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not_so_insig 11-08-2024 11:10 AM

Morning all.

tamobhuuta 11-08-2024 11:17 AM

Hi insig how are you?

not_so_insig 11-08-2024 11:28 AM

I am ok but I had a terrible night's sleep.

not_so_insig 11-08-2024 11:29 AM

How are you doing tamobhuuta?

Ahimsa 11-08-2024 11:43 AM

Morning all,

How is everyone? :)

My plan for today is some tidying, Asda, and then I'm going to a gig tonight! What is everyone else up to?

tamobhuuta 11-08-2024 12:09 PM

Sorry you slept badly insig, I hope you're not too tired today. Do you have much on?

Hi Ahimsa, I hope you enjoy your gig!

I am ok, Mum just left. There isn't proper milk here to make coffee with, just little uht milklets.

long road 11-08-2024 12:21 PM

Hey everyone,

My asthma is flaring which is annoying and a bit worrying.

Not sleeping properly sucks. Hope tonight is better Dawn.

Ooh what kind of music is the gig Beth?

That is a travesty Tamo! uht milk sucks. Do they have a fridge for patients? Maybe your family could bring you a pint of milk if so. If not best excuse for them to bring you costa!!

one_step_closer 11-08-2024 01:11 PM

Hi everyone.

Hope you're settling in Amsterdam ok, Beckie. Enjoy your day whatever you're getting up to.

Sorry you had a bad sleep, Dawn. Hope you sleep better tonight.

Something to look forward to, Beth. :) What kind of gig is it? Anyone famous?

I hope it was nice seeing your Mum, Tamo and the rest of your day is as ok as possible.

Sorry to hear that, Jen. I hope somehow it doesn't get worse and starts to settle.

Ahimsa 11-08-2024 01:12 PM

Ooh good shout on the Costa LR! Tamo I'd be jumping on that if I were you!

Sorry your asthma isn't good LR :(

The gig is a really small venue so I dont want to say who it is as it'll make me locatable - but its a very nostalgic one :)

one_step_closer 11-08-2024 01:28 PM

Are you going to the gig with friends, Beth?

tamobhuuta 11-08-2024 01:30 PM

Fair enough Ahimsa!

Sorry about your asthma lr :(

There is a Costa 5 minutes from here! I might ask if I'm allowed proper milk.
I've had a shower. I can't actually remember the last time I did so it was much needed. Next task to tackle - hairwash...

one_step_closer 11-08-2024 01:42 PM

Well done, Tamo. Are you planning on washing your hair today?

tamobhuuta 11-08-2024 02:16 PM

No, that's for another day.

Ahimsa 11-08-2024 03:17 PM

Just by myself OSC

tamobhuuta 11-08-2024 05:04 PM

Been re listening to Eminem's Relapse. He has a worrying sense of humour - but I get it... anyone else know it?

one_step_closer 11-08-2024 06:10 PM

Well enjoy, Beth. You deserve it.

I don't listen to Eminem.

Cacoethes 11-08-2024 09:32 PM

Popping in!
Hope everyone is having an ok day!

Cacoethes 12-08-2024 06:42 AM

Morning everyone

long road 12-08-2024 09:09 AM

Morning Everyone!

How is Amsterdam Beckie?

I am currently waiting for a call back from my GP surgery about my asthma. It's been flaring since Thursday so need to speak to someone.

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 09:38 AM

Morning everyone.

Hope Amsterdam is going well Cacoethes.

Hope they call back soon lr.

Dad is bringing me a pint of milk!

long road 12-08-2024 10:12 AM

Well they haven't called yet. They could call anytime this morning and I know Mondays are generally busier. So stuck in waiting mode.

Glad your Dad is getting you some real milk Tamo. So much better than UHT!

EDIT - apparently posting here summons nurse callbacks! Just after posting got a call and now have an appointment for 11:40am

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 10:28 AM

He's a life saver :)

It's getting hot here. What's it like with you?

They gave us ice lollies!

My dad is late

one_step_closer 12-08-2024 12:14 PM

Hi everyone.

Hope you're having the best holiday, Beckie. Bring me back a gift. :laugh:

Hope your appointment was useful, Jen.

Better keep your milk hidden or everyone will be after it, Tamo.

long road 12-08-2024 12:21 PM

Hooray for Tamo's Dad!
Pretty hot and humid here.

Ooh ice lollies that's a nice suprise!

Have been put on steroids as my chest is wheezy. Knew I probably needed them but not super happy as they mess with my mental health. Going to take them though as they are better than hospital.

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 12:46 PM

Afternoon all. I am expecting amazon and tesco today. Hopefully they'll not turn up at the same time because my amazon order contains alcohol (it was £6.50 cheaper than tesco). 2 substitutions and 1 unavailable item tesco shopping order wise. Unfortunately the unavailable item was the milk. I don't drink much milk so it is not a big deal or something I need desperately.

long road 12-08-2024 01:00 PM

Hey Dawn,

Milk is a weird thing for them not to have available it's such a staple! Good that it shouldn't inconvenience you too much though. How are you today?

