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Ahimsa 27-10-2024 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4390723)
I love your hat osc!

I hope you enjoy the quiz Ahimsa.

I hope your night is breathing drama free lr.

The quiz is just reading it, I don't take part in it. I'll help the bar staff between questions.

long road 27-10-2024 08:40 PM

Thanks Tamo!

Hi Dawn!

Hope quiz reading goes smoothly Beth!

What's everyone up to? I have been watching an anime called Spy x Family with my partner.

tamobhuuta 27-10-2024 08:51 PM

Oh ok, have fun reading the quiz Ahimsa!

Hi insig, how are you?

I'm reading, waiting for meds and bedtime.

long road 27-10-2024 09:05 PM

What you reading Tamo?

Eurgh the wait for meds...

Cacoethes 27-10-2024 09:12 PM

Aww thanks lindsay!

Hope the quiz goes ok beth!

Your hat sounds awesome lindsay

tamobhuuta 27-10-2024 09:51 PM

Just now some sermons by Fr Timothy Radcliffe but I've been dipping in and out of various religious themed things today.

Ahimsa 27-10-2024 11:50 PM

Beckie I need your help, where do I find an L of my own?

not_so_insig 28-10-2024 07:05 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 28-10-2024 07:35 AM

L found me on an app!
I do hope you find your L soon beth!

Morning Dawn

one_step_closer 28-10-2024 12:40 PM

Morning everyone.

It's funny how Beckie has an L, Tamo has an L, and I am an L. L's are the best people!

How are you all?

not_so_insig 28-10-2024 12:49 PM

I agree Lindsay. I have 3 friends including Lorraine from here beginning with L. Plus my other name begins with L.

I am ok except for an headache and very tired. I have been awake since 4.10 am! Had an hours sleep though since. I had to wait for an man to inspect my bathroom and he was due between 8 am and 4 pm. Fortunately he came about 9.30 am so I went back to bed.

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 01:11 PM

Afternoon all. Just saw my dad :)

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 01:15 PM

Ahh I have tried ALL of the apps.

How is everyone?

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 01:21 PM

I am ok. I'm really jealous of another patient's new speaker. It's shaped like a koala and flashes different colours. How are you?

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 01:25 PM

Ooh that sounds really cool!

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 01:27 PM

It's awesome. Want.

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 01:37 PM

Ask where its from!

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 01:55 PM

TK Maxx - home of all things amazing.

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 02:07 PM

I love TK Maxx/Homesense!

How's your day going?

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 02:23 PM

OK thanks, might go on leave later. How's your day going?

one_step_closer 28-10-2024 02:57 PM

Very early start, Dawn. Did you get some sleep when you went back to bed?

Did you have a nice time with your Dad, Tamo. That speaker sounds too cool to bring into hospital and not have it stolen! Hope you get on well if you go on leave.

What are you getting up to, Beth?

not_so_insig 28-10-2024 03:14 PM

Yes I got about an hour's sleep Lindsay. I am finding that staying in the bedroom where it's dark is helping my bad head. Fortunately I don't have to be up so early tomorrow but I do have my cpn coming so do have to set my alarum clock.

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 03:22 PM

My day is okay, I had an interview this morning (not good, don't want to work there, bit of a waste of time, not what the online application said), and then I've had the new heating system put in, there's now a hole in my wall I need to sort!

I've done the washing up and put a wash on too.

I hope your head feels better soon Insig. How're you OSC?

not_so_insig 28-10-2024 03:31 PM

Thanks Beth.

Cacoethes 28-10-2024 05:15 PM

Keep persevering beth!
I was incredibly lucky that I was only on the app for 2 weeks, and so was L! Universe decided to give us both a break for once XD
You will find your L.

Hello again everyone!

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4390776)
Keep persevering beth!
I was incredibly lucky that I was only on the app for 2 weeks, and so was L! Universe decided to give us both a break for once XD
You will find your L.

Hello again everyone!

I've been on for just over 10 years, on 5 different apps, and a 30 mile radius - and on every one I've got "You've seen everyone within your filters"

My filters aren't even that small!

I've had a grand total of ZERO matches.

How're you?

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 06:46 PM

I did have a nice time with my dad thanks osc, and leave went well. We went to tk maxx because I needed a jumper, and I bought a dress I love and a jumper I'm not sure about sizewise.

one_step_closer 28-10-2024 06:52 PM

Are you at least going to be nice and cosy with your new heating system, Beth?

