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I'm okish thanks
Few things occurring but I'll be ok How are you? |
Afternoon everyone.
I hope you're alright, Beckie. How are you, Tamo? |
I'll survive! As always!
Thanks :) How're you doing today? |
I am ok.
Hope your day goes OK osc and Cacoethes. |
Afternoon all. I am freezing and I have had to put my central heating on.
Survival is a good start anyway, Beckie! Hope you feel better than that soon.
I'm a bit of a mess. Never mind. I've had my heating on a few times already this month, Dawn. Just been out and got absolutely soaked. |
Oh dear Lindsay. I hope you had a hot drink when you got in. I have just made myself a drink just waiting for it to cool down.
Are you warming up, Dawn? I just changed into my joggers out of my soaking jeans.
Yes I am much warmer now Lindsay.
I'm glad everyone is warming up! My room is quite cold but the communal area is better.
I did bracelet making and 5 steps to wellness boards.
Thanks guys
I've been quite chilly today also. I have thermal socks on, fluffy socks AND slipper socks and my feet have only just warmed up since my nap. My oodie is an absolute lifesaver here |
I ended up putting my heating on for a bit.
What kind of bracelet did you make, Tamo? |
Just beads. I made ones for my sisters and one for myself.
What colours did you use? I love beaded bracelets.
Has been very cold today
Sounds nice tamo :) |
On the subject of the weather, I was watching a documentary yesterday about the heatwave in 2003. Does anyone remember it? I don't think I do.
I don't think so!
I was highly unwell during 2003 so most of that year is a blur to me. I don't remember it. I joined here during that year however.
I don't remember it either!
Morning guys. I'm off to bed
Afternoon, Tamo. Are you ok?
Spent all night in a&e. No more woes than that here though. How are you?
Sorry to hear that. I hope today has at least been a bit better for you.
I'm overwhelmed right now. |
Hope you got through the overwhelmedness. What have you been up to?
Morning everyone
Morning Cacoethes how are you?
Morning tamo
I am frustrated and in need of a vape! But there are no wheelchairs anywhere :'( How are you? |
Afternoon everyone.
Do you know if you're getting any tests etc today, Beckie? How are you feeling physically? I hope you can get out for a vape soon. How are you, Tamo? |
Hey lindsay!
How are you? No idea! Have to see a neurologist and the OT is going to do an assessment later. She just came to ask me some ques but it's almost lunchtime so gonna do the physical bit later on. I did get out for a vape thanks! Could do with going again. Starting to get a bit stir crazy. |
I'm glad you got out for a vape and have seen one of the necessary professionals Cacoethes. Waiting around is horrible, especially with limited vaping.
Hi osc, how are you? Up to much today? I had a nap this morning, despite the work going on outside my room! |
Thanks tamo
The catheter actually can't come out because I have limited mobility. But need a bladder scan because it isn't draining and it hurts. Ffs. And I have to have the scan before another outside trip can happen. Congrats on the nap! Always tough when stuff is going on! |
That sucks Cacoethes :(
You need your own personal entertainer inside your little plastic house, Beckie, but someone who you can tell to go away when you've had enough and then summon them back when you want to.
I don't think I would be able to nap in those circumstances, Tamo. Not that I can nap anyway. Achievement unlocked! I'm just waiting to see if my CPN bothers to phone me today. |
Afternoon all. I have an appointment at the gp surgery today. Killing time by random internetting until it's time to leave for my appointment. It will take longer to get there than the actual appointment lol.
Waiting mode isn't fun. Is your GP surgery quite a bit away from you? I hope the appointment goes ok.
It's a 10 minute walk. The appointment is for my vitamin b12 jab. The whole appointment takes less than 5 minutes.
I hope the appointment goes OK insig.
And I hope your cpn calls you osc. I went to the art group, it was relaxing. |
I do need an entertainer!
I am also waiting to see if my CC bothers to phone today. Not looking overly likely Glad you enjoyed the art group tamo |
Did you do some painting at the art group, Tamo? I'm glad it was a relaxing space for you.
Did you hear anything from your CC, Beckie? My CPN phoned at the very end of his working day. Someone cancelled their appointment tomorrow so he offered it to me. |
Nothing from CC. Unfortunately when I need it most
I'm glad he called and is seeing you soon! |
That's good he got a freed up slot. Good luck :)
Yeah I did a painting of Teresa of Avila for her feast tomorrow. Sorry you didn't hear from cc Cacoethes :( |
Sounds good tamo
Are you happy with it? Thanks. Cba with anything at the moment Reached the past caring stage |
It's not the worse thing I've done!
I hope things look better in the morning, and other such bland statements. |
Thanks Had a bit of a meltdown, refused to go back in and sat outside for 2 hours. I still can't feel my toes. It's freezing! |
Morning everyone
Morning Cacoethes how are you after sitting outside for 2 hours last night?
Morning tamo
Just about warmed up XD It was extremely cold But I managed a shower this morning! Think I've almost mastered the art of propelling myself about in the wheelchair. Though I'm very slow XD How are you? |
I am ok. I had a lie in. Just saw the physio, she gave me a new exercise for my foot.
Lie ins are nice
How is the foot? |
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