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long road 31-10-2024 08:28 PM

I am playing the Alien RPG bit of horror for Halloween night.

Glad you are home safe Beckie. Hopefully you don't need to go again!

Cacoethes 31-10-2024 08:34 PM

I am indeed!
Doubt I'd be allowed to do anything but rest and recover XD

Ignoring sounds like the best thing to do!

I think people with mh problems get invited for them too. Maybe something to do with medication?
I get invited to them because of both epilepsy and mh.

Hope you enjoy it jen!

long road 31-10-2024 09:27 PM

We just found someone we were looking for in our mission. They have been eaten by something! And then we found a pulsing alien cocoon!

not_so_insig 31-10-2024 09:34 PM

Idk if it's different in Scotland Lindsay but in Wales they give out flu jabs to people with severe mh problems. I qualify due to that. Like you I was confused too but I have it due to that. Also if your bmi is above 40 you qualify too. I would definitely get it.

Cacoethes 31-10-2024 11:19 PM

Sounds scary jen!

We've just watched Orphan. Good film!

long road 31-10-2024 11:41 PM

The fun kind of scary. Perfect for Halloween!

long road 01-11-2024 12:11 AM

More aliens! more drama! I am enjoying myself.

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 07:02 AM

Glad you enjoyed yourself jen!

Morning everyone

one_step_closer 01-11-2024 12:00 PM

Morning everyone.

Sounds wild, Jen! Glad you had fun.

How are you today, Beckie?

My friend said people with MH problems who are on antipsychotics should get the vaccines but I've been on antipsychotics for many years and have never been offered the flu vaccine. The only thing that has changed this year is I have a folate deficiency. And I wouldn't consider my MH problems to be severe. It's just a bit puzzling why I'm only now being offered the vaccines.

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 12:24 PM

Morning lindsay!

I'm ok thanks. Bit tired!

Maybe they've only just realised?
The NHS isn't known for their top tier communication!

tamobhuuta 01-11-2024 01:08 PM

Good afternoon osc and Cacoethes, and anyone else!

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 01:20 PM

Hey tamo!
How are you?

tamobhuuta 01-11-2024 01:41 PM

I'm ok thanks, didn't wake up till 11. How's your day going?

not_so_insig 01-11-2024 01:43 PM

Afternoon all. It's chilly here today.

tamobhuuta 01-11-2024 01:45 PM

Hi insig. It's chilly here too. How are you?

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 02:16 PM

Nice lie in tamo!
My day is going OK thanks!

Hey dawn

Cold here too!

one_step_closer 01-11-2024 04:48 PM

Hope you enjoyed your lie in, Tamo. Anything nice happening today?

Have you been out for a drive yet, Beckie?

Cold here also, don't think we'll be getting warm weather for a while now! Hope you're all warm enough.

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 05:36 PM

I have indeed lindsay!
Went out this morning. Thought the longer I left it, the more anxious I'd be.

Probably not!
It's warm in the house, luckily!

Have you been up to much today?

tamobhuuta 01-11-2024 05:40 PM

I have many layers on. Also I have leave with relatives so I'm going out with L after dinner :)

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 05:41 PM

Yay! Bet you're looking forward to that tamo!

tamobhuuta 01-11-2024 05:44 PM

It's the start of things going back to normal :) also there's a woman who keeps screaming at 20 minute intervals so, I feel heartless saying it, it'll be nice to get away from that.

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 05:59 PM

Always good!
That sounds super annoying!

one_step_closer 01-11-2024 07:17 PM

How did you find the drive, Beckie?

Hope you have a nice time with L, Tamo.

I just went for my vaccinations then had lots of housework and stuff to catch up with. I hate when my routine is a bit different.

What's everyone doing this evening?

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 08:05 PM

Was ok thanks! Was very anxious but managed!
Just been out again, to get used to driving in the dark.

Being out of routine can be very unsettling.
Well done for doing it though!

