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tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 10:23 AM

I'm ok. I mean, I can't walk, but I've been for an xray this morning and we are waiting for results. Are you up to much?

Cacoethes 06-09-2024 10:25 AM

That's not good.
Hopefully it's nothing serious!

I have work today. Booo!

tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 10:35 AM

I hope work is fun and not stressful!

long road 06-09-2024 10:35 AM

Morning peeps!

Can you not walk because of hurting your foot yesterday Tamo? I hope whatever it is you feel better soon.

Boo to work!

I got like 5 and a half hours sleep. but I am randomly really wide awake.

Cacoethes 06-09-2024 10:41 AM

Thank you!
Doubt it will be fun, but hopefully not stressful and will go quickly!

That's weird jen! Hopefully today is a good day for you

long road 06-09-2024 10:51 AM

it is... suspicious... but maybe it will mean I can do stuff today which would be nice.

just pondering what to have for breakfast

Cacoethes 06-09-2024 10:56 AM

Just don't overdo it!

What are the options?

long road 06-09-2024 11:29 AM

I may have a touch of the zoomies... and without steroids which is unusual.

I decided on weetabix and banana in the end.

Cacoethes 06-09-2024 11:29 AM

Weird! But same tbh XD

Winning combo!

long road 06-09-2024 12:45 PM

It's my default breakfast.

Just having a coffee and trying not to do all the things

Cacoethes 06-09-2024 12:51 PM

Good plan.

I'm about to start work. It's busy. Uggghhhhh

tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 01:04 PM

Yes, very sore because of yesterday. Still waiting for the doctors to decide if I've broken anything.

Go gently lr!

Hope work isn't too hectic Cacoethes.

long road 06-09-2024 01:14 PM

Eurgh noone likes it when it's too busy! Hope it calms down during your shift.

Hope you haven't broken anything Tamo.

Trying to go gently. It is challenging...

tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 02:55 PM

My toes are cold.

one_step_closer 06-09-2024 04:25 PM

Hi everyone. I had an appointment with my CPN and have since been trying to catch up with everything hence I'm late here.

Read and sendings lots of good vibes.

tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 04:30 PM

Hi osc :)

Ahimsa 06-09-2024 04:32 PM

Hi all,

Tamo, I hope your foot is okay.

I'm just hope from work and exhausted, so going to try having a nap.

one_step_closer 06-09-2024 05:02 PM

Hi Tamo, how is your day going?

Hope you can have a nice nap, Beth.

tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 05:13 PM

OK thanks, still waiting for radiology results. How are you osc?

Enjoy your nap Ahimsa.

not_so_insig 06-09-2024 05:23 PM

Hello all. I have been out meeting my friend for coffee hence why I haven't been around. I also cleared out a shelf in my pantry when I came back. Got rid of out of date food. Also done some laundry.

tamobhuuta 06-09-2024 05:46 PM

Have you had fun?

long road 06-09-2024 06:19 PM

Hope you get results soon Tamo. It sucks waiting.

Hope you are having a successful nap Beth. I tried to nap but didn't manage to.

Hi Lindsay! How are you?

Hi Dawn! How was your coffee meeting?

not_so_insig 06-09-2024 06:26 PM

Yes it was good thanks. Due to various reasons I haven't seen my friend for about 6 months. It was like I had seen her yesterday.

long road 06-09-2024 06:37 PM

Friends like that where you can pick up right where you left off no matter how long it's been are the best kind of friends. Glad you had a good time.

I should be playing in RPG tonight. Asthma is playing up a bit though, hoping it doesn't get in the way.

one_step_closer 06-09-2024 06:44 PM

Hope you get the results soon, Tamo.

Glad you enjoyed seeing your friend, Dawn. Will you be able to see her more often now?

Hope you are able to get involved in and enjoy your RPG, Jen.

