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Ahimsa 01-08-2024 01:45 PM

Ooh was there anything good in Lidl Beckie?

I've done a second coat on the hallway paint, I'm hoping that's enough and it doesn't need a third but we'll see. I may buy a thicker roller, maybe that's it?

I need to drop some Vinted parcels off, wash my hair (it's on day 12, I get a LOT of days out of it though, my mum said earlier that it was fluffy!), and think about what I want to talk about in my session tonight. And pick up a lamp at 4!

one_step_closer 01-08-2024 01:47 PM

Beth, how is there always so much to do in your life?!

Ahimsa 01-08-2024 02:12 PM

Possibly because my whole house needed work, it's an ongoing project (I've been moved in 4 and a half years, one wall is still just chipping plaster!), I work 40 hours a week at one job (not including lunch breaks, so I wouldn't do a 9-5, I'd do a 9-6 with an hour lunch, but start between 7:45-12 depending on my shift, and finish between 4:45-9pm again shift dependant, but always 8 hours + lunch), read a pub quiz two nights a week, and live alone so need to do all the tidying/cleaning/washing/shopping etc. I also don't trust online delivery food shopping as I'm quite specific and will go through everything on the shelf to pick the right one.

And I have ADHD so I'm easily distracted!

However the doors are finally done! (I had 9 doors replaced, but they all had to be varnished, which at 2 sides of each door and 2 coats per side, meant I had 36 coats to do on my time off last week.

How is your day going OSC?

long road 01-08-2024 03:06 PM

*waves* bad pain day so camped out on sofa watching Olympics.

Well-done for all your tasks Beth!

Sending hugs to those who are struggling.

Ahimsa 01-08-2024 06:05 PM

Hey LR,

I hope your pain subsides soon.

one_step_closer 01-08-2024 06:38 PM

Just reading that is overwhelming, Beth! Well done with everything you manage to do.

My day has been difficult.

Hope you can focus on the olympics and get even a tiny bit of distraction from your pain, Jen.

Ahimsa 01-08-2024 06:52 PM

Do you want to talk about it (or be distracted muchly from it?) - I'll be about for a bit?

tamobhuuta 01-08-2024 07:14 PM

Thunder storm here!

Sorry to hear of people's woes :(

long road 01-08-2024 07:20 PM

Pain is still bad although not as bad as last night which is something. Olympics is distracting but not quite enough.

I have watched rowing and canoe slalom today. Am about half an hour behind on womens gymnastics (currently watching their 4th rotation). Have 2 hockey matches saved to watch at some point and would also like to watch the BMX racing if I get the chance. I am not normally a big sports watcher but I really enjoy it at Olympics. That said apart from gymnastics most of the sports I like to watch during Olympics aren't really televised except at the Olympics. I did watch rowing today but only because we were in some finals.

I hope things get easier soon Lindsay.

The south west has a thunderstorm warning but no thunderstorms where I am. I am jealous of yours Tamo!

tamobhuuta 01-08-2024 07:49 PM

It's good to have interesting weather!

I'm going to watch the women's gymnastics tomorrow with L.

long road 01-08-2024 08:44 PM

Lightning is fun to watch but I just want a thunderstorm so things cool down! My asthma really doesn't get on well with heat and have been more short of breath the last few days.

Enjoy the gymnastics I found it very visually impressive!

tamobhuuta 02-08-2024 08:20 AM

Morning all.

one_step_closer 02-08-2024 12:39 PM

Hi Tamo, how are you?

long road 02-08-2024 02:05 PM

Afternoon everyone. I am very tired today didn't get to sleep until sometime after 3:30am due to pain and been awake since 10:30am. Doesn't feel like the sleep I got was good quality either.Pain is a little better this morning than last night but still challenging.

How are you Tamo and Lindsay?

tamobhuuta 02-08-2024 02:31 PM

In my woes, people are worried about me. They might stop my therapy :(
In my sister's woes, we've got police out looking for her.

tamobhuuta 02-08-2024 02:48 PM

But in other, better news, the sun is shining and my washing is drying nicely on the line :)

one_step_closer 02-08-2024 04:16 PM

Sorry to hear you're both having a difficult time.

I'm not doing so great either.

Everything is a challenge when you don't get good quality sleep. I hope your body will behave a bit better soon, Jen, and you can catch up with proper rest.

Why might your therapy be stopped, Tamo? Is anything being offered to you right now if people are worried? I hope your sister is found soon.

long road 02-08-2024 05:44 PM

Big hugs if you would like them tamo. Hope that you feel better soon so noone needs to worry. And I really that they find your sister soon.

Sorry to hear things are such a struggle these days Lindsay. Hugs for you too if you would like them.

I tried to nap but couldn't my body hasn't really known how to behave properly since February 2021. But it can definitely behave better than this when I get the balance just right!

Been watching more Olympics today it's a good distraction.

one_step_closer 02-08-2024 06:23 PM

What's been going on at the olympics today?

long road 02-08-2024 07:21 PM

The sports I have watched today are: trampolining, rowing, mens synchronised 3m springboard diving and kayak cross time trials. There has been a lot of Athletics on but I am not really an athletics fan. There was horse jumping too.

one_step_closer 02-08-2024 07:25 PM

Imagine if you were doing all of those things instead of watching!

long road 02-08-2024 07:49 PM

I don't think I could do one of those things! Let alone all of them! I can't swim and have terrible coordination! I have been in a kayak before but not launched off a ramp down a white water course!!!