I've just been to get a 2g2g bag from greggs (train snacks for tomorrow!) And the usual dinner and film/series

tamobhuuta 01-11-2024 09:42 PM

Well done for going for your jabs osc.

Well done for coping with the anxiety Cacoethes.

I had a good time with L.

Ahimsa 01-11-2024 10:18 PM

Train snacks are a massive win Beckie!

Cacoethes 01-11-2024 10:37 PM

Thanks tamo!
Glad you had a good time

They are indeed beth!!
It's a fairly long train ride, so will be needed!

Cacoethes 02-11-2024 07:52 AM

Morning everyone!

long road 02-11-2024 10:47 AM


Ahimsa 02-11-2024 11:04 AM

Morning Beckie, LR!

long road 02-11-2024 12:05 PM

Morning Beth!

I am having a slow morning despite sleeping most of yesterday still struggling to wake up! Have had breakfast and coffee. Going to try and drag myself to shower shortly.

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 12:43 PM

Morning all, how are we?

long road 02-11-2024 12:58 PM

Tired! Have showered but it took most of my energy.

How are you Tamo?

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 01:06 PM

I'm ok. Went for coffee with Mum, have to fill the day now!

long road 02-11-2024 01:12 PM

Ooh coffee. Hope you find something to fill your day so you don't get overly bored.

one_step_closer 02-11-2024 01:18 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Where are you going today, Beckie?

Well done with having a shower, Jen.

Have you got any other visitors or groups on today, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 01:50 PM

There's nothing on the board. I think I've used up my leave, I get 2 hours with relatives and I think I was out for 1.5 hrs including time spent waiting for them to let me back in! What are you up to osc?

one_step_closer 02-11-2024 02:31 PM

That's a shame. Have you got any ideas about what you might occupy yourself with?

I've done all my main things - chemist, shop, washing, cleaned kitchen and bathroom. Also done all my initial internetting so have a bit of a void in my schedule which I'm not happy about. Next thing is writing in my diary at 3pm.

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 03:54 PM

I'm just doing my usual praying and reading. I did my physio, that just takes a few minutes. I'm part way through a film, I will watch more of that.

Almost journal time! How did you fill the void?

Ahimsa 02-11-2024 05:39 PM

So Beckie and I met in 3D irl today!

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 06:08 PM

Awesome did you have a good time?

one_step_closer 02-11-2024 07:06 PM

Is your foot still sore, Tamo?

I packaged a Vinted order, made a tag for one of my Squishmallows, and did some colouring.

That is so exciting, Beth! What did you get up to?

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 07:37 PM

No, it's not sore anymore. But the physio said to carry on with the exercises so I'm obeying.
I love squishmallows!

one_step_closer 02-11-2024 07:42 PM

Well done you!

I have far too many Squishmallows!

not_so_insig 02-11-2024 08:01 PM

Hello all.

What are squishmallows? Are they edible?

Ahimsa 02-11-2024 09:00 PM

They're not edible - they're soft toys but filled with super super soft filling.

Beckie is going to a gig tonight up North, and her train went through York, which is about a half hour drive from me and also where I went to uni so a city I know well! We mainly wondered around but I took her to a few fun places.

She can now verify my shortness! However my lack of Yorkshire accent disappointed her.

tamobhuuta 02-11-2024 10:26 PM

You mean you don't have a comical Yorkshire accent? Sad times.

not_so_insig 02-11-2024 11:37 PM

Thanks for verifying Beth. For some reason I thought that they were flavoured marshmallows.

Cacoethes 02-11-2024 11:49 PM

Hellloo everyone!

I can indeed verify Beth's shortness! And awesome hair too. We had a very good time!
Though yes, disappointed at lack of Yorkshire accent XD

The gig was amazing also! Just back at the hotel

Ahimsa 02-11-2024 11:52 PM

Beckie did get a "you'll be able to spot me, I'm super short and have pink hair".

I mean it was a valid description.

I'm glad the gig was good!! :)

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