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long road 06-11-2024 02:27 PM

Hey everyone!

I have my COVID jab at 2:30pm.
Trying to wake myself up enough time be able to leave the house.

one_step_closer 06-11-2024 02:39 PM

Hi, Tamo. I'm waiting on a call from my CPN so I'm a bit anxious. How is your day going so far?

Hi Jen, WAKEY WAKEY!! Hope everything goes ok with getting your jab.

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 02:47 PM

I hope your cpn helps osc.

I am ok. Looking forward to discharge tomorrow!

Have fun getting jabbed lr. It made my arm very sore.

Cacoethes 06-11-2024 02:51 PM

Hey guys
Just popping on during my break
All good so far!

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 02:52 PM

Good to hear :)

long road 06-11-2024 03:45 PM

Jabbed and home already! Arm isn't that sore yet my flu jab a few weeks ago hurt more but know it can take a while to develop.

Now I am eating a cookie as a well done for going outside treat.

Gla dour shift is going well Beckie

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 03:48 PM

Well done! My arms started hurting badly when I went to bed and wanted to lie on my side! (I had a flu jab in my other arm)

not_so_insig 06-11-2024 04:02 PM

I didn't experience any pain this time around from my covid jab but my flu jab hurt for a few days.

one_step_closer 06-11-2024 07:26 PM

Yay for discharge, Tamo! I hope it goes smoothly and you settle in well at home with some good support.

Glad you're getting on ok, Beckie.

Hope you enjoyed your cookie, Jen.

I got both my covid and flu jabs at the same time. The lady said the flu one would sting more as she put it in and it did. I think I only had sore arms for a couple of days. I was really worried though because I saw a CPN who had got hers and she was really unwell and had to go home.

Unfortunately my CPN was not helpful at all.

long road 06-11-2024 07:49 PM

I somehow missed tomorrow is discharge day for you Tamo hope it works out well. Enjoy being home and seeing cat.

It was a good cookie Lindsay and I have one left for after dinner tonight if I want it.

Sorry to hear your CPN wasn't helpful that said he doesn't sound particularly competent.

We are having spaghetti Bolognese for dinner.

one_step_closer 06-11-2024 07:52 PM

I never know what to expect with my CPN.

Enjoy your dinner and cookie if you have it. I've got some Maltesers for my 7.30pm snack and I might make an orange hot chocolate now as I got some a while ago but haven't tried it yet.

I think I'd love for chocolate orange milkshake to be a thing. Is it a thing?

Cacoethes 06-11-2024 08:21 PM

Hey everyone!
I have returned!

Cacoethes 07-11-2024 08:48 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 07-11-2024 11:24 AM

Morning Cacoethes how are you?

tamobhuuta 07-11-2024 11:46 AM

I've had my discharge meeting, just waiting for meds and Dad now!

one_step_closer 07-11-2024 01:36 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Are you working today, Beckie?

Good news, Tamo! Are you on your way home yet?

Cacoethes 07-11-2024 02:18 PM

Hey guys!
I'm ok thanks. Am indeed working today. Just on break

Yay tamo! Enjoy being home!

How are you lindsay?

one_step_closer 07-11-2024 02:35 PM

How long do you get for a break? Hope your shift is going well and continues that way.

I'm being moany because I have had a sore throat for months and it's annoying me now. Don't have a GP appointment until the 28th.

tamobhuuta 07-11-2024 02:46 PM

I'm home :)

Sorry about your sore throat osc.

I hope work is going OK Cacoethes.

not_so_insig 07-11-2024 03:04 PM

Yay tamobhuuta. Don't forget that a week today is the last ever episode of Doctors. They have an documentary about Doctors at 2.35 pm next Thursday.

one_step_closer 07-11-2024 06:54 PM

Hope you're nice and comfy and relaxed at home, Tamo.

How has your day been so far, Dawn?

not_so_insig 07-11-2024 07:02 PM

I met a friend for coffee before Lindsay. Our usual place was full so we tried a new place. The coffee was weak and tasteless so we both decided not to bother with there again as neither of us were happy.

I am busy cleaning my flat so won't be around much this evening. Only got 4 things left to.

one_step_closer 07-11-2024 07:07 PM

That's a shame you and your friend didn't enjoy your coffee. Hope you can get in your usual place the next time you meet. Good luck with your tasks.

Cacoethes 07-11-2024 10:15 PM

Breaks are 30 mins. Feels like 5 mins though XD

Sore throat for that long sounds awful!