Now I am watching BMX Racing. I also cannot ride a bike!

tamobhuuta 02-08-2024 07:53 PM

They got N safely home. I just need to prove I can stay safe over the weekend.

I still haven't watched the female gymnastics final! No spoilers please (though I have my exoectations)

long road 02-08-2024 08:03 PM

Glad N is home. Hope you can stay safe, let us know if theres a way we can help with that.

I have deliberately not being saying anything about medals to avoid spoilers.

tamobhuuta 02-08-2024 08:39 PM

Thanks on both counts!

not_so_insig 02-08-2024 08:53 PM

Hello all.

Tamobhuuta if I say anything about medals I put it in a hide box so that nobody gets the competition spoilt. Though I mainly watch horsey sports so unlikely to know the results of other sports. I was watching the showjumping today however.

tamobhuuta 03-08-2024 09:38 AM

Good morning.

Thanks insig :)

Cacoethes 03-08-2024 10:03 AM

Morning everyone
Sorry I've been absent for a while. Been struggling

How is everyone?

tamobhuuta 03-08-2024 12:15 PM

Sorry you're having a hard time. Any plans today that might help?

My big sister is here.

one_step_closer 03-08-2024 12:26 PM

Hi everyone.

Sorry people are struggling.

Are you doing anything nice today, Beckie?

Hope you enjoy your time with your big sister, Tamo.

Cacoethes 03-08-2024 12:40 PM

I'm at work today. Just arrived. Start at 1pm. It is MENTAL here! Good day for sales, bad day for stress levels! But apparently we're the number one store for the entire region, which hasn't happened in years. So yay us!
Good day yesterday sales wise. Took over 7k!
I will stop boring you with sales figures now XD
At least I'll be busy and distracted.

Hope you enjoy your visit tamo

Are you up to anything today lindsay?

one_step_closer 03-08-2024 12:49 PM

I think the great sales figures are your doing, Beckie. :-D I hope your shift goes well.

I've done all my main things which were just to go to the chemist and local shop, wash my hair, and clean my kitchen. Want to go somewhere but don't like the long wait for buses at the weekend, it's bad enough during the week.

Cacoethes 03-08-2024 05:20 PM

Must be :tongue2:

Well dome for doing stuff. Buses are a pain at the best of times

one_step_closer 03-08-2024 06:04 PM

How is work going today?

Cacoethes 03-08-2024 10:31 PM

It was really busy and we had a load of stock to put out! But we did what we could and it went OK.
I was left alone while R was on break, but I smashed it
Even worked out a lottery thing I hadn't done or been shown before :-D

Cacoethes 04-08-2024 08:49 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 04-08-2024 09:11 AM

Morning! How are you?

Cacoethes 04-08-2024 09:30 AM

I'm tired. At work. Start at 10am, so got myself a coffee and sitting outside. Bit chilly today!

How are you?
Any plans for today?

long road 04-08-2024 09:55 AM

Morning Both!

Hope your shift goes well Beckie!

I woke up at 8:30am after not getting to sleep.until sometimes after 2am. So am super tired watching hockey at the moment but may try and nap later.

tamobhuuta 04-08-2024 10:32 AM

I hope you enjoy work Cacoethes.

Sorry you didn't sleep well lr. Are you enjoying the hockey?

long road 04-08-2024 10:35 AM

I am enjoying hockey thanks Tamo. Just having a second coffee and if that doesn't help going for a lie down!

Not got much on today apart from a video call with my parents this afternoon.

How is your day going? Feeling any better than yesterday?

tamobhuuta 04-08-2024 10:49 AM

I'm not sure. I stayed safe for a given value of safe so... but none of that here! I'm going shopping with L this afternoon.

long road 04-08-2024 11:09 AM

Feel free to post in serious if you do want to chat about it. Hope shopping is a nice distraction :) Going for a browse or for something in particular?

tamobhuuta 04-08-2024 11:11 AM

I need paint from hobbycraft but going to have a browse in tk maxx too. I love a tk maxx bargain.

long road 04-08-2024 11:19 AM

Ooh hoobycraft is a fun shop! I love browsing in there but don't go often as I get tempted to buy ALL the craft supplies!!!

Haven't been in tkmaxx for a while we don't have one near me.

I think I am going to try and nap when the hockey match finishes

tamobhuuta 04-08-2024 11:51 AM

I hope the nap helps.

one_step_closer 04-08-2024 01:08 PM

Hi everyone.

Hope work goes well, Beckie, and you continue to be a superhero.

Hope you can nap and it helps, Jen.

Enjoy your shopping, Tamo. I hope you get something nice for yourself.

Cacoethes 04-08-2024 02:12 PM

Just popping on during my break!
Been busy but fine so far!

Hope everyone is doing ok today

long road 04-08-2024 02:36 PM

I napped managing about an hour and a half. Feel a bit less tired now.

Hey Lindsay nice to see you :)

Busy shift does at least stop you being bored Beckie!

tamobhuuta 04-08-2024 03:24 PM

Hi guys. I had a good time shopping. Got some stuff from hobbycraft and from tk maxx :) spent ages browsing in tk maxx, looked at just about everything!

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