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Ahimsa 21-10-2024 08:02 PM

Ooh doughnuts!!

I was meant to go shopping after work but I'm too tired, but I do need some dinner so may have to pop to local Sainsbury's for something to eat and some milk and bread.

I've had to rearrange my appointments again, because I have to see my police officer instead, where I did have them booked. I was number 23 when I called, so went in on my lunch break and queued in person for 40 minutes, and the receptionist wouldn't move it until I told her what I had that was more important that I wouldn't move instead.

long road 21-10-2024 08:11 PM

Ooh blueberry sounds extra good. I like biscoff as well but sometimes it can be too grainy.

I hate receptionists like that who demand to know your business Beth.

Ahimsa 21-10-2024 08:13 PM

I was like "Its for a police interview which I have no say when it is so can you PLEASE just move my appointment."

long road 21-10-2024 08:20 PM

Well done for standing your ground but sorry that you had to fight to rearrange.

Ahimsa 21-10-2024 08:39 PM

I mean, it's rearranged for a months time.

She didn't seem to understand why when I say my break is 12-1 and it's a 10 minute journey away, I couldn't do a 12pm appointment and spent ages arguing that with me.

I'm like, unfortunately I can't teleport so I'll have to drive from work to you. I'm sorry for my lack of skills.

Cacoethes 21-10-2024 08:52 PM

Receptionists can be such dicks

Ahimsa 21-10-2024 08:58 PM

Not all, I am a veterinary receptionist remember ;)

Cacoethes 21-10-2024 09:16 PM

*can* be!
The receptionists at my GP are lovely

Ahimsa 21-10-2024 09:28 PM

Aha was that a sneaky edit?

I'm glad you've got good ones! Equally I work with some that I'm like, "err no, not okay" when I overhear them!

Cacoethes 21-10-2024 10:18 PM

Nope! No editing!

Tbh, the piggos have been with 2 vets and the receptionists there have been amazing

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 03:03 AM

Morning everyone

long road 22-10-2024 08:51 AM


You were awake super early Beckie! How are you?

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 08:56 AM

Woke up at 1am for some reason XD
I was generally OK until psych just called lol

How are you?

long road 22-10-2024 09:30 AM

Glad despite pesky psych you are generally ok. Maybe you can nap this afternoon?

I just phoned GP surgery should get a call back from duty to triage me at some point. I am a bit blargh but better than last night. Mind you asthma is generally worse at night

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 09:46 AM

I'm not tired in the slightest so we'll see!

Glad you're a bit better. Hope they're helpful!

tamobhuuta 22-10-2024 09:49 AM

Morning guys.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 09:57 AM

Morning tamo
How are you?

one_step_closer 22-10-2024 11:01 AM

Morning everyone.

Waking up at 1am is not fun. Evil psych removing your general ok-ness. I hope your day improves.

Hope you get a call back soon, Jen.

How are you, Tamo?

long road 22-10-2024 11:11 AM

Had phone call with nurse, agreed to wait and see how it develops as asthma only really started flaring yesterday and I am feeling a bit better asthma wise today even though feel full of cold. Can call back this afternoon if it gets worse and talk to this nurse or tomorrow and talk to Nurse Practitioner who knows me better.

Morning Lindsay!

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 11:14 AM

Morning lindsay
How are you?

Yes, very annoyed at psych currently!
Had a GP appointment and that went quite well, which is good!

Sounds good jen!
Any other plans for the day?

one_step_closer 22-10-2024 11:18 AM

I'm glad you have a plan and good people around you to do what is best for you, Jen. Hope you can have a settled day and just have your cold to moan about. I find moaning when you have a cold is really helpful!

I'm glad your GP appointment went well, Beckie. Do you have anything else to do today?

I'm sad and anxious. It's colouring group day and usually that cheers me up but I don't know if it will today. I feel a bit awkward about going.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 11:25 AM

Thanks lindsay
I'm expecting some phone calls but that's about it
Hopefully they call once I get home because the signal is literally non existent in my village! But it's only a 5 min walk from the bus stop, so should be alright.

