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Cacoethes 06-10-2023 10:13 AM

What a crap day Lio!
Hope you can do something nice afterwards!

Nope! Lol
It's on Monday :)

Ah no! Dentist for you too lindsay!

one_step_closer 06-10-2023 10:18 AM

I'm glad you're celebrating, Beckie. You deserve to be celebrated. <3

This is supposed to be my last dentist appointment, just getting one filling. Hoping she doesn't find something else that needs done!

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 10:25 AM

Aww thank you!

Fingers crossed!

Elmer 06-10-2023 10:39 AM

I hope the dentist all goes well Lindsay

I am also glad you're celebrating Beckie :)

In the dentist waiting room. Somewhat anxious.

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 10:43 AM

Thanks Lio :)
It'll be nice to celebrate my birthday
Last years was super depressing!

I hope it all goes well!

long road 06-10-2023 11:00 AM

Hey everyone!

Hope people's things go well (dentist X 2 , depot, work, Londoning)

Maybe you could look at trip advisor for restaurant reviews Beckie. I usually find it's pretty good.

I have had a bit of a rough night but I got to sleep eventually. Not sure how I am today yet

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 11:47 AM

I have exhausted TripAdvisor and still can't decide XD

Hope today is ok for you

long road 06-10-2023 11:55 AM

Decisions be hard.

Thanks. I have no idea really

tamobhuuta 06-10-2023 12:32 PM

Good afternoon everyone. I've washed my hair.

long road 06-10-2023 12:44 PM

Good job Tamo. I am about to hop on the shower myself.

one_step_closer 06-10-2023 01:59 PM

I hope you got on ok, Lio.

Well done Tamo, I have also washed my hair.

Hope your shower isn't too taxing, Jen.

long road 06-10-2023 02:00 PM

Shower done. And had a sausage sandwich for lunch.

Getting anxious about GP call at some point this afternoon but trying to keep busy. Think I am going to do some work on my health passport to distract myself.

How are you doing Lindsay? Have you don't the dentist yet?

one_step_closer 06-10-2023 02:08 PM

I am so jealous of your sausage sandwich. Yes I have been to the dentist, last filling done, can't eat much right now which is annoying. I don't have anything exciting in anyway.

How are you getting on with the health passport? What does it involve? I hope your GP call isn't too far away and it goes well.

Elmer 06-10-2023 02:19 PM

I hope you find somewhere Beckie

Well done Tamo :)

Sausage sammich sounds so good Jen. I hope that health passporting is a good distraction

Hope the anaesthetic wears off and you can eat something soon Lindsay!

Both my appointments are done, in two weeks I get to level up and have a tooth extracted before my depot (cue unlimited sorrow). I got my favourite sammich from M&S since there isn't one in my town and waiting for bus home now

long road 06-10-2023 02:20 PM

Sorry to make you jealous! Eating after the dentist is tricky. Got any nice soup in?

Just about to start up adding stuff to health passport. It's a summary of my key medical info and what helps me best to help me communicate my needs . Includes a bit of an explanation of FND (as it's not something everyone is familiar with), summary of my other long term conditions, FND symptoms and best way to help me manage them and other medical info such as meds etc.

Ninja Lio, what is your favourite M&S sandwich? Well down for getting through appointments!

Elmer 06-10-2023 02:39 PM

That sounds like such a good resource Jen!

It's the new york salt 'beef' roll, I love it :)

one_step_closer 06-10-2023 02:48 PM

Poor you, Lio. Glad you got your favourite sandwich though.

I have some Heinz cream of tomato which is a staple. I could probably chew something though but I haven't got much in. Was thinking maybe cauliflower cheese.

Sounds good, Jen. Will you carry it around with you or is it like an electronic resource or do health professionals keep it or what?

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 04:02 PM

Hey guyss

I hope we are all well!

I've finished early because it's dead
Still waiting for E so we can do prosecco though

tamobhuuta 06-10-2023 04:08 PM


Cacoethes 06-10-2023 04:22 PM

I get a free bottle from here for my birthday :-D

tamobhuuta 06-10-2023 04:24 PM

Nice. Have fun!

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 04:32 PM

She still has 30 mins to go so I'm just chilling

long road 06-10-2023 04:48 PM

Intiguing Lio what is the 'beef' made from?

I have just stopped working on health passport as getting tired. Not finished yet but it's definitely taking shape. I will probably bring a paper copy whenever I have to go into hospital but have it on my phone in case as a back up.

long road 06-10-2023 06:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Crocs are getting more ridiculous
Attachment 23773


Thought this was serious business news that you all needed to know

Elmer 06-10-2023 07:01 PM

'Beef' is hydrolysed wheat, pea and potato protein apparently. Is tasty.

