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Cacoethes 07-04-2024 05:54 PM

That's lovely tamo :)

It is lindsay! :crazy:

one_step_closer 07-04-2024 05:56 PM

How are you feeling about it, Beckie?

not_so_insig 07-04-2024 05:59 PM

They have given another wind warning for Tuesday. Idk if it's all parts of the UK but Wales is one of the parts effected.

Cacoethes 07-04-2024 06:04 PM

I'm equal parts excited and nervous!

one_step_closer 07-04-2024 06:18 PM

That's understandable. I hope you can feel nice and calm on the day and blow them away with how great a driver you are. How do you think you'd feel about driving a car without a passenger?

long road 07-04-2024 06:21 PM

Sorry I disappeared earlier ended up having a nap! Shower has not been achieved. Perhaps tomorrow. Got to get my online shop order sorted this evening.

How lovely Tamo. I always find painting / drawing for people rather than just myself extra rewarding.

Good luck for ten days time Beckie!

It was super windy here yesterday not so bad today.

Cacoethes 07-04-2024 06:23 PM

Thank you!
I think I'd be absolutely fine tbh. Both L and my brother just sit there and chat to me anyway, absolutely no instruction goes on at all!

Thanks jen!

Do you feel any better after your nap?

long road 07-04-2024 06:43 PM

Maybe a tiny bit better. Still super tired though

Cacoethes 07-04-2024 06:55 PM

Hopefully you'll get a good sleep tonight

long road 07-04-2024 06:59 PM

*fingers crossed*

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 07:07 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 08-04-2024 09:56 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

tamobhuuta 08-04-2024 10:40 AM

And good morning to the rest of RYL!

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 11:02 AM

I'm ok thanks. Pretty tired though
How are you?

tamobhuuta 08-04-2024 11:18 AM

I'm good thanks. Busy day (by my standards anyway) ahead. What about you?

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 11:23 AM

Got a few bits to do.
Went to the gym and showered when I got back.
Need to clean out the boys and clean the house. So not a great deal really. When I eventually get moving!

not_so_insig 08-04-2024 11:57 AM

Morning all. I have a busy day today. Tesco is coming and I am off to pick a too good to go bag later.

one_step_closer 08-04-2024 12:20 PM

Hi everyone.

You've already moved by going to the gym and showering so it's fine to rest, Beckie.

Hope your day goes well, Tamo.

Where are you getting your too good to go bag from, Dawn?

I have been to the chemist and done a washing. I'm taking Crookshanks to the vet later for his booster injection and check up. Really hoping his heart murmur hasn't got worse or anything new is found. Luckily it's the Easter holidays still so it will be easier to get a taxi.

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 12:40 PM

That's true lindsay.
Just went out for an impromptu coffee with L and S.
Psych called but is gonna call back at 1.

Well done on your tasks lindsay!
Fingers crossed that crookshanks is all good

not_so_insig 08-04-2024 12:56 PM

I am getting it from Caffè nero Lindsay. That's if they dont cancel like they did once. Be annoyed if I didn't notice before going.

tamobhuuta 08-04-2024 01:36 PM

Well done everyone on things. I have been to Mass and bought toiletries.

Accidentally Abstract 08-04-2024 02:19 PM

Hi everyone. :)
Good luck in advance for the rest Beckie! Sounds like you're pretty ready. Hope all goes okay with the psych too.
Hope the TGTG bag doesn't get cancelled this time Dawn!
Hope you enjoyed mass Tamo.
Sounds like you've had a productive day so far Lindsay, hope all is well with Crookshanks later.

I've just been. Working today, from home luckily. Did a small circuit workout over lunch and had some fruit and yoghurt with a drizzle of honey in front of the telly as my lunch break. Got to get back to work shortly. Many other things on my to do list for later as well. Seems like a busy day for most of us!

not_so_insig 08-04-2024 02:53 PM

Thanks Luce. Tesco man has been just a case of putting everything away now. Which is the hardest part.

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 03:06 PM

Thanks Luce! I am ready, it's just how I react to the nerves on the day now!

You sound very busy Luce! Fruit, yogurt and honey is a winning combo!

tamobhuuta 08-04-2024 03:55 PM

I like sultanas in yoghurt with honey!

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 05:12 PM

That also sounds yummy tamo!

I've finally cleaned out the boys and cleaned the house.
So it ended up being quite a busy day after all, with surprise psych appointment up at the cmht and also aldi, in addition to gym, coffee and cleaning piggos and house.

one_step_closer 08-04-2024 06:06 PM

Eww sultanas!

Hope you can settle down now, Beckie.

