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Ahimsa 25-10-2024 12:55 PM

I started the therapy homework for tonight, I don't know if it helped or not but I need to head back anyway. I put the kettle on to make some pasta but I dont have time now as I got too focused on this.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 01:10 PM

Well done tamo!

It is nice to be home
I've done the household jobs I needed to do and tuna pasta bake is in the oven! Just need to fold washing now. And wait for other washing to finish.

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 01:33 PM

Are you still supposed to be resting?.....

Bit annoyed because the psych told me he was putting me on a new med three times a day for anxiety yesterday morning, but it hasn't made it onto my meds chart.

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 01:37 PM

Hi everyone, lots of doing stuff happening!

That is very annoying, Tamo. Seems to happen a lot. Are they trying to sort it?

Hope therapy goes well, Beth.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 01:39 PM

Technically yes tamo...
It's fine. I feel good!

That is annoying tamo!
You should hassle them. Try and get it sorted before the weekend!

Hi lindsay! How are you?

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 01:51 PM

You should be obeying the technically side, Beckie!

I'm not great but it's ok. Dreading the clocks changing this weekend.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 01:53 PM

Since when do I do that?! :tongue2:

Sorry to hear that :(
Clock changes throw me off too

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 01:54 PM

Yes I know you are a total rebel!

I'm just hoping it doesn't mess up my getting out of bed time because I have worked hard to sort it out. I saw that there was a health/sciencey company thing saying we should stick to GMT all the time for our health and the government should change it but the government aren't considering it.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 02:19 PM

Without a cause!

I've never thought it made sense tbh!

long road 25-10-2024 02:22 PM

You are so getting teacher face again tonight Beckie XD

I think British Summer Time became a thing due to WW1.

I rested listening to music for a bit but didn't manage to nap. NP texted to check in with a link for me to text back. I have done so and now waiting on response.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 02:29 PM

I 100% am XD

Hope for a quick response jen!

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 02:34 PM

Waiting for phone calls etc is torture!

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 02:54 PM

It Is indeed!

You up to much lindsay?

long road 25-10-2024 04:11 PM

* zooms in and then back out of thread*

No response yet. I told her that things have improved a bit with meds. Gave her current stats/ symptoms. And asked whether to have last dose of steroids as planned tomorrow or to extend the course from 5 days to 7 days due to flare last night.

Trying to rest but super restless. Also properly exhausted. I am going to crash soon if I can't manage to help myself.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 04:11 PM

Guess Who Has Their Driving Licence Baaackkkk!!!

Silly ryl. That deserved caps

long road 25-10-2024 04:13 PM

Hooray! I know how much freedom your car gave you.

Hopefully will be extra motivation to engage with psych / cc and stay out of hospital.

Also worth checking with OT re driving and reduced leg strength.

But all in all so happy for you.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 04:48 PM

Yeah definitely!
I wouldn't be able to get insurance and stuff sorted until next week anyway so I have time to check with the relevant people

Thank you! :-D

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 04:52 PM

Yaaaasssss Beckie!!!

I am home!

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 04:56 PM

Thank you!!
It's a restricted licence, for a year, but I really don't care about that currently XD

And yay for being home!
Any plans?

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 04:58 PM

I have therapy at 6, and then I'm back at work at 8:30am tomorrow so can't go too wild!

What does it mean for it to be restricted?

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 05:15 PM

Hopefully rest is on the cards then??

Just that it runs out in a year, so I'll have to renew it and get medical letters again. Otherwise, it's a normal licence.

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 05:28 PM

It all depends how the session is really.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 05:46 PM

I guess so.
Hope it goes ok

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 06:10 PM

Yay, Beckie! Hope you are fit to drive soon.

Hope therapy goes well, Beth.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 06:13 PM

Thank you!

What are your plans this evening lindsay?
We are watching the pasta video again D:

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 06:22 PM

Not the pasta video!!! Aren't you having pasta for dinner too? :laugh:

I will just be doing my usual. A bit of internetting then TV. What about you?

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 06:35 PM

Yep! Luckily a nicer pasta than is shown on thr video XD

Watching anything good?