Sorry to hear that lindsay. I wish I could help. Sending love
Hopefully colouring group will have at least a smidge of positivity to your day *crosses fingers*

one_step_closer 22-10-2024 11:53 AM

Thanks, Beckie.

More phone calls! I can barely even deal with one.

tamobhuuta 22-10-2024 11:56 AM

Boo to psych Cacoethes!

I hope you do enjoy your colouring group osc.

I'm glad your asthma has improved a little lr.

I am ok, had a nice time with my dad, got my CPN coming soon.

one_step_closer 22-10-2024 11:59 AM

What did you do with your Dad, Tamo? I hope it goes well with your CPN.

tamobhuuta 22-10-2024 12:01 PM

He brought flasks of tea and we chatted :)

one_step_closer 22-10-2024 12:04 PM

Sounds good. I'm glad people can regularly visit you.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 12:14 PM

All the phone calls!
Also need to call the hairdresser, I popped in as it's on the way home, but they were closed. It's a tiny place so may have been on lunch or something.

Sounds nice tamo!
Hope it goes well with cpn!

long road 22-10-2024 12:35 PM

Meant to be doing a video call with my brother at 5pm but other than that my plan for today is just to rest and take it easy.

I agree Lindsay moaning about colds does help, my partner has caught it as well so cant moan too much to him though! Hope you manage to enjoy colouring group even a little bit.

What kind of tea Tamo? Glad you had a good visit and hope CPN is helpful.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 12:44 PM

Good plan jen!
My plans are much the same

tamobhuuta 22-10-2024 12:54 PM

I'm very lucky :) I think it was assam tea.
It was good to see my cpn, I can speak more easily with him than people here.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 01:02 PM

That's really good tamo!

long road 22-10-2024 01:56 PM

Ooh Assam! Does that mean it was proper loose leaf stuff?

It can be easier to talk to someone who knows you, especially when they know you as both well and unwell.

I just rearranged my COVID jab it was meant to be tomorrow but feeling a bit too ill.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 02:00 PM

Sensible move jen!

not_so_insig 22-10-2024 02:08 PM

Afternoon all.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 02:10 PM

Hey dawn!

not_so_insig 22-10-2024 02:24 PM

Hi Beckie. I was awake at 1 am but I thought that you weren't online at the time I saw your post hence why I didn't reply.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 02:32 PM

Ah that's a shame!
Are you tired?

not_so_insig 22-10-2024 03:45 PM

No because I fell asleep at 3 am. Very often I don't go to sleep until 3 am.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 03:46 PM

Fair enough

not_so_insig 22-10-2024 03:53 PM

Beckie now that you have moved what day is your bin day? I don't think you can join in with the ryl bin day any more....

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 04:15 PM

My bin day is now Friday! So you are correct!
Sad times

tamobhuuta 22-10-2024 04:31 PM

Lr, yes it was posh tea!

I've been for a walk in the grounds and coloured in some pictures of pumpkins. I gave them stick-on googley eyes, you know, because I'm whimsical like that.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 04:34 PM

Sounds fun tamo!

The house is making kinda sus noises

not_so_insig 22-10-2024 04:46 PM

Sad times now that you can't join us Beckie.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 05:00 PM

I know :(

What's everyone up to this evening?

tamobhuuta 22-10-2024 05:04 PM

What kind of noises Cacoethes?

I will probably watch doctors.

not_so_insig 22-10-2024 05:11 PM

I have my parents visiting.

Cacoethes 22-10-2024 05:11 PM

Just suspicious ones. I'm not sure exactly

Good plan

That's nice dawn :)

long road 22-10-2024 05:58 PM

Beckie we now have the same bin day!!!

The idea of pumpkin pictures with googly eyes made me chuckle Tamo

Hope your parents visit goes well Dawn.

I have come back to bed as am feeling properly ill. I did a COVID test this morning and it was negative but this feels a bit worse than a cold and know tests are less accurate than they used to be so who knows.*shrugs*

Whatever kind of virus it is standard procedure is rest and plenty of fluids with paracetamol as needed and I am doing that.

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