![]() |
Yeah. It was disappointing.
I'm getting her to bring in my novel tomorrow. It's all in my head I just have to try and get it down on paper.
Awesome :)
More difficult than it sounds unfortunately!
I can imagine! It can be hard waiting for creativity to strike!
I'm watching family guy. Will probably go to bed after this episode when my electric blanket has had a chance to heat up! Got to be up for neurologist appointment tomorrow. Sad because Wednesday is usually a lie in day but I have to be up to get a stupid train then a stupid bus and have to wait in the stupid waiting for at least an hour because he's always running really late! -.- |
Oh that sucks, Beckie but I hope the appointment goes ok.
I'm watching one more episode of oth, getting my meds and going to bed I think. I'm exhausted. |
Thanks. It should be a good appointment because I haven't had a seizure since January :)
That sounds like a good plan. I hate when you have to wait for your meds in hospital when you're really tired. 10pm seems really late. |
That's brilliant! And I believe it's a year seizure free to be able to drive.
Yeah. It feels like forever to wait. |
I really want to be able to drive! Although I probably won't be able to actually by a car and all the expense that comes with cars!!
It's annoying. I take mine at 8pm at home. If I took them at 10pm I probably wouldn't be able to get up in the morning! |
Driving is costly indeed. Very costly. It's worth knowing how though.
I've struggled to get up the past few mornings alright. I'm only on 100mg at night though and the same in the morning. |
I would love to learn to drive again. I have a psych appointment on the 8th December so I am going to ask my psych then. The nurse currently in charge of my care thinks it's a good idea to learn to drive but obviously the final decision is not hers.
Morning guys!
How are we all? Got to leave for my appointment soon. It's freezing outside! Everything has frosted over. Although I do like that the frost makes everything all sparkly! |
Good morning.
Good luck with your appointment. I'm stuck in the flat waiting for engineers to check my boiler and for my washing mashing , which was supposed to come Sunday, to be delivered. |
Good luck with your visitors Lorraine.
I am waiting for my tesco shopping to be delivered. Normally I have it on a Tuesday but I was out yesterday so I had it today. I normally go swimming but I couldn't go today due to time of the month. |
That's a shame about swimming. What are you going to do instead?
I am going to put up my Christmas tree once I have my shopping delivered.
Good plan.
I have had my shopping delivered. Unlike last time there's no missing items but I had 2 subsitutions and one unavailable item. The unavailable item was cat food but I always make sure that I have plenty so my kitties won't starve. They subsituted a cat treat but been as what they sent wasn't fish flavoured (my eldest cat hates fish) I accepted it. The only other thing was a sandwich but I accepted the substitute cause it had bacon on it (I never eat the bacon because I feed to my kitties) which is why I chose the original.
Hey guys. Hope your days are going well!
I had an awesome appointment. He's very pleased with how I'm doing and I don't have to see him for another year! And he's said I can apply for my provisional driving licence in January!!! I'm so excited! :-D |
That's great news Beckie!
That's great Beckie.
Well done Beckie :)
The engineer has been and gone, I'm just waiting on my new washing machine. I have a fun evening catching up on washes tonight.
I'm fed up. I hate waiting. |
Thanks guys! :-D
Waiting in really sucks. I hope they come soon! |
Me too. Since my washing machine broke I've been having to use my sister's who thankfully only lives 4 doors away.
That's lucky!
Before I bought my washing machine, I had to wash my clothes at a friends house, 25 mins train ride away! I have no local friends or family. |
Good afternoon all.
Afternoon Luna. I am in the process of putting my tree up. Unfortunately my cat thinks she is being helpful!
Hey all.
Well hello :)
What's everyone been up to today? I've had boooooring hospital then a TV marathon of everything and anything (which is continuing as we type) anyone do anything more exciting? |
Although currently adverts. Adverts should die.
I went Christmas shopping today. Rather successful and now we're broke!
^ Found that when I let myself search Amazon a bit the other day :P At least you know a lot's sorted *crumbs of positivity* :P
Yeah. We got a bonus on our disability today so we spent that. Got a fair few good things though.
Are you ok? Why were you in hospital? |
I have finished putting up my tree. Just got to put up my Christmas picture and get the snow globes from the wardrobe.
I have realised that I can open my advent calendars tomorrow! |
Hey where's my disability bonus!!!!! :P
Yeah I'm fine few silly seizures and drips and shiz nothing terribly exciting, plus I checked out early so am now back watching Sheldon bully Penny on BBfl |
I have 4 snow globes. They all play tunes. In my Christmas box where all the decorations where I found a stocking which I don't remember buying!
^ Will have to come and 'absent' them from you! :P
Hey guys!
Well, I accidentally took my night meds at about 3pm yesterday so I went to bed at around 4pm and just up now. I feel seriously groggy and unwell so I'm gonna skip college today. Really can't face even the journey in case I'm sick :( |
Morning all.
J found a stray cat. She took him to the vet and now he's in E's room. They said we have to advertise him to see if anyone claims him but legally after a week we can keep him. He's so skinny. He must have been freezing outside, poor thing. |
Hi Luna!
Ahhhh good on J and you for taking him in. Poor little thing. |
Luna if you take him to any vets they can scan him for a microchip assuming that you haven't done already. It's usually free. If he's unneutered phone the cats Protection and explain that you have a stray. They will help financially with the cost of neutering him (normally it's only available to people who are on benefits).
J took him to the vets and he's not chipped. They were the ones who told her about needing to advertise and things.
I thought you had but many people are not aware that you can hence why I thought that I would mention it.
Definitely phone the cats Protection if he's unneutered but say that he is a stray. Otherwise they won't be able to help unless you are on benefits or a student. You need to know the cats name and the name of the vet you wish to use. |
Thank you, I'll do that.
He's so friendly but so skinny. You can feel the ridges of his spine and all his ribs. Poor soul :( |
Poor little guy. :(
He's lucky he's got you and J and E to look after him now! |
Someone go see my support worker for me? I'm not even dressed yet :/
I would but I'm not dressed either...
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