly body/brain. But I woke up only a tiny bit later than my schedule (10:45 rather than 10:30) and have had a shower, meditated and had therapy session. Now having a late lunch.

Glad audit was weirdly enjoyable Beckie! Hope you got overtime pay! And hope you can rest if you try lying down

Hope your CPn gets in touch sooner rather than later Lindsay so you can get out. of waiting mode.

tamobhuuta 25-11-2024 04:05 PM

That's some overtime you're owed Cacoethes! Have you had a nap?

Sorry you didn't sleep well lr, well done for doing morning things.

Have you heard from your CPN osc?

How are you insig?

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 04:06 PM

Well done for all you've achieved jen!

Just normal pay unfortunately! But money is money!
I have not had a nap. I think I'm overtired and therefore hyper and not actually tired XD

tamobhuuta 25-11-2024 04:11 PM

I don't think I've ever been overtired, I just sleep!

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 04:15 PM

You are lucky XD
I'll hopefully just have an early night and not continue being like this!

not_so_insig 25-11-2024 04:56 PM

I am cold and bored. I am out of sync with my usual routine.

tamobhuuta 25-11-2024 05:08 PM

I hope you sleep well tonight Cacoethes.

Why are you out of sync insig?

not_so_insig 25-11-2024 05:25 PM

I can't say tamobhuuta because of the fact it's a public forum.

long road 25-11-2024 05:27 PM

I kind of described over tired as tired but not sleepy!

Being off routine sucks Dawn..I've been struggling with mine recently..Hope you can get back in track soon and thereby feel more settled.

Try not to get too zoomy Beckie!

How goes your day Tamo?

not_so_insig 25-11-2024 05:44 PM

Thanks Jen. I am hoping that I will be back to my usual routine this time next week.

Cacoethes 25-11-2024 05:55 PM

Thanks guys!
I'll try!

one_step_closer 25-11-2024 06:59 PM

Didn't hear anything from my CPN.

Well done for everything you've managed today, Jen.

Hope you can get back into your routine soon, Dawn.

Hope you sleep well tonight Beckie and don't dream about counting things!

Have you been up to anything exciting today, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 25-11-2024 08:55 PM

Fair enough insig.

I started a Christmas music list!

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 09:19 AM

Morning everyone!

long road 26-11-2024 10:31 AM


Cacoethes 26-11-2024 10:32 AM

Helloooo jen!
How are you?

long road 26-11-2024 10:39 AM

Eh mentally not too bad. Physically blargh. Had a load of seizures last night including falling out of bed.

How are you?

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 10:51 AM

Sorry to hear that :(
Hope today is a better day for you

I'm ok. Should probably get started on things I need to do but eugh

tamobhuuta 26-11-2024 11:34 AM

Morning guys. I think hugs all round are called for, for those who want them.

not_so_insig 26-11-2024 12:11 PM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 12:13 PM

Thanks tamo!
How are you?

one_step_closer 26-11-2024 12:46 PM

Morning almost afternoon everyone. Hope you all have some good things in your day.

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 01:10 PM

Thanks lindsay!
I have been to the shops and done my morning things
Also, brownies are in the oven, as has been requested by L, who 'accidentally' bought the ingredients the other day XD

How are you?

one_step_closer 26-11-2024 01:27 PM

What happens if this L requests brownies?!

I'm going to the colouring group with my friend today. Don't know how it will go as I just don't feel good mentally. Just need to remember not to do or say anything weird. I kind of feel like I shouldn't go.

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 01:48 PM

Then you shall get brownies!
I'll make a special batch for you next time I have a free day :-D

You should definitely go. For the distraction if nothing else

long road 26-11-2024 01:56 PM

Despite feeling blargh have managed to do some things. Regular routine stuff plus listening to music, and folding and putting away the clean washing . Now going to meditate.

Afternoon to all those who have appeared in the thread since I last posted (Tamo, Dawn, Lindsay)!

Thanks for hugs Tamo. What are your favourite Christmas songs that have made the playlist so far? I don't listen to Christmas Music until December but thats not far away!

Ooh Brownies Beckie!

Hope you manage to go to colouring group Lindsay

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 03:34 PM

Well done for the things jen!

long road 26-11-2024 04:21 PM

Thank you Beckie!

Now having coffee and a chat with my partner's parents.

Cacoethes 26-11-2024 04:23 PM

Sounds lovely! Hope you enjoy your afternoon!

tamobhuuta 26-11-2024 04:39 PM

The first song I put on was Driving Home For Christmas lr. Hope you're having a nice time.

I hope you have a good time at your colouring group osc!

Did the brownies turn out OK Cacoethes?

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