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one_step_closer 03-02-2024 01:21 PM

Glad you're enjoying it. I don't know some of those people!

Cacoethes 03-02-2024 01:43 PM

Some of them i hadn't heard of either!

long road 03-02-2024 03:25 PM

I know all of those apart from lolly.mind you I used to watch a lot of comedy panel shows!

I had a nap earlier and feel mildly more alive now.

not_so_insig 03-02-2024 03:32 PM

Afternoon all. Sorry I haven't been around for a few days just busy.

Cacoethes 03-02-2024 04:25 PM

I also had a nap. Well, a lie down, idk if i actually slept. Not sure if it helped!

one_step_closer 03-02-2024 04:27 PM

It's hard to get up once you lie down.

Cacoethes 03-02-2024 04:33 PM

It really is

one_step_closer 03-02-2024 04:34 PM

What are you getting up to now?

Cacoethes 03-02-2024 04:43 PM

Not a lot. Still pretty wiped out

How about you?

one_step_closer 03-02-2024 07:03 PM

I've just had my dinner. I think the instructions of how long to cook the steam veg were wrong because they were cold.

long road 03-02-2024 07:09 PM

Oh no cold veg is not a vibe!

I just had some almond butter toast as a snack because dinner won't be ready until at least 7:30/8pm

one_step_closer 03-02-2024 07:13 PM

What's for dinner? I hope your toast tides you over till then.

long road 03-02-2024 07:19 PM

We are having a roast dinner.

Cacoethes 03-02-2024 07:46 PM

Mmm roast!

My steamed veg always comes out cold too. Idk why

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 06:44 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 12:42 PM

Morning Cacoethes, morning everyone. How are you?

one_step_closer 04-02-2024 12:51 PM

Morning almost afternoon.

How are you Beckie and Tamo?

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 01:08 PM

Morning guys!
I am happy because i have a car!
Drove it to my brother's because he needed help with something (reverse parked in between 2 cars!) And then i drove home :-D
Hoping to go out again a bit later!

How are you both?

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 01:13 PM

Did you drive by yourself???

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 01:18 PM

I am ok. Meant to get up at 10 but didn't wake up till 11.20!

My superdrug order came in a cardboard box yesterday. It's perfect mog size and he's loving it.

one_step_closer 04-02-2024 01:23 PM

That is very exciting, Beckie! What car did you get?

It's ok if you need extra sleep, Tamo.

one_step_closer 04-02-2024 01:24 PM

I wonder why cats love boxes so much.

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 01:28 PM

Idk. He loves bags too. Yesterday he played for ages with a bottle top.

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 01:47 PM

I drove with my brother supervising. I'm still learning so can't drive alone yet.

Extra sleep on a weekend is allowed tamo!
Cats are so funny!

It's a mazda 2 lindsay :)

long road 04-02-2024 02:15 PM

Little kids love boxes too. So clearly it isn't just a cat thing!

Afternoon everyone!

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 02:28 PM

Because boxes are awesome

Hi jen!
How are you?

Zurg 04-02-2024 03:05 PM

Yay car!!!! :D
So, when do we go on an epic roadtrip, Beckie???? :)

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 03:16 PM

When I've passed my test!
I can't drive where you are though. The rest of Europe drive on the wrong side of the road :tongue2:

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 03:53 PM

I thought you were driiving illegally Cacoethes!

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 04:04 PM

Nooo never!
Wouldn't want to get a ban before i even get my full licence XD

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 04:07 PM

Quite right, that would be awful!

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 04:08 PM

It would!
I'd probably also get a HUGE fine. And ain't nobody got time for that!

one_step_closer 04-02-2024 05:02 PM

Boxes are cool. I once had a delivery with a box that I could fit in and I really wanted to keep it.

Are you now wanting to drive all the time, Beckie?

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 05:08 PM

Why on earth didn't you lindsay??

Going out again at 5. Down the A1 to the services and probably a bit of driving around town

one_step_closer 04-02-2024 05:10 PM

I think I kept it for a little while but didn't want a huge box cluttering up my living room.

You're going to be an expert driver by the time you do your test.

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 05:35 PM

Fair enough

Apparently you're 1.5x more likely to pass if you practice outside of lessons.
My instructor said i could do the test in my own car too, to save me 70 quid!
Idk whether I'll do that yet. We'll see

one_step_closer 04-02-2024 06:49 PM

£70 is a big saving.

I'm needing to renew my driving license soon and it's so annoying that I'll have to pay more just because I don't have a passport.

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 07:19 PM

It is!

That is annoying indeed! Best to have some form of ID though

I have been out to servs, we had a starbucks, came back and did a loop of town.

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 07:58 PM

Sounds like you've had a fun day Cacoethes!

I envy your giant box osc.

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 08:02 PM

I have!

How's your day been tamo?

long road 04-02-2024 08:07 PM

I have no id other than my blue badge at the moment (which luckily counts as ID to let me vote but not much else). I really ought to sort it. But I can't even get a provisional licnese because of seizures. And it feels pointless shelling out for a passport when I am not well enough to travel.

Luckily I don't drink alcohol anymore which was the main reason I needed ID XD

I really want to build a massive box fort now! When I was little I got a toy in a box big enough to sit and stand in. It was my toy phone box and TARDIS!

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 08:14 PM

I don't have to use ID much tbh!
Apart from when driving and travelling
And when we got the help with energy bills thing and i needed ID to top up gas/electric at the post office.

That sounds awesome jen!

tamobhuuta 04-02-2024 09:00 PM

I've had a nice day thanks Cacoethes. I've done some painting but my spasming meant I got paint everywhere!

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 09:02 PM

Glad you've had a nice day!
Oh no! At least paint can be cleaned up!

long road 04-02-2024 09:27 PM

I have very good memories of that box.

Cacoethes 04-02-2024 09:28 PM

Boxes are awesome

long road 05-02-2024 01:28 AM

Yes they are. Its my birthday soon maybe instead of a present I should ask for lots of boxes. I have a relative who works at a supermarket they might be able to make it happen....

Also I should be sleeping. But I am a bit too mental to sleep.

Cacoethes 05-02-2024 04:36 AM

Hopefully you're asleep now jen

Morning everyone

long road 05-02-2024 10:33 AM


Looks like you woke up around when I fell asleep

How are you today?

Cacoethes 05-02-2024 10:43 AM

I'm ok. Tired and bored.
Just been to asda and aldi to try and kill some time but it's still not even 10am D:

How are you?

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