![]() |
I do indeed have lots of soft toys! My partner has some as well. I find them very comforting.
Fingers crossed we can save the ship otherwise we will never get to the island where we need to stop a dastardly plot! We should be ok though. Hoping I can enjoy playing pain is ramping up. |
One of the regulars at work said 'I see you've passed your driving test! So that's why my insurance premium has gone up!'
Cheeky git XD |
Morning everyone.
Morning tamo
How are you? |
Morning Everyone!
Morning all.
Morning guys!
How are you Beckie?
I'm ok thanks!
How are you? Anything planned for today? |
Hey Beckie and Dawn !
I have coffee but am not awake. Didnt get much sleep last night. What are your plans for the day? |
Hopefully you'll wake up as the day progresses!
I have work at 3 then going to L's afterwards. |
Morning everyone!
I hope you're feeling more awake now lr. How are you insig? Enjoy your day Cacoethes. I've been to Mass, sent an email to my prayer group, now I'm off to do mindfulness. |
I haven't got much planned for today. Just seeing my parents later. I have received 2 postcards today one from France the other from Germany. I am sitting here currently boiling. Damn autocorrect changed currently for cutting which is kinda ironic for this site. :laugh:
Ninja tamobhuuta. Apart from hot I am ok thanks.
Thanks tamo!
Enjoy your mindfulness! Lol dawn! |
I am mildly more awake. Pain levels are pretty high though so not up to much.
I like mindfulness. What kind of mindfulness do you do Tamo? Guided meditation or practise by yourself? Lol Dawn. Enjoy time at L's Beckie. I am meant to be having date night with my partner tonight. We have steak for dinner and are going to watch a few more episodes of fallout. |
Sorry to hear that! Pain is never good :(
Sounds like not doing much is the best thing for today Thanks! Ooh steak! Yum! Is fallout good? I liked the games but heard mixed reviews about the series |
I managed to get outside and sit in the sunshine for 5 minutes. Tired now but it was so worth it.
I am 3 episodes into fallout and enjoying it so far. Both partner and I have played the game and thing it captures the spirit of it well. |
That's good :)
I might have to give it a go! |
Hey everyone.
Hope your days are going well. |
Hello Lindsay.
Hey lindsay
All fine here. My nanny sent me a congratulations card with money in it. Bless her How are you? |
Mindfulness was good. I used the Basics thing on Headspace, it's guided breathing, body scan type thing.
Aw that's really sweet of your nanny Cacoethes. Hi osc, how are you? I'm glad you enjoyed the sun lr. I'm glad you're OK insig. |
Your nanny is always doing lovely things, Beckie. Hope you spend at least some of the money on something nice for yourself.
My nanny is the best :-D
Morning everyone! |
Morning people. How are you Cacoethes? I didn't get up til 11!
Morning all. I am off to the seaside today so won't be around much.
I'm ok thanks!
Wow! That's a good lie in! I woke up at about 8:30. Which is a lie in for me XD Up to much today? Hope you enjoy it dawn! |
Afternoon everyone.
What are you doing today, Beckie? Hope you had a nice lie in, Tamo. Hope the weather's ok, Dawn. |
I hope you enjoy the seaside insig.
It was a good lie in :) we're going out for dinner for my brother's birthday late. What are you up to osc and Cacoethes? |
I need a new tyre so that has made me sad because you should really replace both front tyres if you replace one. And I am broke as per usual. Thankfully, you can klarna new tyres so getting them fitted on Tuesday XD
Lucky that we went to do my tyre pressures and L noticed! So can only really drive home carefully so the tyre doesn't explode :crazy: How are you lindsay? Are you going somewhere nice tamo? |
That's annoying Cacoethes.
We're going to Cote. |
Never heard of Cote, what kind of food does it serve? Enjoy.
That's a shame, Beckie. Cars are money guzzlers. Do you not have a spare tyre in the boot that you can use? One of those ones that you just put on while you are waiting for a new one? I'm really struggling to do anything but I have done practical stuff like change my bedding, wash my hair, and hoover. |
It's a chain, does kind of Frenchy stuff.
Well done for doing stuff. I did a bit of dishwasher but that's pretty much it job wise. |
Sounds lovely tamo!
I do have a spare, but I'll be able to hobble home so no point in putting it on. I'm gonna drive home in the morning with L following me in case my tyre blows out. It shouldn't, but we'd both be worrying! Only a 10 min drive so should be fine. Well done for doing the practical stuff. It must be 10x harder when you're feeling so rubbish. Sending hugs if wanted I've changed bedsheets, done washing and been to get my click and collect order from aldi. |
evening all
You don't have to do lots of housework stuff every day, Tamo. Hope you all enjoy your meal.
Be careful, Beckie. Thanks for the hugs. |
Hi ninja Beth! How are you?
I'm okay, I'm shattered! How are you?
Any time for rest? I'm not great but it's ok.
Hey beth!
Have you been busy as usual? I will be extra careful Lindsay! |
I've just got in from work, its been a LONG weekend, and I leave at 8 to go read the quiz.
I'm just having a cup of tea before I put some things on Vinted. Do you want to talk about it? |
Hope you're sitting down with your tea at least. Are you getting much sold on Vinted?
I've posted in my threads in serious and R/V. |
I'm really not, I put 21 things on a few weeks ago and 2 have sold.
I'll have a read |
I was like that on eBay. Sometimes it took months for things to sell or I just gave up on trying to sell them. I hope you have better luck.
Hope the quiz goes ok beth!
We do a quiz every Wednesday now. No way would I read it though! Vinted can be super slow. I've just sold something that's been on there a good 5 weeks |
Ahh yay for quizzes! Is it busy? I usually get between 35-50 people playing on Sundays, Tuesday nights are usually a bit quieter but can still be about 30 if all my regulars are in.
It's not too bad, its more I've already had a 9 hour shift today so I'm more tired. |
Massively busy!
107 for our busiest one! It is a big pub. It was quiet this week because there were 2 big football matches on, but still pretty full up! Yeah I'm not surprised! What time will you finish the quiz? |
oh wow that IS busy! Don't think our pub is as big, definitely aren't that many seats!
I'll be home about 10:45? |
I think it's the biggest pub in my town. Definitely has the biggest garden!
That's not that late. But I'm sure it'll feel it after a 9 hour shift! |
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