S is super hyper, so it's just making sure the house is secure, he is safe and pray he goes to bed soon XD

long road 25-10-2024 06:41 PM

I never got a reply to my message. Sigh! Will make the judgement call on whether to extend Steroids on Sunday either by myself or phone 111 for advice I guess.

Sort of rested for a bit lying in bed listening to music but couldn't nap far too wired but at least resting reduced the agitation a bit and mad eme feel a little more with it..

Sorry realised i didn't reply to any of the above stuff. Not functioning particularly well. Past a video bad. Pasta bake good. TV show good?

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 06:41 PM

Hi everyone, hope your evenings are going well.

Congrats Cacoethes!

one_step_closer 25-10-2024 06:43 PM

I will keep my brain fingers crossed for S going to bed soon!

I have an episode of Crimewatch Caught to finish then I will watch Ambulance then I don't know what.

That's annoying, Jen. Maybe better phoning 111 for advice.

Hi, Tamo. How has your day been?

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 06:45 PM

It's been ok thanks. How was yours?

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 07:05 PM

Oh no jen!
I'd phone 111, to be safe.

My nanny is on steroids currently. They always make her hyper too. She goes all speedy XD

Good plan lindsay

I *think* S has gone to bed. L has gone to check. Either that or he's up to no good! But probably bed.

Glad you had an OK day tamo

long road 25-10-2024 07:43 PM

I am sooooo speedy!!!!

I will probably phone 111 if I still feel rubbish on Sunday. But they will probably ask my opinion cos I know my asthma best have had a lot of steroids in past etc. So I could just do it off my own back. Standard course is either 5 or 7 days anyways. Although appreciate 111 is the sensible way to do it. And that I probably shouldn't make decisions when my brain is like this.

We have ordered pizza as partner is ill too.

Just about not pacing everywhere

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 07:49 PM

Could you ask your partner for advice on 111?

What pizza are you getting?

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 07:57 PM

Ooo pizza!

long road 25-10-2024 08:14 PM

I had a Hawaiian pizza. It was rather tasty.

Partner double checking Brain sounds sensible potatoes. I have 1 prescribed dose left for tomorrow so don't have to decide until Sunday afternoon anyway.

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 08:23 PM

Sensible potatoes?

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 08:56 PM


long road 25-10-2024 09:15 PM

Sorry for the confusion. When I can't think of a word I sometimes substitute potatoes. I also used I use potatoes as a substitute for swearing words when I was younger as my mum was strict about not swearing at home when we were kids. I assume I meant to say idea but substituted potatoes.

Suppose it makes me sound like badger from bodger and badger.

Just me going slightly doolally nothing to see here *whistles*

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 10:07 PM

Good explanation!

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 10:15 PM

Makes sense!

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 10:53 PM

I love when after one hell of a week, someone commits fraud on my bank account. Why is nothing good.

long road 25-10-2024 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4390620)
Good explanation!

Thanks it took me a while to make my words makes sense. It's a bit of an odd one.

long road 25-10-2024 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ahimsa (Post 4390623)
I love when after one hell of a week, someone commits fraud on my bank account. Why is nothing good.

Oh no!!! I hope you can get the money back!

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 11:20 PM

Hopefully, the TEN transactions (all done to the same place within an hour) are pending so they can't do anything til they clear and they "try to refund them" and my card is stopped in the meantime and they're posting a new one to me.

Cacoethes 26-10-2024 08:26 AM

Morning guys

Oh god how awful beth!
I hope it manages to be sorted asap

long road 26-10-2024 10:50 AM


I got a reasonable amount of sleep last night. Although woke up quite a few times and had some super weird dreams.

How are you Beckie?

Cacoethes 26-10-2024 10:58 AM

Glad you got some sleep!
I also had weird dreams!
How are the lungs?

I did not sleep overly well, despite extra promethazine!
And S has been extremely challenging. But he's at his dad's now and we're setting off for Bristol soon!

long road 26-10-2024 11:20 AM

Lungs are middling. Haven't needed any nebs in 32 hours which is a good sign. Managing with just inhalers.

Not sleeping sucks you have my sympathy.

Bon Voyage to Bristol! Hope the roads are ok.

Cacoethes 26-10-2024 11:22 AM

That's better than nothing!

Thanks! It does suck! Not tired though, which is good!

Thank you!

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