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tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 11:50 AM

Ah ha, my parcel has arrived and we've even got a bit of blue sky! I am winning!

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 11:52 AM

It sounds just as bad as yesterday outside and yesterday was pretty grim.

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 11:57 AM

Sad times.

one_step_closer 16-04-2024 12:30 PM

Hi everyone.

That is a strange before test ritual, Beckie!

Sorry you were overwhelmed at Mass Tamo but it was good that you still stayed.

Do you know when your parcel is supposed to arrive, Dawn?

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 12:48 PM

Hi osc, how are you?

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 02:46 PM

I had one parcel but am waiting for another Lindsay. It said between 1 pm and 5 pm but it's yet to come. I am wanting a shower but knowing my luck as soon as I step in it will come.

Eta: it's now showing as 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm.

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 03:37 PM

Afternoon peeps

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 03:39 PM

Afternoon Beckie what you been up to?

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 03:58 PM

Not a lot
Had a driving lesson

How's your day going?

one_step_closer 16-04-2024 04:01 PM

Would they leave it somewhere for you if you couldn't answer the door, Dawn?

Did your driving lesson go fine, Beckie?

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 04:02 PM

Yep was really good thanks!
Did everything spot on apparently

How's your day going so far?

one_step_closer 16-04-2024 04:05 PM

That's good. Did you do the lesson in your own car?

My day got off to an even worse start than usual and I just can't be bothered with anything. I have managed to get my prescription as usual and do a washing though.

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 04:10 PM

No Lindsay as you cannot access my flat unless someone lets you in the block. The only alternative would be to leave it in the street but then anyone could nick it. I don't have a safe space or designated neighbour.

Sorry you had a terrible start Lindsay but well done for going out.

one_step_closer 16-04-2024 04:14 PM

That must be difficult, Dawn.

I don't really have the option not to go for my prescription.

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 04:54 PM

No, I have lessons in the instructors car. Probably to do with insurance

Well done for pushing through and getting stuff done lindsay
Sorry it's been a **** day though :(

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 05:53 PM

Still waiting for my parcel. The tracking has been changed to 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets changed to 8 pm. This is taking the piss now. Good job I haven't got to be anywhere today.

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 05:56 PM

It's annoying but I guess they have their reasons!

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 06:26 PM

It arrived at about 6.20 pm. Now to have a shower.

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 06:57 PM

I got really tired this afternoon, had to have a lie down!

I'm glad your parcel arrived insig, I hope you enjoyed your shower.

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 09:01 PM

Do you feel better now tamo?

Glad your parcel arrived dawn

Cacoethes 17-04-2024 06:32 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 09:53 AM

(The lie down did help thanks)

Good morning, how are you?

Cacoethes 17-04-2024 10:00 AM


I'm pretty anxious! My driving test is in an hour!
Having a hot chocolate in Starbucks currently.
Trying out the old crisis team 'warm milky drink' XD

How are you?

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 10:02 AM

Good luck! From what you said about your lessons you're going to breeze through :)

I'm ok, got therapy at 12pm.

Cacoethes 17-04-2024 10:41 AM

I hope so!

Hope therapy goes ok!

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 10:43 AM

Thanks! I'm a bit nervous tbh. This week hasn't been great due to pmt and mt.

one_step_closer 17-04-2024 11:51 AM

Hi everyone.

Hope you're doing well, Beckie!!!

Hope therapy goes ok, Tamo.

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 11:59 AM

I don't know how long driving tests take, thinking of you Cacoethes!

Hi osc, how are you?

not_so_insig 17-04-2024 11:59 AM

Hello Lindsay how are you?

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 12:00 PM

Hi insig, how are you?

not_so_insig 17-04-2024 12:00 PM

Ninja tamobhuuta. I am guessing it takes an hour though I am not sure.

not_so_insig 17-04-2024 12:01 PM

Ninja again tamobhuuta! I am ok thanks.

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 12:02 PM

Ah ok. How are you?

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 12:02 PM

Ninja insig!

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 12:03 PM

What are you up to today?

not_so_insig 17-04-2024 12:11 PM

I am going to be very busy on Monday. I had an letter saying that some window company is going to be measuring my windows (I am having new windows and doors) and to make sure that there's no obstructions when they come on Tuesday. Unfortunately I have a load of bathroom products on my shower room windowsill and a load of boxes in front of my bedroom window. Oh and a **** ton of alcohol in my living room. So I will be clearing them and trying to find a home for them. Annoyingly they haven't said what time they're coming.

not_so_insig 17-04-2024 12:14 PM

I am going wild swimming today and making a start at cleaning my flat.

one_step_closer 17-04-2024 12:21 PM

That's a lot of work to do, Dawn. I need to get new bedroom drawers and blinds but there's a lot of tidying to do so it might not even happen. I don't know how you can even consider wild swimming when it's cold.

I'm just trying to get through the day as usual.

Cacoethes 17-04-2024 12:37 PM


not_so_insig 17-04-2024 12:38 PM

Congratulations Beckie.

long road 17-04-2024 12:40 PM

Congrats Beckie!!!!

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 01:30 PM

Well done Cacoethes!

Wishing you energy for tidying insig.

I hope your day picks up osc.

Hi lr, how are you?

one_step_closer 17-04-2024 03:57 PM

Beckie you are a superstar but I knew you would do it! Now you can come and visit me!

Cacoethes 17-04-2024 04:04 PM

Thanks guys!!! :-D

not_so_insig 17-04-2024 04:05 PM

Afternoon all. I have been wild swimming. The water was very cold but I managed to do proper swimming. Now tingling. I have also managed to wash and dry my hair and done a load of laundry. Also put the recycling box out and moved the wheelie bin to the collection point.

one_step_closer 17-04-2024 05:35 PM

Will you take it easy for the rest of the day now, Dawn?

long road 17-04-2024 05:54 PM

I am having a bit of a rough day physically. So been resting lots.

Hope everyone else is ok

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 06:50 PM

Rest is good.

I did my weekly therapy homework for the first time. I get to worry for 15 minutes. But I'm not allowed to worry the rest of the day!

long road 17-04-2024 06:52 PM

Tricky to confine the worrying to a short time frame! Hope you are finding it helpful.

I am about to have a roast dinner. Super looking forward to it!

tamobhuuta 17-04-2024 06:57 PM

I hope it's tastey.

I did plenty of worrying in my 15 minutes, we'll see how the evening goes.

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