Cacoethes 08-11-2024 08:41 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 08-11-2024 11:02 AM

Morning! How are you?

Cacoethes 08-11-2024 11:25 AM

I'm ok thanks.
Had a productive morning!
Been to town to get meds (they aren't ready yet though), went to poundland for drinks for work, cleaned out the piggos, showered and washed up and cleaned kitchen.

How are you?
How is being home?

tamobhuuta 08-11-2024 11:31 AM

Well done! I'm good thanks, quiet day ahead.

Cacoethes 08-11-2024 11:46 AM


Good! Definitely better to take things slow after being in hospital for a while

tamobhuuta 08-11-2024 12:05 PM

Yeah. Mum's not keen on me going back to daily mass straight away.

Cacoethes 08-11-2024 12:05 PM

Probably best to build up

tamobhuuta 08-11-2024 02:06 PM

How goes your day?

one_step_closer 08-11-2024 02:45 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Hope work is going well if you've started your shift, Beckie.

Take it easy, Tamo, and just enjoy the novelty of being at home.

long road 08-11-2024 03:09 PM

Hey everyone,

I had a late start after a rough night with my FND woke up around 12pm. Trying a new blend of coffee today and really enjoying it. Would like to shower at some point but have yet to find energy as pain is still bad today.

Hope work goes well Beckie! Try not to overdo do it as I have seen you have taken on overtime shifts!

Hope you can enjoy being home Tamo. Expect it's much more peaceful than on the ward!

How is your day going Lindsay?

one_step_closer 08-11-2024 03:22 PM

Hi Jen, sorry you had a hard night. Hope your pain eases and you can have a shower if that would help you feel better. Brave trying a new coffee! Glad you like it though.

I managed to get to see a nurse about my sore throat but she couldn't see an infection so have no idea why it's been like this for months. Have to try a spray and gargling salt water for 2 weeks and request another appointment if it's not better.

long road 08-11-2024 03:59 PM

The coffee is from a company I know and like so has a good chance if being tasty!

Hope the spray etc. helps. If not and it isn't an infection. Maybe it something like acid reflux making it sore? Whatever it is I hope that you can get to the bottom of it with GP and get it fixed!

tamobhuuta 08-11-2024 05:01 PM

It's so nice and quiet at home!

I hope your throat clears up soon osc.

Sorry you're feeling rough today lr, I hope things improve.

long road 08-11-2024 06:39 PM

Lovely to hear Tamo. Hope you can enjoy it!

Pain continues to suck..Managed a nap for a couple of hours. Trying to roleplay tonight finishing off our silly fantasy adventure

tamobhuuta 08-11-2024 07:05 PM


Crisis Team said they would come between 1 and 6pm. They officially haven't. I could have had an appointment!

one_step_closer 08-11-2024 07:28 PM

I hope you can enjoy your role-play, Jen.

Crisis teams around the country just turn up whenever they feel like it I think. Although mine are usually ok.

long road 08-11-2024 08:09 PM

Eurgh crisis team and their terrible timekeeping. Can you ring the office to chase Tamo?

I have ordered pizza for dinner that should be here soon and taken some painkillers. Roleplay starts at 8pm.

Cacoethes 09-11-2024 09:18 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 09-11-2024 12:47 PM

Morning Cacoethes how are you?

Crisis Team didn't come in the end, they rang at half 6 with their apologies.

Cacoethes 09-11-2024 01:36 PM

Afternoon tamo!
I'm ok thanks.
Been busy this morning.
Had a lymphatic drainage massage thing, then rushed to get meds and I'm now at work. Again!

That's annoying. At least they apologised I guess. But it's still not on!
How are you otherwise?

one_step_closer 09-11-2024 01:51 PM

Afternoon everyone.

That's not good, Tamo. Have they rearranged?

Hope work isn't too busy but it goes quickly, Beckie.

tamobhuuta 09-11-2024 02:21 PM

I'm doing fine, they'll come today between 1 and 6.

Don't wear yourself out Cacoethes!

How are you osc?

Cacoethes 09-11-2024 03:06 PM

It is busy.
I'm already past worn out. Can't stop yawning XD

one_step_closer 09-11-2024 03:11 PM

They better come today, Tamo. Or else!

Can you hide somewhere and have a nap, Beckie?

My stupid brain is just being an idiot as usual.

not_so_insig 09-11-2024 03:14 PM

Afternoon all.

tamobhuuta 09-11-2024 03:16 PM

Stupid brains, I don't know why we have them!

Hi insig how are you?

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