How has your day been so far, Beckie?

I'm glad you got a dress that you love, Tamo. You can always take the jumper back if you're not sure about it.

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 07:02 PM

Remember on Friday when I said my card had been frauded and I had to call on Monday to get the payments refunded? Apparently now my name and DOB failed security so I have to go in. They closed them all apart from the city centre.

They are open 9:30-3pm Monday to Friday. It's 45 minutes away, and I'm meant to be at work at 10:15am.

I also had to move my GP appointment from last Thursday, because I was seeing my police officer (who then cancelled) and had managed to get in tomorrow at 8:45. I've now had to rearrange that again and they can't see me until the end of November.

So I've had to call work and tell them I'll be in late, and will have to make that time back up. SO angry. Luckily I have another account and another card to pay for parking, as its card only.

Cacoethes 28-10-2024 07:20 PM

I'm sorry you're having such a **** time beth :(
Well, **** time seems an understatement at this point
I wish life would give you a break!

I'm ok. Interesting psych appointment today but it wasn't too bad

one_step_closer 28-10-2024 07:23 PM

It's time that seems to be messing with you a lot, Beth. You need Bernard's watch. So sorry things are getting messed up again.

What are you doing with your evening, Beckie?

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 07:25 PM

That's just my life, it's nothing new.

Even the past 3 months,
- my cat got diagnosed with lymphoma and I lost her
- my floor fell through
- I was almost made redundant
- Everything with my police case
- Tried to replace my doors - 2 joiners, 3 replaced doors and now a full set of replaced handles in 3 months.
- Fraud on my card

What is Bernard's watch?

one_step_closer 28-10-2024 07:28 PM


Bernard's Watch was a kids TV show. Bernard had a watch that he could use to stop time and everything and everyone stopped except for him so he could go places and do stuff.

Cacoethes 28-10-2024 07:30 PM

L is cooking dinner and we'll probably watch a film

Bernard's watch was a kids tv show in the 90's. A kid had a stopwatch that could stop time.
I wanted one DESPERATELY!

Hopefully life giving you a break could be something new that happens soon

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 08:07 PM

What are you having for dinner?

Cacoethes 28-10-2024 08:14 PM

Fish pie and veg. Smells good!
Decided to watch thor:ragnorok

tamobhuuta 28-10-2024 08:23 PM

Hey guys. Sorry things are so **** Ahimsa.
Enjoy dinner Cacoethes. The veggie option here was a kind of creamy vegetable pie so I had a cheese sandwich instead.

Ahimsa 28-10-2024 08:32 PM

Enjoy Beckie!

Tamo, I'd have made the same decision!!

Cacoethes 28-10-2024 09:46 PM

It was very tasty!

Cheese sandwich definitely sounds better!

Cacoethes 29-10-2024 06:47 AM

Morning everyone

long road 29-10-2024 11:59 AM


one_step_closer 29-10-2024 12:12 PM

Morning. How are you all?

Cacoethes 29-10-2024 12:22 PM

Morning guys!

I'm tired XD
We've just been to the secret farm for pumpkin picking (it's not a secret, it's just called that for some reason)

How are you both?

tamobhuuta 29-10-2024 12:29 PM

Morning all. The roving ward round team is on the move!

one_step_closer 29-10-2024 12:38 PM

Aww I wanted it to be a secret farm! Disappointing. I've never been pumpkin picking, looks fun seeing all the different kinds of pumpkins.

Will you be seeing them today, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 29-10-2024 12:47 PM

Hey osc. No, I'll see them on Thursday. What are you up to?

tamobhuuta 29-10-2024 01:22 PM

I'm sleepy, I want to go back to bed but it's almost lunchtime.

long road 29-10-2024 02:36 PM

Hey everyone. I seem to be mostly recovered from my illness now, asthma is definitely calming down.

Trying not to overdo do it though. Achieved all my morning routine goals today which doesn't happen every day. Just about to have beans on toast for lunch and then partners parents are popping over for a chat this afternoon.

Ooh Pumpkins!

Did you nap Tamo?

not_so_insig 29-10-2024 05:49 PM

Afternoon all. I have had my cpn before and sat outside. Then had a nap.

one_step_closer 29-10-2024 06:59 PM

Am I the only one who doesn't possess the skills needed to nap?

How has your day been, Tamo?

I'm glad to hear that, Jen. Hope you have enjoyed your day.

Did it go ok with your CPN, Dawn?

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