No comment on the croc boots

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 07:49 PM

Good evening!

I am drunk lol
The boys are clearly judging me, but otherwise unbotherered because they have been fed

nonperson 06-10-2023 08:01 PM

Pets are extremely judgemental about those sorts of things.

Cacoethes 06-10-2023 08:18 PM

They absolutely are

Cacoethes 07-10-2023 06:29 AM

Morning everyone!

Elmer 07-10-2023 08:20 AM

Morning :)

Did you have a good evening Beckie?

What are people up to today?

I've got volunteering and uni work because the modules have officially started now (great alarm)

Cacoethes 07-10-2023 08:43 AM

Hey Lio!
How are you?

I did thank you!

I have taekwondo soon. Then need to clean out boys and ask neighbour to feed them tonight and tomorrow morning because i keep forgetting to ask. But she literally never gies anywhere so that'll be fine! Need to pack and then setting off for Cambridge!

Ooh that's exciting!
What's this module on?
I'm sure you'll smash it!

Elmer 07-10-2023 08:54 AM

Ooh, enjoy Cambridge!

I'm doing a module on forensic psychology and one of the core psychology modules, I'm excited and nervous

Cacoethes 07-10-2023 09:21 AM

Thank you!
I'm sure i will!

Ooh that sounds interesting!

tamobhuuta 07-10-2023 09:42 AM

What are you going to Cambridge for Cacoethes?

That sounds really interesting Elmer.

one_step_closer 07-10-2023 10:20 AM

Morning everyone.

What volunteering do you do, Lio? I did a forensic psychology module and really enjoyed it.

How long will you be in Cambridge for, Beckie? I hope you have a really good time.

How are you, Tamo?

Cacoethes 07-10-2023 10:46 AM

Going to the festival of the dead.
It's like a day of the dead thing, with live music and circus performers and stuff!
We'll have a mooch around the shops before dinner.

Also, morning tamo! How are you?

Only in Cambridge until tomorrow lindsay

tamobhuuta 07-10-2023 11:44 AM

Mum brought me coffee which perked me up enough to shower.

Have fun Cacoethes, that sounds odd!

Cacoethes 07-10-2023 12:26 PM


It's a day of the dead type thing! If you've heard of that!

one_step_closer 07-10-2023 04:17 PM

Sounds like lots of fun packed into a small amount of time, Beckie!

Well done for showering, Tamo. What kind of coffee did you have?

tamobhuuta 07-10-2023 04:38 PM

Latte :) what are you up to?

long road 07-10-2023 04:56 PM


tamobhuuta 07-10-2023 05:42 PM

Hi lr, how are you?

long road 07-10-2023 06:03 PM

I am not ok but I am safe.

Just finished watching One Piece on Netflix with my partner and have come to bed for a short rest.

How are you Tamo?

tamobhuuta 07-10-2023 07:23 PM

I'm ok, had a nice visit from my mum, we watched videos of seagulls stealing crisps.

long road 07-10-2023 07:35 PM

Hope the videos amused you! Seagulls can be nuisance. Living near the sea we get a lot even where I live 7 or 8 miles inland, not fun to have stuff stolen but it can be funny looking back or watching others!

My partner had a seagull steal the sausage out of his roll when he had bought a hot dog from a stand in the city centre! I have also seen an old man in the seafront scaring seagulls away from his chips by bashing his walking stick on the table and on a different day seen a man placating and distracting the seagulls by throwing chips a significant distance away so he could eat most his fish and chips himself in peace!

I just ordered Italian style pizza for dinner

nonperson 07-10-2023 08:39 PM

I've had a seagull steal my battered sausage right out of my hand too! I thought I was the only one to feel that sort of pain/humiliation/rage!

Isn't all pizza Italian style?

long road 07-10-2023 09:28 PM

Not the battered sausage! Food stolen from hand by seagulls is fairly common in these parts. My partner's grandma lost two ice creams in one afternoon to seagulls!

Well some like dominos or pizza hut I considered more American Italian pizza. This was more authentic Italian from an actual Italian restaurant.

nonperson 07-10-2023 09:31 PM

It was my fault - I went to Brighton and didn't heed the many warnings.

Oh yeah, I forgot about American style pizza. I bet it was good then!

long road 08-10-2023 05:53 AM

As a local we are sort of used to it but sometimes they suprise you!

It was super good pizza I had ham, mushrooms and back olives as my toppings.

Morning Everyone!

Not that I have really been to sleep. Had multiple asthma attacks last night and paramedics ended up being me inti AMU so currently admitted to medical hospital again. I thought my lungs were back to mostly behaving but they have betrayed me again *shakes fist at own lungs*

nonperson 08-10-2023 08:17 AM

Morning all.

Sorry you haven't had a good night.

*shakes fist too*

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