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nonperson 25-09-2023 08:30 PM

When will L see the video of space pants??

Sending good sleep vibes to you, Jen.

Cacoethes 25-09-2023 08:30 PM

I wasn't actually being sarcastic for once XD

Not really.
They say you should handwash them and not tumble dry, but ain't nobody got time for that.
So i put it on a delicates wash and then spin. And it comes out lovely and fluffy!

Ugh that sounds so grim jen :(

I'll send her the video now!

not_so_insig 26-09-2023 07:05 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 07:06 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 26-09-2023 09:05 AM

Hi both, how are you?

one_step_closer 26-09-2023 10:10 AM

Morning everyone. How are you all doing?

Zurg 26-09-2023 10:10 AM

Hello everyone :)
What are you all up to, today??

tamobhuuta 26-09-2023 10:22 AM

Hi osc and Zurg. I'm ok. I've got the Crisis Team coming this morning and my godmother coming this afternoon. How about you?

one_step_closer 26-09-2023 10:23 AM

I hope crisis are helpful, Tamo and you enjoy your time with your godmother.

How are you, Kat?

I'm going to the gym this afternoon.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2023 10:35 AM

Thanks osc, I hope you enjoy the gym.

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 10:37 AM

Hey everyone!

I have a headache that is not shifting, despite ibuprofen and co cocodamol

tamobhuuta 26-09-2023 10:47 AM

That's not good.

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 10:49 AM

Tis not!

What time is crisis coming?

tamobhuuta 26-09-2023 11:24 AM

They've just been. It was 2 people I know (although I'd forgotten one of their names!)

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 11:29 AM

Hope it went ok.
I can never remember crisis team names! Apart from the people I've known for years!

Zurg 26-09-2023 12:11 PM

I hope they were nice, Tamo.
I hope the gym is okay today, Lindsay.
And boo to persistent headache!! Minus 4 stars, would not recommend!!! :(

I'm trying to balance my need for activity/distractions and my need for rest. It is difficult.

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 12:15 PM

Absolutely minus 4 starts!

Ooh that is tough!
Could you hassle findus as a distraction? Not too high effort!

Zurg 26-09-2023 12:22 PM

I've been hassling Findus way more than he finds acceptable so he has now hidden under the couch XD
I Think i'll skip the hoovering today. My heart makes funny movements when i am stressed and sad and it has been doing that an awful lot lately…. It freaks me out a bit.

I hate headaches!!! They are impossible to ignore with their persistent pain thingy and the feeling of added pressure inside your skull. Someone ought to ban them!!! >:(

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 12:36 PM

Damn! Plan foiled!

No one ever died from skipping hoovering!
Best to avoid it.
Have you been checked out for funny heart movements? Doesn't sound too healthy!

Yes they should be!

one_step_closer 26-09-2023 01:42 PM

The other people who go to the gym are unwell and it's went and windy outside so I decided not to go.

Headaches are evil, I hope it passes soon Beckie.

Hope crisis were helpful, Tamo.

Hope you can find a good balance, Kat.

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 01:45 PM

Unfortunately headache is still there
Possibly because I'm tired

Have you done anything nice instead of going to the gym lindsay?

not_so_insig 26-09-2023 01:49 PM

Afternoon all. I have cpn coming today. Not looking forward to the appointment.

Tamobhuuta did you know that classic Doctors is on Drama? Series 1 and 2 is on uktv play if you're not awake at 8 am when it's on.

not_so_insig 26-09-2023 01:56 PM

Oh and if anyone sends letters the price of first class stamps is going up on October 2nd so if you need stamps I would buy them now. Second class is staying the same price.

one_step_closer 26-09-2023 02:09 PM

Are you resting, Beckie?

I've just done my usual reading, internetting, and catching up with TV.

I hope your appointment goes ok, Dawn. I didn't know second class stamps weren't going up, the post office person told me the large second class ones are. I just bought a load of second class ones. So expensive already!

Cacoethes 26-09-2023 02:16 PM

Yep i am resting!
Don't really have a lot else to do until work

Watched anything good today?

not_so_insig 26-09-2023 02:19 PM

Yes I had a load of stamps with my tesco shopping order
I am planning to send a load of postcards on World Postcard Day so need a ton of stamps for that.

not_so_insig 26-09-2023 02:29 PM

Oh and if anyone sends international mail the prices are staying the same.

one_step_closer 26-09-2023 06:49 PM

I watched something about military prisoners, can't remember what it's called.

