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tamobhuuta 18-08-2024 06:44 PM

Congratulations on nappage.

Cacoethes 18-08-2024 07:52 PM

Hey everyone!
I'm back from work.
How are we all?

long road 18-08-2024 08:09 PM

Absolutely exhausted. And a bit anxious about whether my breathing will behave over night or not. But on a positive note I just had a slice of cake and a cup of tea and very much enjoyed it.

How was work?

Cacoethes 18-08-2024 09:28 PM

I'm not surprised you're exhausted!
Hope you manage to get some sleep.
Very glad you enjoyed your cake and tea!

Was ok thanks! Busy, as usual, but fine :)

long road 18-08-2024 09:37 PM

Going do meds at 10pmish and then attempt to get an early night.

Glad work was ok. I think in retail you want some degree of busy as when it's dead the time drags but you also don't want it absolute frantic either!

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 07:52 AM

Hope you managed an early night!

You're absolutely right there!

Morning everyone

long road 19-08-2024 09:17 AM


I did not manage an early night. But I got a pretty decent amount of sleep (7.5 hours) so all in all went well.

How are you this morning?

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 09:25 AM

That is a decent amount of sleep!
Do you feel better for it?

I'm ok thanks!

long road 19-08-2024 09:32 AM

I do feel better for it. Was well needed sleep. Wanted to stay in bed but had to get up to do meds as they need doing by a certain time.

Glad you are doing ok. Any plans today? My plan is to try and take it as easy as possible to avoid ending up back in hospital.

tamobhuuta 19-08-2024 10:02 AM

Good plan lr!

I'm glad work is going well Cacoethes..

I'm hoping today involves less of me passing off staff.

long road 19-08-2024 11:03 AM

Morning Tamo! I hope you have an ok day and no-one gets pissed off. You deserve care and compassion.

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 11:07 AM

That's good jen!
Hopefully you can have a chill day

Thanks both
My only plans today are having an earwax removal appointment (fun times), calling the DVLA and doctors and maybe picking up meds, depending on what doctors say. And I'm going to try and clean out the inside of L's car today from when it had the bales of hay in the back.

Hope you have a good day tamo

long road 19-08-2024 12:47 PM

Having a mostly chill day so far. Listening to lots of music. My biggest achievement so far as been doing my online shop, did a click and collect and partner is going to pick it up tomorrow.

A chore day by the sounds of it Beckie! Hope you are least hear better after getting your ears cleaned

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 01:55 PM

That's good!

I can actually hear now so it definitely worked XD
It was bad though. Full of wax and I apparently have narrow ear openings or whatever. So she found it really tough to get it all out!
I'm prone to wax buildup but never actually got it professionally sorted. I did the old Beckie strategy and ignored it and hoped it would go away, for years XD

one_step_closer 19-08-2024 02:00 PM

Hi everyone.

Glad you had a good sleep, Jen.

Was it sore having your ears cleaned, Beckie? My Dad got it done ages ago and seemed to be in a lot of pain but maybe techniques have changed.

Hope you have a good day, Tamo.

long road 19-08-2024 02:05 PM

Hooray for hearing! And well done for finally getting round to it!

Afternoon Lindsay!

tamobhuuta 19-08-2024 02:16 PM

Hi everyone. Not sure I'm doing. I've made myself a hiding space with furniture in the kitchen because my room is too exposed.

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 02:36 PM

Hey lindsay!

Not really. There were a couple of sore bits, but only because the wax was so bad and it needed breaking up. The other, not so bad, ear, it was literally like a vacuum cleaner. Which is how it's supposed to be like! Just hoover it out!

Thanks jen!

Feeling exposed is never nice. Does your ward have a quiet room or sensory room?

not_so_insig 19-08-2024 03:02 PM

Hello all.

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 03:14 PM

Hey dawn
How are you?

not_so_insig 19-08-2024 03:23 PM

I am better today than the last few days apart from being cold :-(. I had an unexpected parcel arrive on Saturday so will open it at some point. I am also a bit bored as there's naff all on the telly except repeats.

long road 19-08-2024 03:32 PM

Gentle hugs if you would like them Tamo?
Have you got your teddy bear with you? I know hugging them has helped you feel safe before in hospital.

He he he the idea of an ear hoover made me chuckle. Mainly because I imagined a Henry hoover XD

Glad you are doing a bit better Dawn. Ooh suprise post is exciting!

I am mentally and physically wobbly. Bit overwhelmed from hospital visit and still have some symptoms so bit nervous it will get bad enough I have to go back. Trying to chill as much as possible. Just had a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits now going to listen some music in bed and try and rest a bit. Been a bit zoomy/agitated this afternoon.

tamobhuuta 19-08-2024 03:49 PM

There is a sensory room but you have to be accompanied. I'm feeling better enough to come to my room.

Not surprised you're feeling wobbley lr! Take care of yourself.

