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one_step_closer 21-08-2024 06:07 PM

Glad you managed a nap, Jen.

You do remember who on here loves your brownies, Beckie... :-D

Did you enjoy the group, Tamo?

Well done, Dawn.

Cacoethes 21-08-2024 07:14 PM

I do indeed remember lindsay!
I like it when people like my baking :-D

tamobhuuta 21-08-2024 08:36 PM

Whinge coming up. They won't do my meds till 10pm because I need a blood test in the morning. Grumpy face.

tamobhuuta 21-08-2024 10:06 PM

Group was good, just me! But it got me all wired up again.

tamobhuuta 21-08-2024 10:06 PM

Night all! Xxx

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 09:33 AM

Morning everyone!

long road 22-08-2024 10:28 AM


How are you today Beckie?

not_so_insig 22-08-2024 10:39 AM

Morning all. Sorry I disappeared yesterday as I was doing some cleaning/tidying up last night. I won't bore you with a list.

The ordinary bin has been collected and I have put mine back. Just got to wait for the recycling to be collected but that comes on a separate lorry.

not_so_insig 22-08-2024 11:07 AM

The recycling has been collected now and I have put my boxes back. Just wondering what to do with myself now. I need a shower though. I hopefully will have my mum visiting later. It's windy but dry here so might go to the park at the bottom of the road.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 11:24 AM

I'm ok. Bit annoyed as I had a dentist appointment at 10:25 (that I had booked before Christmas last year!) And due to temporary traffic lights, was going to be more than 5 mins late. So they said unfortunately they're going to have to put it down as a non attendance. Cheeky really, as they always run at least 15 mins late....
But I called luckily when we could still turn off and go home, rather than driving all the way there.
Rebooked for 18th September, surprisingly soon.

Hey Dawn!

Our bin day is tomorrow

long road 22-08-2024 11:33 AM

That is cheeky of the dentists and annoying. Glad that they at least it isn't too long to wait for new appointment.

Hey Dawn, hope you can manage a shower.

I am planning a shower at some point today, right now I am watching a crime show.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 11:40 AM

Very annoying.
I was expecting at least a 3 month wait! At least!

Shower sounds good. I also need to shower

long road 22-08-2024 12:06 PM

My plan is a coffee and then try to shower.

Still feeling rough so trying to take it very easy.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 12:08 PM

That is a good plan!

tamobhuuta 22-08-2024 12:31 PM

Good afternoon! They woke me up at 10 to 10 for bloods which weren't forthcoming so I went back to bed till my dad came at 11.10. It was really nice to see him, he brought me tea.

long road 22-08-2024 12:46 PM

Annoying that they woke you up but couldn't get bloods Tamo. Does that mean they will have to try again tomorrow?

Glad you had a good visit with your Dad and a proper cup of tea.

Have had my coffee but haven't found the energy for a shower yet just had a ham cheese and salad wrap for lunch. Might try and have a nap instead.

one_step_closer 22-08-2024 01:24 PM

Hi everyone.

Annoying dentist. They're the same as the CMHT, they're not happy if you're late but think it's fine for them to be late!

Hope you have a good day, Dawn.

Hope you can have a nap and manage to have a shower later without consequences, Jen.

Glad you had a nice visit with your Dad, Tamo.

not_so_insig 22-08-2024 02:28 PM

I have managed to get to the post office today. I have also managed a shower and shook one rug outside. Have 2 more rugs to shake though. I have my bottom sheet and a pillowcase in the washing machine atm. Have some more cleaning to do but I will do it after my tea.

tamobhuuta 22-08-2024 03:19 PM

Yeah, trying again tomorrow.

How are you osc?

Well done on jobs osc.

long road 22-08-2024 04:11 PM

I managed to nap was a bit of a broken sleep though. Still exhausted so staying in bed for now.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 04:46 PM

Sorry for not catching up. Hope you're all doing OK!
The brain ain't braining.
Feel kinda ill. Scratchy throat, head fuzziness etc.

long road 22-08-2024 05:30 PM

Feeling pretty blargh myself so taking it easy in bed.

Look after yourself Beckie!

one_step_closer 22-08-2024 06:22 PM

Crookshanks sends you all some purrs.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 06:30 PM

Thanks jen!

And thank you crookshanks!

one_step_closer 22-08-2024 06:32 PM

Purrs are healing. That and your good old Lemsip will solve all your problems Beckie!

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 06:39 PM

Fingers crossed!

long road 22-08-2024 06:50 PM

Purrs are soothing.

