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Ah I see. I hope you don't get one!
I was going further crazy XD
but L is up here now and we're watching a film while waiting for dinner to cook |
What's for tea Beckie? I had curry. Third time this week I have had curry.
Ooo curry!
Jacket potato, cheese and beans!
Surgeon has advised a mostly soft diet What kind of curry dawn? |
It was tikka masala Beckie.
I don't think I've ever actually had a tikka masala!
Morning everyone!
Morning Cacoethes how are you?
I'm ok thanks. Bit sore and tired but I'll live! How are you? |
I can imagine! I'm ok thanks, planning a shower after lunch...
That sounds like a good plan!
I had a little wash this morning, I can't shower yet. Annoying! |
Needing to feel clean can be horrible! What are you up to?
It is!
Currently in bed. All that's on the agenda today is rest, walk about every hour (but not down the stairs!) And a phone call from the surgery place. How about you? |
Visit from Dad, hairwash, visit from R. About as busy as it gets in here!
At least it will keep you occupied!
My clothes arrived safely today without any ransom note :-D
Afternoon (just) everyone!
I am in waiting mode as have therapy in an hour. Try your best to rest Beckie and to not over do it on your mobilisation! I get how frustrating and boring being stuck in bed can be though. Enjoy your visits Tamo! Hooray for no custom fees Dawn! |
I had a lovely time with my dad, he reassured me about world events. |
Reassurance is good Tamo!
Hi all. |
Hope therapy is OK jen!
I am trying. I'm able to move a bit easier now, but still not great so still in bed, just getting up occasionally. That's good tamo! How are you beth? |
I'm okay, because I was asleep I missed the "submit a request before 10am" slot with my GP about that pain in my side so I'll have to see if I can do it while I'm at work tomorrow and try not to miss their call or be on the work phone at the same time.
It's intermittent though. I'm going to try tidy my room a bit today and change the bedding, and I've put a wash on. How are you all? |
Sorry your side is hurting Ahimsa, I hope you get hold of a doctor tomorrow.
I had a hairwash! |
Well done tamobhuuta.
Oh yay!! I hate washing my hair
Afternoon everyone. Have read. Hope you're all looking after yourselves.
Me too! But I do like how it feels when it's clean.
Ninja osc! How are you?
I agree with the washing hair thing.
I'm a bit of a mess but getting on with things. Have you had your visit from R yet? |
Not yet, he's coming about 4.
Sorry things aren't great. How are you occupying yourself? |
I tried my clothes on and they all fit. I knew my new bra would but I wasn't too sure about my new tshirts. Which is good because I didn't fancy paying postage to the USA.
Oh yay, I'm glad they fit! I'm just ordering some thermals as I couldn't get any in the shops last week and I'm wearing 4 or 5 layers for work now, wahh!
That's a lot of layers. I'm going to ask L to bring me some gloves.
A good plan!
Where was your order from Insig?
Mine was from a clothing website called Torrid. They are based in the USA. The usa has more choice plus size wise than the UK as they tend to be more fashionable. Some clothes in the UK are dull and boring. I got a Mickey Mouse bra, an Eeyore themed Christmas tshirt and a griffindor themed tshirt.
Ooh I haven't heard of them, do you get a lot from there?
My style is a bit of a mix of vintage floral stuff and then leopard print! |
Not really. I have only ordered from them once before.
One site I get a lot of tshirts from is Truffle Shuffle.
I've managed to get some of the living room vacuumed, some of my room vacuumed, 3 things on Vinted, and I put a wash on. I'm going to drive some stuff to my mums because I sorted out a drawer and everything smells musty - but I've already got a load of washing in the dryer that I did yesterday that needs another run, a load in the washing machine with nowhere to put it, stuff drying on every radiator, everything from that drawer that now needs washing but can't be yet, and also my bedding to wash.
Hey guys!
I had a nap. Doing absolutely nothing all day is so tiring XD |
Indeed it is!
I had a good talk with R :) |
That's good tamo :)
I'm eating a satsuma but it's unsettlingly warm...
That's a bit weird!
Glad you're pleased with your new clothes, Dawn.
That's a lot of washing and drying, Beth! I think it does actually make you feel more tired when you're not doing much. Do you know how long you have to stay in bed for, Beckie? I'm glad you had a good talk with R, Tamo. Warm satsuma does not sound pleasant. |
I think the fruit is kept on top of the oven...
Quite possibly lindsay!
I was going to come downstairs tomorrow, but L suggested I come down for dinner, because I'm moving a lot better than I was. So I'm now downstairs :) Weird place to keep fruit! |
Congratulations on the move downstairs!
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