I'm just feeling really stuck as usual.

long road 06-09-2024 11:22 PM

Didn't get to do my RPG in the end as had a seizure and was tired after so had to come to bed. If it's not one thing it's another it seems.

On a positive note I am having fruit toast as a late night snack as woke up from post seizure nap hungry.

Cacoethes 07-09-2024 08:33 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 07-09-2024 09:02 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 07-09-2024 09:17 AM

I'm ok thanks. How are you? How's the foot?

not_so_insig 07-09-2024 10:15 AM

Morning all.

tamobhuuta 07-09-2024 10:29 AM

I'm ok thanks. Foot still sore.

Hi insig, how are you?

Cacoethes 07-09-2024 10:42 AM

Morning Dawn
How are you?

Hopefully it will start improving with rest!

Ahimsa 07-09-2024 11:12 AM

Morning all,

I'm going to get my hair cut soon :)

tamobhuuta 07-09-2024 12:13 PM

Just had a visit from Dad, he brought me a flask of tea :)

Do you enjoy getting your hair cut Ahimsa?

one_step_closer 07-09-2024 01:13 PM

Afternoon everyone.

What are you getting up to today, Beckie?

Hi, Dawn. How are you?

Sounds like a nice visit, Tamo. Have they said if there's any bad damage to your foot?

Hope you're pleased with your haircut, Beth.

not_so_insig 07-09-2024 01:52 PM

I am ok thanks for asking everyone. I had a book come today that I forgot i had ordered.

one_step_closer 07-09-2024 01:55 PM

Ooh, I love a book delivery and also surprise deliveries! Is it a book you are looking forward to reading?

not_so_insig 07-09-2024 01:57 PM

Yes I am Lindsay. It's about a cat, albeit a fictional one.

tamobhuuta 07-09-2024 02:12 PM

Ooo a parcel! Love a book.

Still waiting to hear about my foot.

long road 07-09-2024 02:37 PM


Have read, having a bad day so not got energy to reply but thinking of you all.

tamobhuuta 07-09-2024 04:49 PM

Sorry you're having a bad day lr.

Ahimsa 07-09-2024 05:47 PM

What book is it? I had a book arrive today about a cat too!!

I get my roots done 3 times a year (July, November and March) and that takes about 3 hours, and she doesn't even dry or style it then!

I get it cut usually between the root sessions, but it grows super quick and there's a lot of it so it takes a while. But it had got to the stage I broke 2 brushes this week! Just trying to brush my hair.

one_step_closer 07-09-2024 06:33 PM

Wow, Beth. Your hair sounds wild!

nonperson 07-09-2024 07:01 PM

Shave it all off! :tongue2:

Evening guys.

Ahimsa 07-09-2024 07:07 PM

I've done that before (well almost, I had about an inch and a half and spiky!)

How are you NP?

Also I have a question for you. If you are not a person, what are you?

nonperson 07-09-2024 07:23 PM

Was that a good look for you? XD

I'm... ok =/

Hm, I think the jury is still out on that question. I can't figure it out. Maybe I don't fall into any specific definition? =P

Ahimsa 07-09-2024 07:26 PM

ok =/ sounds debatable - do you want to chat about it?

Hmmm, are you undefined? I remember an online pet registration form coming through at work and they put "dont think he has one" into species.

When I called them, they basically didn't know what the exact breed of their dog was as it was a rescue, but I was like "Hmm I'm pretty sure it DOES have a species though"

Are you like that?

nonperson 07-09-2024 08:33 PM

Debatable yes, but honestly mostly ok.

Haha probably. Maybe I'm a person with some indefinable elements.

How do you classify mongrels usually?

long road 07-09-2024 08:57 PM

i mean surely the species is dog, its the breed they wouldnt know???

Also hi everyone!

nonperson 07-09-2024 09:04 PM

Wellll, the genus would be dog (Canis). The species would be lupus familiaris and in plant name terms the breed would be a "cultivar" name I guess XD

Aka, "mixed breed" if you didn't know.

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