I used my nebuliser which mostly calmed my lungs down. Still pretty shattered though. Think this time is going to be a long slow recovery kind of one.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 07:02 PM

Long and slow recovery is a pain in the bum.
But recovery is recovery!

long road 22-08-2024 07:07 PM

Well I am hoping it will stay at recovery and not worsen again. I am avoiding hospital but still using a lot more meds than usual. At least have asthma nurse appointment tomorrow to discuss things.

Feeling rather frustrated about it all.

Cacoethes 22-08-2024 08:24 PM

I can't even imagine how frustrated you must be!
Fingers crossed for helpful asthma nurse

Random but the other night I was itching my eyes and L asked if I wanted some antihistamines (she gets hay-fever) and I have been totally adamant that I DO NOT have hay fever. But I must have been tired because I just exclaimed 'No! I don't have asthma!'
No idea why. I did mean hay-fever XD

long road 23-08-2024 08:28 AM

Thanks Beckie

That is amusing brain fart XD

Morning everyone!

Cacoethes 23-08-2024 08:39 AM

We still say it occasionally to take the piss XD

morning jen
How are you doing?

long road 23-08-2024 09:08 AM

Feeling about the same as yesterday. Asthma is still not great.

How are you?

Cacoethes 23-08-2024 09:25 AM

At least it's not worse I guess? *trying to be optimistic*

I'm ok thanks. Still feeling pretty **** physically which sucks.

tamobhuuta 23-08-2024 10:51 AM

Morning guys. Sorry you're feeling unwell.

They managed to get blood! Took 25 minutes!

Cacoethes 23-08-2024 10:59 AM

25 minutes! Glad they managed it in the end though

tamobhuuta 23-08-2024 11:18 AM

It was for clozapine levels so quite important. Also for some reason they're doing weekly FBC.

not_so_insig 23-08-2024 11:21 AM

Morning all. I have had an exciting delivery of postcards and stamps. Mostly featuring the late Queen.

tamobhuuta 23-08-2024 11:35 AM

That's fun!

long road 23-08-2024 12:29 PM

I managed to get back to sleep around 10am and get another 2 hours, it was much needed! Feel a little better now.

25 minutes to get blood eek! Poor Tamo you must be covered in bruises.

Sorry you are feeling unwell too Beckie. Are you working today?

Ooh fun post Dawn!

Cacoethes 23-08-2024 12:50 PM

I am indeed working today.
It's busier than normal. The queue just to get into the car park extended down the slip road! And the toilet queue is past maccies so won't be peeing for a while!
Am so not in the mood for this

tamobhuuta 23-08-2024 12:56 PM

Sending positive vibes Cacoethes.

I'm glad you had a restorative nap lr.

long road 23-08-2024 01:20 PM

That really sucks Beckie are there no staff toilets? Hope it chills out a bit but know it's the friday of a bank holiday weekend at a services so might not. Hope shift goes quickly regardless.

I have just managed to shower now resting before asthma nurse appointment at 2:50pm.

one_step_closer 23-08-2024 04:32 PM

How are your days going so far now that we'll be in the evening soon?

I'm behind with everything because my CPN was nearly an hour late and then stayed for ages showing me photos in his phone and talking about random irrelevant stuff.

long road 23-08-2024 04:41 PM

My asthma nurse appointment went ok. Nothing new she could really do but no signs that means we have to be immediately concerned/ go back to hospital either. Seems like things may be moving in right direction or at least not getting worse.

Been feeling a bit meh this afternoon.

Sorry you didn't have a great appointment with your cpn Lindsay.

Cacoethes 23-08-2024 04:45 PM

Thanks guys
It has chilled out a little bit now thank God!
Only 4 and a bit hours to go!

Hope the appointment was OK jen

That is super annoying lindsay!

Cacoethes 23-08-2024 04:46 PM

Got there before me jen!
I'm glad things aren't worse

one_step_closer 23-08-2024 04:50 PM

Glad things are improving, Jen, but sorry you're feeling meh.

Did you manage to get for your pee, Beckie? That is the main thing! Hope the rest of your shift goes well.

I'm used to my CPN being like this.

long road 23-08-2024 06:40 PM

Had a nap because was exhausted. It seems on the current lower dose of steroids naps are possible again. Still feeling a bit meh but maybe I will perk up after dinner. We are meant to be playing RPG online with our friends at 8pm tonight.

Just because you are used to your CPN and his uselessness doesn't mean it's less annoying that he is useless when you need support Lindsay. And I really wouldn't want to be subjected to a health professionals personal photos for ages.

tamobhuuta 23-08-2024 09:06 PM

Sorry about your useless cpn osc *hugs* if wanted.

I think I've scared my godmother, I told her a tiny bit of what's in my head in an email.

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