The vet said Crookshanks has put on 14% of his body weight since they last saw him so he's on a diet. His heart doesn't sound any worse so that's good. I phoned for a taxi to get home and they said it would be 20 minutes so I said ok but then they text saying it would be 50 minutes so I just carried the heavy cat to the bus stop and got a bus.

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 06:09 PM

Yeah I'm trying to

Sounds like an ok appointment! You must be relieved that his heart doesn't sound worse.

Well done for managing!
When I used to carry the boys to the vets, I felt like my arm was going to drop off the whole way! They are chunky and it's a 20-25 min walk!

one_step_closer 08-04-2024 06:14 PM

Keep trying!

Yeah I'm glad his heart isn't deteriorating especially since he's put on weight. The vet gave him some treats and he was gobbling them up as if he was starving! Chunky boys are not meant to be carried long distances.

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 06:18 PM

Bless him!
He clearly likes his food!
They are not!

one_step_closer 08-04-2024 06:25 PM

He never gets treats at home maybe that's why. The table was shiny too so he kept pushing them around when he was trying to eat them and they went on the floor and he jumped off the table. He would also just not sit still the whole time the vet was doing stuff. Then he wouldn't get back into his carrier and had to be persuaded in with more treats! The vet thought he was amusing.

not_so_insig 08-04-2024 06:31 PM

I have collected my tgtg bag. I haven't looked in it yet though. I was early so grabbed a drink and at one point I was the only person in there bar the staff!

I have a new neighbour which I met before. Apparently she has a dog though it wasn't with her when I met her.

Glad your cat is ok Lindsay .

Cacoethes 08-04-2024 06:41 PM

That does sound rather amusing lindsay!

tamobhuuta 08-04-2024 06:57 PM

I'm glad Crookshanks' heart isn't any worse osc.

Cacoethes 09-04-2024 06:50 AM

Morning everyone

long road 09-04-2024 07:43 AM


Cacoethes 09-04-2024 07:44 AM

Morning jen!
How are you?

long road 09-04-2024 07:47 AM

Not great. My asthma is flaring again. Hence being awake early.

How are you?

Cacoethes 09-04-2024 07:58 AM

Oh no!
Hopefully it will ease up a bit as the day goes on

I'm ok. Slept better thankfully so less tired!

long road 09-04-2024 08:09 AM

I hope so. Asthma is generally worse at night though so we shall see.

That's great! Sleep is so important and you very rarely get enough of it.

Any plans today?

Cacoethes 09-04-2024 08:13 AM

Fingers crossed!

Thanks! Yeah no sleep can make you feel crap physically as well as mentally

Should be going for a drive. Then a managers leaving drinks this evening. I won't be able to stay for long because I'm broke, but I want to say goodbye. He was the best manager.

Do you have any plans?

tamobhuuta 09-04-2024 08:16 AM

Morning Cacoethes and lr :)

I'm glad you got some sleep Cacoethes.

Sorry your asthma is bad lr.

Cacoethes 09-04-2024 08:18 AM

Morning tamo!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 09-04-2024 09:02 AM

I'm good thanks. Going for a blood test later. What fun awaits you?

long road 09-04-2024 09:13 AM

Ooh driving! How many days left until your test now?

Showing up is the most important part of leaving drinks anyway showing you thought they were good to work with. Although I will admit the getting drunk bit is fun...

Hope your blood test goes smoothly Tamo

I am in waiting mode as Nurse Practioner from GP Surgery is meant to be ringing at some point this morning and the online appointment think said it would be at 9:05. They are often later than the online slot but sometimes they ring bang on time!

long road 09-04-2024 09:37 AM

Update had the call. Have a plan that if it gets bad enough to need another nebuliser treatment I call back and they will get me to come in to get checked out. Otherwise I get to stay home and chill.

tamobhuuta 09-04-2024 11:19 AM

I'm glad you've got a plan lr.

I've been to Mass :) now having a cup of tea.

not_so_insig 09-04-2024 11:41 AM

Morning all. It's very windy outside and rainy. Glad I haven't got to go outside today. I have received a postcard from Nottinghamshire today the first time I have received a postcard in over a year :laugh: . I am due 60 cards so the postman going to love me. I have also received 2 books. From the little I have read about it, one is going to have a mh part but I didn't buy it for that reason.

tamobhuuta 09-04-2024 11:55 AM

Yay for post! I hope you enjoy your books. Do you think you'll start them today while the weather's horrible?

not_so_insig 09-04-2024 11:59 AM

No as I am reading another book atm tamobhuuta. Plus I have my cpn and amazon today.

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