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 01:06 PM

I am ok though not looking forward to lugging about the shopping in this hot weather! I think I will take my time putting stuff away thankfully I have no frozen stuff and as long as I prioritise the fridge stuff I should be ok. Last time I had a shopping order and it was this hot it took me 3 hours to put things away. I don't cope well when it's hot though saying that I was out yesterday in it. Thankfully my flat is north/north east facing so doesn't get terribly hot.

long road 12-08-2024 01:10 PM

I don't cope well with the heat either, my lungs don't like it.

You can always take a break after the fridge stuff is away so you don't overheat as much.

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 01:27 PM

Yes my biggest problem is that I overheat and then feel very unwell. My heart rate increases in the heat too. I have had my amazon shopping order typically as I get it I drop the box containing the alcohol. Thankfully it didn't smash.

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 01:46 PM

I have been out briefly and thankfully it's cloudy. Not as hot as yesterday. I am hoping it stays cloudy for my tesco shopping order which is due between 2 and 3 pm.

long road 12-08-2024 01:49 PM

Phew that was a close one! Luckily dropping the box didn't break the bottles it must have been packed well.

Hope it stays cloudy for your delivery

I am feeling rubbish. Asthma is really playing up.

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 01:51 PM

Sorry you're feeling rubbish Jen. Hope you pick up soon and that the steroids help.

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 02:05 PM

I hope the steroids don't mess with your head too much lr.

Dad brought me milk! He could only get whole milk which I'm not used to but is fine for coffee.

long road 12-08-2024 03:11 PM

Thanks for well wishes Dawn and Tamo. If steroids are going to help I should start seeing an impact in the next day or two. If the heat/ humidity could die down that would really help but can't control the weather unfortunately, I would be a lot richer if I could!

Hooray milk!. I think whole milk works in coffee but would be weird in tea. Too creamy...

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 03:13 PM

Glad you got some milk tamobhuuta.

I have had my tesco shopping order. Put all the fridge stuff away. It's warm here so am resting in front of the fan before trying to tackle the rest of the stuff. The tesco woman had all the charm of a wet doormat. Usually they are friendly but this one wasn't.

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 03:51 PM

I agree, whole milk is too creamy for tea. But NHS teabags aren't that nice anyway so I'm sticking to coffee - decaff of course.

Well done for putting away the first lot insig.

not_so_insig 12-08-2024 03:57 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta. I have put nearly everything away now. Managed to put my used bottles in the recycling box.

long road 12-08-2024 04:18 PM

I think I prefer cheap tea to cheap coffee. Obviously neither is as good as quality stuff but find tea more forgiving if it's a bad tea bag I just let it brew longer to get it stronger / more flavoured. There is such thing as bad tea but that's usually for me a result of inadequate brewing.

Clipper is my favourite brand of tea bags. Although when I am being really fancy I do loose leaf tea from whittards. I am a bit of a coffee snob and always have ground coffee rather than instant unless it's decaff.

Well done for putting nearly everything away Dawn.

one_step_closer 12-08-2024 04:23 PM

It's not too hot here. Boo to the people having issues with heat.

long road 12-08-2024 04:26 PM

That's the solution I'll move to Scotland! :p Although if it's midge season maybe not... I hate midges.

one_step_closer 12-08-2024 04:37 PM

I think there's only really midges near water and forests. I rarely encounter them anyway.

long road 12-08-2024 04:50 PM

Intriguing. I just remember them being terrible in the early evening when I was staying with my friend who lives in the Highlands. But she was near a loch so that makes sense.

Does Scotland have any good beaches? I think I would miss the beach a lot having lived near several for the 4 years of uni and then permanently for the last 8 years.

I am attempting to rest but keep getting distracted.

one_step_closer 12-08-2024 05:01 PM

There are a few good beaches. A bit of a travel for me though. Can you distract yourself with things that are restful? Like get distracted by something and then distract yourself further to something restful?!

long road 12-08-2024 05:15 PM

Been listening to music and lying down. But find it hard to focus and relax into it so keep popping on the internet etc. About to attempt to meditate which is always a bit harder when my breathing is off.

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 06:26 PM

Ew midges.

one_step_closer 12-08-2024 06:42 PM

Is it a good idea to try and meditate when your breathing isn't so good? Won't focusing on it more make it harder to relax?

How are you getting on, Tamo?

long road 12-08-2024 06:54 PM

It's not ideal but I do one with less breath focus and it's one of the things that helps my FND the most so thought it was worth ago. It went ok, helped that I had been resting and doing my respiratory physio beforehand. It was Les sfocusing on it and more sitting with it how it was if that makes sense.

Feeling a bit more wheezy again. Asthma is annoying

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 08:48 PM

Had a busy evening but I think I'm calming down. How are you?

Cacoethes 12-08-2024 08:50 PM

Hey everyone!
How are we doing?

long road 12-08-2024 08:53 PM

A wild Beckie appears! How is holiday going?

I am still not great, asthma is very annoying.

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