Hope work is going ok, Beckie.

It's just started raining here with a couple of rumbles of thunder.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2023 07:38 PM

Ooo thunder. I love interesting weather.

long road 26-09-2023 07:57 PM

I made beans on toast for partner and I for dinner. It was a lot of effort as I still feel really ill but partner is ill too, in fact probably the illest I have ever seen him (he is one of those people who rarely gets ill and generally burns through an illness in a day or two).

Now trying to rest with a hot blackcurrant squash.

Zurg 26-09-2023 08:19 PM

I hope you both get better soon, Jen <3
Thunder is loud. I feel like it should agree to pass around 10 pm at the latest. I hate loudness. Especially at night. I hope you're inside and cosy, Lindsay :)
If the term interesting weather should live up to its name, i would at the very least expect it to rain marshmallows or smth. Can you imagine??? Free candy, falling from the sky??? Bliss

I was looking forward to eating crisps in bed and watching Disney+ And then, of course, i am struck with a rude stomach ache. Not cool!!! >:(

long road 26-09-2023 08:49 PM

Thanks Zurg.

When I was little I thought thunder sound like people noisly moving furniture around in the sky.

He he he marshmallow rain!

Eurgh to stomach aches. What were you going to watch on Disney plus?

Cacoethes 27-09-2023 12:12 AM

Hey guys
Just got back
Work was actually chill

Cacoethes 27-09-2023 07:30 AM

Morning everyone

long road 27-09-2023 08:22 AM


Glad work was chill yesterday Beckie.

How are you doing today?

Cacoethes 27-09-2023 08:26 AM

It was a good team.
No pressure, good vibes only!

I'm ok thanks
Tired. Because of getting home late, i went to bed at 2am and woke up later than usual, but still 7am.

How are you?

Zurg 27-09-2023 09:29 AM

Morning Beckie and Jen :)
I heard you guys in the uk will have a storm coming around today. I hope you can stay inside!!!

Cacoethes 27-09-2023 09:32 AM


I have work, and need to go to the retail park after work which is an extra hourish minutes walking. So i cannot stay inside XD

How are you?

long road 27-09-2023 09:57 AM

Eurgh to sleep still continuing to be unreasonable Beckie! I got about 6 hours myself. Took me until 2am to stop coughing and be able to sleep.

I am feeling very slightly better today and hoping it lasts. Did a bit of washing up pile and am now back in bed resting, I am definitely not pushing it!

I don't think I could physically cope with going outside so I will be tucked up inside all day Zurg! Only plans are my OT is phoning me this afternoon and I am hoping I can have a proper chat with her without coughing too much.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2023 10:07 AM

Morning everyone.

not_so_insig 27-09-2023 10:25 AM

Morning all.

Tamobhuuta did you see my post about classic Doctors?

one_step_closer 27-09-2023 10:25 AM

Morning everyone. I hope you all have an ok day at least.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2023 10:26 AM

No??? Are we talking lunchtime doctors or doctor who doctors here?

tamobhuuta 27-09-2023 10:27 AM

Hi osc, how are you?

Zurg 27-09-2023 10:38 AM

Hi Dawn, Tamo and Lindsay :)

I feel like i could just go back to bed. Tired and achey and it feels like a great effort to breathe. But have to finish my laundry :(

one_step_closer 27-09-2023 10:39 AM

That sounds horrible, Kat. Please don't push yourself too much.

I have to go to the gym with my support worker today. There's a couple of weather warnings today and I'll probably be out during them.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2023 10:40 AM

Are you coming down with something Zurg?

not_so_insig 27-09-2023 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4365022)
No??? Are we talking lunchtime doctors or doctor who doctors here?

Lunchtime Doctors.

Classic Doctors is on at 8 am every weekday morning on Drama. Alternatively series 1 and 2 is available on uktv play.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2023 11:11 AM

Awesome I will see if we have those.

one_step_closer 27-09-2023 11:23 AM

Nurses On The Ward and Nurses Down Under are good on UK TV Play.

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