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[Luna] 01-12-2016 02:31 PM

Am now dressed. Progress...

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 04:31 PM

Yay!!! Me too. I had to go to asda.
Hope it goes ok with your support worker Luna!

[Luna] 01-12-2016 04:34 PM

It went well thanks. How was Asda?
What are your plans for this evening?

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 04:41 PM

Good :)

Asda was fine. Although they've increased the price of grapes by 25p which I am not happy about!

I'm watching breaking bad again. I watched it when it came out a few years ago but I didn't really watch it properly so I'm trying again!
How about you?

Voldemort 01-12-2016 05:03 PM

Hey all.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 05:10 PM

Hi amy!
Howare you?

Voldemort 01-12-2016 05:45 PM

I'm watching one tree hill. How are you?

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 05:45 PM

I never would have guessed! :P

I'm good thanks :)

not_so_insig 01-12-2016 05:49 PM

Hello everyone!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 05:59 PM

Haha, I guess I am pretty predictable right now.

Hey insig, how are you?

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 06:01 PM

So am I amy! I go through phases of binge watching shows. So like criminal minds is the only thing I watched for weeks! Now it's breaking bad!

HI Dawn!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 06:03 PM

I never really got into breaking bad. And I don't have much choice than to binge watch programmes whilst I'm here because I have to rely on my DVDs.

not_so_insig 01-12-2016 06:03 PM

I am ok Amy. I have been productive this afternoon as I have finished putting up the decorations and went for a walk twice around the park at the bottom of the road.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 06:07 PM

I tried watching all the series when they came out but I didn't really watch it properly for whatever reason so I'm trying again!

Sounds like a good day!

not_so_insig 01-12-2016 06:26 PM

Yep. I have decided that my single stocking looks rather odd in it's current position so therefore I need to buy another one. I got my Christmas picture up but been as it lights up I had to go and find some batteries.

The only thing that needs doing is the lights in my window but my dad does that.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 06:40 PM

Sounds good!
I don't decorated my house. However chels has decided that I need to be more Christmassy so she has bought me a tiny tree and has wrapped my present (it's a microwave) so I have a huge present in my living room with my beauty advent calander in the shape of a christmas tree and Chels will be bringing down my small tree.
So I'm kind of being forced into the Christmas spirit!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 06:40 PM

Sounds good to me, Dawn? Can I call you by your name?

not_so_insig 01-12-2016 06:43 PM

Yes you can Amy.

Voldemort 01-12-2016 06:58 PM

Good stuff.

Ritzi has our Christmas stuff up already but I get to see it on Saturday as I'm getting out for a few hours. Can't wait!

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:14 PM

Yay! Bet you're looking forward to that!!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 07:15 PM

I really, really am!

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:18 PM

It's always good to have things to look forward to!
Not too long to wait as well :)

Voldemort 01-12-2016 07:21 PM

It's going to be a long day tomorrow because she's not coming in and she wasn't in today but yeah. Something to look forward to.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:27 PM

Just keep distracted with one tree hill and time will fly by!!

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:31 PM

I was going to say while the time away wandering around thinking 'what would Voldemort do' but on second thoughts....

As Beckie said though great to have things to look forward to :)

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:34 PM

Well, killing mud bloods and muggleborns would pass the time

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:36 PM

*hides Hermione*

Voldemort 01-12-2016 07:37 PM

Don't tempt me. Dirty mudblood nurses.

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:39 PM

*casually hides behind a sea of muggleborns and slips slowly towards fellow blood traitors*

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:41 PM

Do we reckon that we have Wizard Scrabble, as well as Wizard Chess? Just a random question as I have two windows open on my computer right now, this, and online scrabble-I am just that cool.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:45 PM

*stands proudly with fellow slytherins*

Hmm. That's a good question Katy!
Maybe when you spell a word the tiles burst into flames or something?

Voldemort 01-12-2016 07:46 PM

Wizard scrabble. Hmmm. Interesting idea.

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4072805)
Maybe when you spell a word the tiles burst into flames or something?

Sounds like a plan of sorts...

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Voldemort (Post 4072808)
Interesting idea.

Well it was mine so naturally interesting *sits and preens* :hehe:

Voldemort 01-12-2016 07:51 PM

Uh huh. Suree...

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:51 PM

Haha! You are very 'interesting' Katy :p

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:53 PM

^OI! The pair of you!!

*sits in a corner and stupefies from a difference, rocking.*-see NORMAL

Buttons. 01-12-2016 07:53 PM

...and interesting in a GOOD way

Voldemort 01-12-2016 07:58 PM

Keep telling yourself that, dear. *Pets*

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 07:59 PM

This reminds me of a birthday card my mum sent me.
It was a peppa pig one that said 'you are so very special' but my mum put inverted commas around 'special' and wrote 'in a good way' next to it.
I was like, thanks mum!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 08:00 PM

Bahaha, gutted Beckie.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 08:07 PM

Yep! I was like, thanks for the clarification!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 08:10 PM

Ahh, parents are the best.

Buttons. 01-12-2016 08:12 PM

Beckie your mum is a legend.

And I will keep telling myself that Voldie I will I WILL.

....Although when ordering a takeaway just now I may have just got so confused I ordered a curry I didn't intend to on top of what I actually wanted...trying to figure out best way to save it for tomorrow....but I know nothing about food beyond burning/accidentally letting it rot...

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 08:15 PM

My mum can be funny at times!
Like the day before I went to Norway and she text me saying 'have you got the P11 form for going through security? They won't let you through without it!'
And I panicked and was like 'what is that?!'
And she text back 'made up. Lol'
Troll mum!

I'm not sure what to do with extras! I usually just eat it cold the next day!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 08:16 PM

Let it cool down and keep it in the fridge, heat it up in the microwave tomorrow until it's piping hot all the way through and enjoy.

Buttons. 01-12-2016 08:21 PM

Okay Beckie I repeat your mum is a legend.

And I can now say I have got (sort of) cooking instructions from Voldemort. Happy times.

Buttons. 01-12-2016 08:21 PM

Not going to arrive for an hour anyway. Haven't ordered take out in forever!

Voldemort 01-12-2016 08:23 PM

What're you having? And yes, reheating is easy! I might be having a chinese on Saturday.

Cacoethes 01-12-2016 08:23 PM

I miss takeaways! Especially Indian and dominoes!
Not very slimming world friendly unfortunately!

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