I hope you enjoy you parcel insig.

not_so_insig 19-08-2024 04:03 PM

Thanks you two.

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 04:04 PM

Glad you're a little better dawn

I didn't have a proper look at the vacuum but I doubt it looked like a Henry hoover XD
Would have been awesome if it did though

You have a lot going on jen! Not surprised you're feeling out of sorts!

Glad you're feeling better tamo

long road 19-08-2024 04:15 PM

Glad things are a little easier Tamo.

They do tiny Henry hoovers for vacuuming the crumbs out your keyboard maybe there is a market for Henry ear hoovers XD

Doing my best to take care of myself. Just using my nebuliser and it's helping reduce symptoms. Thanks for the well wishes/ understanding.

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 04:33 PM

I've seen those!
They are adorable!

You're doing amazingly jen!
Can't be easy.

My GP just called to check in and also my sodium is low again. So bloods Wednesday instead of Friday

tamobhuuta 19-08-2024 04:53 PM

Sorry to hear that Cacoethes.

long road 19-08-2024 05:03 PM

It is a lot to deal with. Just about managing at the moment.

Not the dreaded Sodium! Hope you can get it back up by Wednesday. Maybe you r electrolytes got more out of whack due to the heat both here and in Amsterdam?

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 05:14 PM

Thanks tamo

Sometimes managing is all we can do

It is possible!
Gonna try my best to get it back up for Wednesday

long road 19-08-2024 05:24 PM

Wish I could manage something more exciting like a theme park rather than my various illnesses XD

I get what you mean though just heavy on the humour as a coping mechanism today.

Good luck with the sodium.

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 05:46 PM

Well yes, that would be ideal! Hopefully one day in the future!

I feel you on the humour as a coping mechanism thing!

long road 19-08-2024 05:58 PM

If you don't laugh, you cry eh?

I have built a really cosy nest in bed. I have ALL the pillows!

Cacoethes 19-08-2024 06:00 PM


Ooh that sounds nice! I do love a nest

long road 20-08-2024 07:55 AM


Didn't sleep as well last night just under 5 hours.

Cacoethes 20-08-2024 08:46 AM


Oh that's not good!
Hopefully you can get a nap in today

long road 20-08-2024 09:31 AM

Managed to drift off for another hour after taking my inhaler. Now getting up to do meds etc.

How are you this morning?

Cacoethes 20-08-2024 09:43 AM

That's good!

I'm ok thanks
Got a decent sleep and we're going to have a chilled day

tamobhuuta 20-08-2024 11:32 AM

Morning guys. Restful days sound good. I had ward rounds (yuck) but Mum came with me (helpful).

one_step_closer 20-08-2024 11:40 AM

Morning everyone.

Hope you don't feel as unwell as you have been today, Jen.

Chilled day sounds good, Beckie. Enjoy!

Hope your ward round wasn't terrible, Tamo.

Cacoethes 20-08-2024 11:48 AM

Morning tamo!
How was ward round?

Hi lindsay!
How are you doing?

Also got my DVLA medical questionnaire. So filled that in and will send that off today

one_step_closer 20-08-2024 11:53 AM

That was speedy. Was it easy enough to fill in?

I finally managed to get up early enough to put in an online triage for my GP surgery to see about the possibility of being referred for an autism assessment so that is two wins for the day (getting out of bed earlier and putting in the triage form).

Cacoethes 20-08-2024 11:59 AM

Yeah it was only 2 pages. Just had to give psych and GP details, tick that it was ok for them to contact them and tick off the diagnoses I have.
I may call them every day to check on progress to see if they'll eventually get sick if me and push it through XD

That's good! Well done!

one_step_closer 20-08-2024 12:06 PM

Are you not on hold for ages when you phone them though? Hope it's all sorted very soon.

Cacoethes 20-08-2024 12:09 PM

Not the medical team. Usually get answered in a few mins. They give you an expected wait time. If they're busy, there's an option to request a call back when you get to the front of the queue. My GP does that too. Very handy!

tamobhuuta 20-08-2024 12:49 PM

Well done on things people!

Ward rounds wasn't too bad, no changes made.

Cacoethes 20-08-2024 01:07 PM

I'm glad it was ok.
How are you feeling about no changes?

long road 20-08-2024 01:28 PM

Hey everyone. Got distracted by morning routine stuff and so disappeared offline. Think breathing is a bit better today but going to try ringing GP surgery when they reopen phones at 2pm as my named GP is usually on duty on Tuesday afternoons and it would be good to speak to him.

Well done for getting form into GP Lindsay hope you get a prompt response.

Hope you can get your license back quickly Beckie now forms etc are in.

Well done for getting through ward round Tamo.

not_so_insig 20-08-2024 01:39 PM

Hello all.

long road 20-08-2024 01:45 PM

Hey Dawn. How's it going?

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