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not_so_insig 15-10-2024 12:52 PM

Afternoon all. I eventually had a long sleep. Woke up about 20 minutes ago. Am waiting for dpd who are coming between 12.56 and 1.56 pm. Then the rest of my day is mine!

not_so_insig 15-10-2024 01:25 PM

Dpd have been but unfortunately he didn't ring the doorbell or knock on my door. The package arrived damaged so I would have rejected it as it was just about barely together had I actually spoken to the driver.

Cacoethes 15-10-2024 01:50 PM

Still no neurologist. Blah

tamobhuuta 15-10-2024 02:11 PM

That's annoying insig.

I hope you see neuro soon Cacoethes.

My foot is much better thanks, though still on painkillers.

Cacoethes 15-10-2024 02:22 PM

Saw him for about a minute (literally) and he said I don't need to stay from a neuro point of view. But offered no explanation as to what may have happened or really cares that I can't stand up or walk XD
Have to see physio/OT before I can be discharged though. It's up to them now.

I'm so glad it's better than it was! Foot pain is no fun. Well, no pain is fun!

tamobhuuta 15-10-2024 04:17 PM

I hope physio and ot are helpful.

My dad came to see me, he brought tea.

Cacoethes 15-10-2024 04:58 PM

Saw physio. Have to see neurophysio now. Doesn't look like it'll be today though, as it's 5pm :(


one_step_closer 15-10-2024 06:40 PM

Hi everyone, I have had a very busy day so just getting through my initial internetting.

Read and sending love to you all.

tamobhuuta 15-10-2024 06:53 PM

Good busy osc?

one_step_closer 15-10-2024 07:04 PM

CPN and colouring group and meeting my friend's Mum, cousin and their dogs. Housework. Just too much.

tamobhuuta 15-10-2024 07:36 PM

Well done! I hope you get good rest tonight.

Cacoethes 15-10-2024 08:05 PM

That is a lot lindsay! Hope you can rest this evening!

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 04:07 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 16-10-2024 09:30 AM

Morning Cacoethes how are you?
Morning world!

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 09:46 AM

Morning tamo!
I am tired. I did get 5 hours sleep though! Which is more than I've had in the last 2 nights combined. But still woke up at 4am.

How are you?
What's on the agenda today?

not_so_insig 16-10-2024 10:12 AM

Morning all. I have the gp surgery today again. This time for my covid and flu jabs. It's a late morning appointment but I take ages to get ready. Plus my physical complaint is playing up - I have had to have 2 showers already.

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 10:17 AM

That's a shame dawn
2 showers in a morning is effort

I'm still waiting for drs and neurophysio to appear
I've got stuff to do next week, including a gig I've been looking forward to for MONTHS! so could really do with being able to stand up and walk XD

not_so_insig 16-10-2024 10:46 AM

Yeah I guess that is important. I hope that they come and see you today.

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 11:11 AM

Thank you!

Just noticed the assisted shower has a sign on it saying 'for use by 4:3 only. All other ladies use the shower in bay 4'
I am 4:3. Feel very special XD

not_so_insig 16-10-2024 11:55 AM

I have been for my flu and covid jabs. Unfortunately I got soaked despite a coat as it's raining heavily now. Got changed as soon as I got in. Thankfully my feet were dry. I think that i will have a coffee now.

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 12:09 PM

Ah that's annoying!
It is raining here too

not_so_insig 16-10-2024 12:43 PM

Have my coffee now. Just waiting for it to cool down as I don't like very hot drinks. Unfortunately it's bin night so I have to go out again at some point. I am hoping it would have calmed tf down this afternoon.

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 12:44 PM

Fingers crossed!

one_step_closer 16-10-2024 12:54 PM

It was raining before I left then it stopped just for me and started raining again when I got home!

not_so_insig 16-10-2024 01:26 PM

That's lucky Lindsay!

one_step_closer 16-10-2024 01:58 PM

I know! I usually get soaked all the time. What are you doing with yourself apart from sorting out your bins at some point?

not_so_insig 16-10-2024 02:29 PM

Dusting my flat and generally tidying up is my plans Lindsay. Oh and have yet another shower as I didn't have time to wash my hair this morning.

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 03:01 PM

That is lucky lindsay!

Still waiting on neurophysio. Getting too close to 5pm for my liking!

one_step_closer 16-10-2024 06:00 PM

I hear there is some good news, Beckie...

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 06:43 PM

There is! I am currently on my way home! :-D

one_step_closer 16-10-2024 06:51 PM

Yay! How long till you get there? Hope you have a nice relaxed evening back with good company and home comforts.

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 07:18 PM

Have arrived!
Thank you, its so so good to be home!

How're you doing?

tamobhuuta 16-10-2024 07:28 PM

I'm glad you're home Cacoethes :)

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 08:03 PM

Thanks tamo!
How are you?

Ahimsa 16-10-2024 08:06 PM

Hi Beckie, Tamo

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 09:57 PM

Hi beth!
How are you?

Ahimsa 16-10-2024 10:10 PM

yeah up and down, you know? I didn't get what I wanted out of todays therapy session and I dont have many left.

How're you? Glad to be home?

Cacoethes 16-10-2024 10:26 PM

Sorry to hear that :(
Hopefully you can make the next one extra helpful?

I'm ok thanks. Gonna be so nice to sleep in my own bed! Without screaming dementia patients about

random.swirls 17-10-2024 06:20 AM

Popping in

Cacoethes 17-10-2024 06:34 AM

Hey Cam! Nice to see you!
How are you doing?
(Like we haven't been messaging a lot but thought I'd ask anyway) XD

tamobhuuta 17-10-2024 09:32 AM

Hi swirls and Cacoethes, how are you?

I thought I had ward rounds at 10am, turns out that was someone with a very similar name! I'm at 11am.

Cacoethes 17-10-2024 11:44 AM

I'm ok thanks
It's nice being home!

At least 11am isn't too much longer to wait!

tamobhuuta 17-10-2024 12:20 PM

Mum came, with coffee. Then had ward rounds. Then saw solicitor. Busy morning!

Cacoethes 17-10-2024 01:26 PM

That is busy!
Did you enjoy your coffee?

tamobhuuta 17-10-2024 02:23 PM

I did thank you. How are you getting on?

Cacoethes 17-10-2024 02:32 PM

Not too bad.
Went out, which was exhausting! A 30 second walk down the street from the car to the pharmacy took over 10 mins!
But managed to get a shower chair from the big charity shop, so that was successful!
Very tired, but at least I can now shower!

tamobhuuta 17-10-2024 02:49 PM

That's good. I just had a shower, it's nice to be clean.

Cacoethes 17-10-2024 03:28 PM

I agree!

Anything else planned for today?

tamobhuuta 17-10-2024 04:35 PM

L is coming to see me later. You?

Cacoethes 17-10-2024 04:41 PM


Just a chill evening I think!
I'm quite tired after going out today.

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