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Cacoethes 18-05-2023 06:59 PM

It's a personal trainer apprenticeship.
I'm probably too old for even the college course I want to do, let alone an apprenticeship XD
But the worst they can say is no, so why not.

Hopefully the chinese will perk you up!

long road 18-05-2023 07:01 PM

I saw an article about someone becoming a PT at like 60. So I don't think age is a problem. Whether it would be healthy for you is a whole other kettle of fish that I won't get into right now.

I am looking forward to the Chinese. Getting chicken with Ginger and spring onions, egg fried rice and vegetable spring rolls.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 07:05 PM

Tbf, my mum's PT is legit over 70.
She goes to a gym for over 40's though.
I will elaborate on the above concern in my RV, as I do not want to get post reported for non gc chat!

Oooh yummy! Love a spring roll!
My absolute favourite thing at the Chinese is the duck with pancakes. But i can't really order it just for myself! Idk why, just seems like more of a sharing thing!

long road 18-05-2023 07:22 PM

That is totally fair. And I didn't mean to be critical just concerned and can see the potential merit in it from your RV.

Right back on general chat.

Spring rolls are my favourite. I do like the flavour of duck pancakes but since I got Ducky, eating duck makes me feel a little guilty which is mad. But I do have a deep emotional attachment to him.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 07:45 PM

Absolutely valid concern!

That's fair enough!
Spring rolls are awesome.
Now i want some XD

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 08:02 PM

I also want Chinese now :(

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 08:02 PM

Look what you've done now jen! :tongue2:

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 08:06 PM

Mmm Chinese!

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 08:09 PM

I have just realised I am even LESS likely to get the apprenticeship as my wage would be double what a 16 year old would be entitled to, because I'm over 23.
So they're defo gonna go for someone under 23, because it's cheaper.
Such is life!

long road 18-05-2023 08:14 PM

I am Sorry for making you all want Chinese.
All I can offer you is some imaginary spring rolls via the medium of this thread. *Sets down plate of spring rolls with dipping sauces*

I have eaten all my Chinese now and am very full. But have a tiny bit more energy. Reckon I will pack tomorrow instead of tonight though as not got loads of spare energy.

That's sucks re apprenticeship although I have known older people get apprenticeships so it really depends.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 08:20 PM

Better than nothing!
We can put the rubbish in one of the imaginary bins ;p

Sounds like a good plan!

Tbh, at work they pay the under 21s less and there are quite a few of us over 21!
I was hired at 29. So it's not impossible!

long road 18-05-2023 08:52 PM

Do we have an imaginary dishwasher to wash the plate with after? XD

There you go then. To be honest at my work we have apprentices who work as CAD technicians and train towards becoming engineers and taking on design work. The ones who aren't straight from school and have taken a few years first are much more reliable.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 09:14 PM

Don't see why not XD

I've often heard that younger apprentices tend to not take it that seriously.
After a spate of hiring a load of under 18s, there were sooo many messages in the group chat about certain people mysteriously calling in sick every Friday and Saturday night...and always the same people. A lot of the under or just over 18s....
And a lot of them don't stick around after they find out they actually have to do work XD

long road 18-05-2023 09:49 PM

Perfect. My partner has a Weird thing against dishwashers. We have one (it's built in to kitchen) but he will never use it.

Scientists say brains aren't fully matured until 25. So maybe that's part of it.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 10:03 PM

I think they are meant to use lots of water?
Idk. I've never had one, apart from when i lived with the fam.
But with 5 kids and 2 adults, a dishwasher is kind of essential. Otherwise you'd be doing washing up most of the day!

Quite possibly!
I know it very much depends on the person. My sister is 18 and is stupidly responsible and works so hard at uni! Doing economics which sounds boring af.
But the sample size at work definitely does not work in favour of the under 25s!

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 10:07 PM

I'm just making something to eat, I forgot to make dinner!

I also need a bath tonight.

long road 18-05-2023 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4351730)
I think they are meant to use lots of water?
Idk. I've never had one, apart from when i lived with the fam.
But with 5 kids and 2 adults, a dishwasher is kind of essential. Otherwise you'd be doing washing up most of the day!

Quite possibly!
I know it very much depends on the person. My sister is 18 and is stupidly responsible and works so hard at uni! Doing economics which sounds boring af.
But the sample size at work definitely does not work in favour of the under 25s!

Some say it's more water efficient to use a dishwasher than rinsing dishes etc. He says that you have to scrape and rinse the plates first if you want the Dishwasher to work properly and not just be filled with gunk over time and says at that point you might as well wash them by hand. My mum got one a couple of years ago after always handwashing and loves it.

I mean at 18 I lived away from home at uni, studied civil engineering which had a lot more contact hours than some course, while also handling being mental and under the CMHT and by third year ending up.in hospital for my asthma like 5 times.

People can knuckle down and work hard at any age but by over 25 I think they are more likely to take things seriously / know what they actually want to do / need money to survive rather than just for disposable income.

Oops about forgetting dinner Beth but at least you remembered tonight rather than tomorrow morning.

I hope you enjoy your bath. My bath is quite shallow so baths in it are not super satisfying plus with my non epileptic seizures I'd need supervision in the bath and that makes it less relaxing even though I love my partner sometimes you just want personal space and a bath is one of those times

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 10:21 PM

I'm sorry you can't have a bath!

