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not_so_insig 21-11-2024 08:07 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 09:04 AM

Morning Dawn!
How are you?

not_so_insig 21-11-2024 09:28 AM

Apart from slightly hurting tooth I am ok. Oh and feeling lonely.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 09:31 AM

Tooth pain is the worst.
Feeling lonely sucks

I'm ok thanks. Got a few bits to do today.

not_so_insig 21-11-2024 09:43 AM

Don't wear yourself out doing too much stuff. Glad you're ok though.

I have hearing voices group today if I can get out of the door. It's supposed to be icy today. I am not too clever on my feet at the best of times. I get scared of falling over. That is even if the roads are ok.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 10:12 AM

It's stuff I need to do, but not that many things so I'll be ok :)

Oh no! Fingers crossed for no ice. This weather is awful

long road 21-11-2024 10:50 AM

I have snow!

As I don't have anywhere to be today I am rather excited! Reminds me of when I was a kid. If I had places to be it would be annoying!

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 11:24 AM

Morning guys. I hope everyone can get to where they need to be!

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 11:27 AM

I'm glad you can enjoy it jen!
Is it a resting day?

Morning tamo!
I hope so too. I do need to defrost my car at some point XD

I've done all my things so idk what to do now.

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 11:35 AM

TV? Art? Reading? Those are my go-to activities! We just had 2 minutes of snow :)

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 11:39 AM

I wish I had the attention span for reading :(
I used to LOVE reading. I'd get through so many books, completely losing myself in them. I miss that.
We don't have any art type supplies and there's nothing I really want to watch.
Currently listening to music and random internetting.

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 11:45 AM

In hospital I would just sit and listen to music for ages.

long road 21-11-2024 11:48 AM

Having a chill day. No plans other than video chatting my brother this afternoon. Although would like a shower if I get the energy.

Have spent my morning listening to music and watching the snow fall. Currently drinking a coffee and enjoying the juxtaposiion between cosy inside and snowy outside

Could you do some baking Beckie?

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 11:51 AM

I hope you enjoy talking to your brother lr.

I've got to go pick up meds this afternoon, and do laundry.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 11:58 AM

That's basically all I did in hospital!

Chill day sounds good jen!
Fingers crossed for shower energy

Good luck with your tasks tamo

long road 21-11-2024 12:00 PM

I am looking forward to speaking to my bro. We get on really well. I do wish he lived in this country though so I could see him more.

Hope your laundry dries quickly Tamo!

Just a thought Beckie but would audioboks be easier to focus on? There are free ones on youtube

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 12:12 PM

I love that my big sis only lives 20 minutes away so I see her most weekends. I'll just rub that in your face...

long road 21-11-2024 12:15 PM

It's ok Tamo! My brother has lived in mainland Europe since 2011 so although I miss him I am used to it by now. Still really looking forward to our chat.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 12:16 PM

That sucks jen :(
I get on well with one of my brothers in particular. I don't see him all that often but it would be difficult if he was in another country!

I've never tried an audio book. It's certainly worth a go!

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 12:27 PM

Audiobooks are very handy when concentration is hard. Particularly if it's a book you know well.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 12:43 PM

I keep seeing books at work I fancy reading.
I used to like psychological thriller/crime thriller fiction books. We've got some ones at work that look good. I'll have to see if there are audio books available of one of them!

long road 21-11-2024 01:00 PM

I managed to shower!

Also to add on audiobooks front you can get some from virtual libraries/ Libby the library app. All for free just need a library card.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 02:27 PM

Yay! Well done!

Thank you, I'll give that a go!

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 05:09 PM

Am at CMHT waiting for meds. Tum ti tum.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 05:30 PM

Hopefully they haven't taken too long!

tamobhuuta 21-11-2024 05:36 PM

Not too long, was only waiting about 10 mins in the end :) how are you?

long road 21-11-2024 07:21 PM

Had a lovely time video chatting with my brother. Although bless him he has some tricky bits going on. Still good to be able to support him and also chat random stuff like always.

Now watching some TV while partner makes dinner.

not_so_insig 21-11-2024 08:31 PM

Hello all. I have been to my hearing voices group this afternoon. Was quite good.

Cacoethes 21-11-2024 10:14 PM

I've just been out to meet E :)
Was so lovely to see her

Cacoethes 22-11-2024 08:54 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 22-11-2024 11:07 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 22-11-2024 11:26 AM

I'm ok thanks. Just doing my morning things before work.

How are you?

tamobhuuta 22-11-2024 11:33 AM

I'm ok. Just going to have a cup of tea before Mass at 12pm. It's so cold!

Cacoethes 22-11-2024 11:35 AM

It is freezing!
Are you walking to mass?

tamobhuuta 22-11-2024 11:39 AM

I'm getting a lift there off my dad and and I'm walking back. I think I'm going to have to put a vest on.

Cacoethes 22-11-2024 12:19 PM

Definitely wrap up warm!

one_step_closer 22-11-2024 02:18 PM


It's very cold but there is some nice sun here instead of dullness which helps.

not_so_insig 22-11-2024 03:04 PM

It was cold here last night minus 12 Celsius! However I slept very soundly. I have no plans for today.

Cacoethes 22-11-2024 05:32 PM

Quite sunny here too. Well, it was. I'm at work so haven't been outside but it's probably getting dark now!

Cacoethes 23-11-2024 10:50 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 23-11-2024 11:50 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 23-11-2024 11:55 AM

Morning Dawn
How are you?

tamobhuuta 23-11-2024 12:22 PM

Morning guys, how are you?

not_so_insig 23-11-2024 12:36 PM

Apart from a slightly sore tooth and gum I am ok thanks tamobhuuta. But am in considerably less pain so far today.

How is the weather there? Here it is raining and windy. There's a considerable amount of snow left however.

Cacoethes 23-11-2024 01:22 PM

Morning tamo!

I'm ok thanks. Just arrived at work.
It's windy, raining and cold :'(
I don't want to leave my car! XD

one_step_closer 23-11-2024 01:48 PM

Thick snow here but I think it's raining now.

tamobhuuta 23-11-2024 03:52 PM

Cold, wet and windy here.

Cacoethes 23-11-2024 05:44 PM

I keep forgetting what the weather is like, until I go to chuck a box outside and it's like..oh. yeah. XD

Cacoethes 24-11-2024 10:02 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 24-11-2024 11:20 AM

Morning everyone, Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

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