My shower head doesn't stay on the wall because it broke years ago, so baths are all I have!

long road 18-05-2023 10:25 PM

I might try a hot tub or something at some point. Hot tubs are designed for multiple people to chill in so having company would be less weird!

My shower head stays on the wall but you can't adjust the height it just says at the lowest height. So unless you are really short you have to take it off the wall and hold it with one hand and wash with the other although that's generally how I would have shower as I sit on a bath board to shower so I don't get too tired.

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 10:32 PM

What are you classing as really short? (I'm really smol!)

long road 18-05-2023 10:38 PM

Like 4 ft 4. I am around 5 ft 4/ 5ft 5 and I say it's a full foot below my head height.

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 10:39 PM

Ahh that is short. I'm only 4 foot 10.

long road 18-05-2023 10:45 PM

My partner's mum is 4ft 11 and 3/4 but she says she is 5ft! 4ft 10 is pretty short but I have known a few people that height, although only women now I think of it.

long road 18-05-2023 10:48 PM

I am currently watching someone make an entire mood ring bathroom. It's crazy!

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 10:52 PM

That sounds WILD! Where are you watching this?

long road 18-05-2023 10:59 PM

On you tube on Ali spagnola's channel.

She does lots of crazy projects like making a pop socket car!

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4351743)
On you tube on Ali spagnola's channel.

She does lots of crazy projects like making a pop socket car!

I don't know what that means!

long road 18-05-2023 11:11 PM

So pop sockets are like buttons you can use as fidgets. And she covered her entire car in them!

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 11:12 PM

Why? ?

long road 18-05-2023 11:15 PM

For sillyness and YouTube views I think.

long road 18-05-2023 11:18 PM

I am in a very silly mood so the videos are fitting my mood. I also may have had a coffee at like 9pm, was it a wise choice no, has it made me feel good yes.

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 05:57 AM

Morning everyone!
Once again, up at 5am.
And i must have opened my bedroom window at some point but I don't remember doing so!

Ahimsa 19-05-2023 09:51 AM

Oh my goodness, as a thank you, an owner had just brought us snacks from Betty’s tearooms and 800!!!! teabags!

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 09:53 AM

What a lovely owner!
It's always nice to feel appreciated

tamobhuuta 19-05-2023 09:57 AM

Aw that's lovely.

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 10:00 AM

Finally, i have people to talk to XD
It's a lonely place here before around 8am!

tamobhuuta 19-05-2023 10:05 AM

I could have kept you company, not sure what time but I woke up long ago in pain because my hair was trapped inside a fingernail and I had to gradually and painfully extract it, then couldn't get back to sleep. Also needed the loo but stayed in bed on principle.

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 10:07 AM

Ooh ouch!

I was up at about 5am.

tamobhuuta 19-05-2023 10:12 AM

If I wake up at 5 I check the time and go back to sleep! What are you up to today?

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 10:21 AM

I do try and go back to sleep. But I am physically unable to!

I tried to get a GP appointment but was unsuccessful. They had a 9:30 one in the next town, but it was already 8:30 and the bus there only goes every 2 hours. Even if there was a bus that would get me there on time (there isn't) I'd have to wait a very long time for a bus back. And there aren't even any cafes in that town. Or anything to do.

I'm going to my mum's to look after jasmine for the night while she goes out. Coming back tomorrow morning. But don't have to leave until this afternoon.

How about you? Anything on?

tamobhuuta 19-05-2023 10:36 AM

How frustrating. Can it wait until Monday or do you need to call the NHS number?
I hope you have a nice time with Jasmine.

I'm going to Confession at lunchtime, apart from that just a normal day. Maybe some reading, maybe some TV.

Ahimsa 19-05-2023 10:39 AM

I was awake SL before 8, however unhelpfully for you I was at work at 7:30

tamobhuuta 19-05-2023 10:43 AM

How's work Ahimsa?

long road 19-05-2023 10:54 AM

I woke up half an hour ago. But then I didn't sleep until 4amand was awake briefly at 7 to pee.

Slowly waking up then will be doing all the prep before driving to the cottage.

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 10:56 AM

It can wait.
That's probably what 111 would tell me to do anyway.

Hope you have a nice day tamo

Ah i see!
I wish i was back at work. I'm wondering whether to hassle HR lady again. She said on Wednesday that she'd email later that day or tomorrow, which was yesterday. But i don't want to feel like im harassing her! But she also may have forgotten. I just want to go back!
And though the pay is sh*t, it does make a massive difference!

I hope work is ok today beth!

That's not a lot of sleep jen!
Hopefully you can nap in the car

long road 19-05-2023 11:17 AM

Hope you feel better as the day goes on Beckie. If it is vertigo there are stretches you can try which are ment to help.

Fingers crossed for car naps. I can generally drift off in the car.

tamobhuuta 19-05-2023 11:23 AM

I think it would be ok to email the HR person Cacoethes.

I hope you can rest in the car LR.

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 11:31 AM

Oooh didn't know stretches could help!
I'll look into it. Thanks!

Will you stop for snacks or anything or straight there?

Thanks tamo. I'll send another email.

long road 19-05-2023 11:45 AM

Generally we try going straight there if roads are good. We have snacks (crunchies rocks and milkybar buttons) and some drinks but may stop if we need a pee break or to stretch out legs or if the traffic is crazy and partner needs a break.

It's about the same distance away as my parents house.

Cacoethes 19-05-2023 11:59 AM

Good plan.
I thought it was a bank holiday weekend again but that's the week after.
So hopefully the traffic won't be too bad!

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