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Shy_Bambi 03-05-2017 04:34 PM

I hope your meeting goes okay! And I hope the dog isn't still going when you get back. People who just let their dogs bark like that all the time shouldn't really have pets to be honest.

not_so_insig 03-05-2017 04:53 PM

The nurse phoned. She's coming tomorrow instead because she made a **** up.

chinahorse 03-05-2017 07:08 PM

Evening all :)

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 07:09 PM

Hey guys.
On my way home now. I saw my friend then went for coffee with my other friend who I haven't seen in ages which was nice.
The trains are all messed up though!
Kings cross train has been cancelled so there's uproar about that!
Means I have to change train which sucks. Don't really mind as long as they're not busy which I expect they will be :/

chinahorse 03-05-2017 07:49 PM

Oh no travelling disruption is tge worst beckie I hope you manage to make it home easily and safely.

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 07:51 PM

Thanks Lillie.
I'm on the home stretch now! Lol!

How are you my dear?

chinahorse 03-05-2017 07:56 PM

Yay for that!

I'm not great but I have tea and rocky road.

Sketchy 03-05-2017 08:23 PM

Evening all.

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 08:24 PM

Am home finally! Massive headache though :(

Sorry you're not feeling great Lillie. Hopefully the tea and rocky road will help!

Hey Lorraine! How are you?

Sketchy 03-05-2017 08:29 PM

I'm ok thanks. Not long home. I was out and about all day and went for a walk with my dad and uncle. It was sunny here so we went to a beer garden. Was nice to have a cold beer after our walk.

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 08:36 PM

That sounds lovely Lorraine :)
I do love a beer garden!
It's been quite chilly here!

not_so_insig 03-05-2017 08:38 PM

It's been warm here Beckie.

Sketchy 03-05-2017 08:38 PM

It's been lovely here. Need to take advantage of any good weather we get here. I think it's going to be nice here right through till Sunday. I'll need to go another walk.

not_so_insig 03-05-2017 08:40 PM

I am hopefully going for my weekly walk around the park at the bottom of the road. It's voting day tomorrow and handily the polling station is in the park.

Sketchy 03-05-2017 08:43 PM

That's handy Dawn. I hope you get nice weather for your walk.

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 08:47 PM

Forecast says it's going to be cloudy again tomorrow :(

Sketchy 03-05-2017 08:49 PM

Oh no, that's annoying.

Voldemort 03-05-2017 09:00 PM

Evening all.

Sketchy 03-05-2017 09:07 PM

Hey Amy. :)

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 09:20 PM

Hi Amy!

not_so_insig 03-05-2017 09:23 PM

Just as long as it's not raining or snowing or icy as those are the things that stop me from going on my walk

Sketchy 03-05-2017 09:27 PM

Hopefully it will be nice Dawn. We have nice walking weather here.

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 09:28 PM

I hope it's not too cold tomorrow! I've got college

Sketchy 03-05-2017 09:29 PM

I'm just pleased I can actually say we have nice weather. It's usually cold and wet. I hope it's not too cold for you Beckie.

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 09:34 PM

Thanks Lorraine!
At least I'll be in a classroom tomorrow if it's cold. But it's the waiting for the bus that's the cold part!!!

Sketchy 03-05-2017 09:37 PM

I'm having a text message argument with my dad about the possible names of geese we say today. My family and I are officially nuts!

Cacoethes 03-05-2017 09:45 PM


I'm off to bed now guys.
See you all tomorrow!

Voldemort 03-05-2017 09:46 PM

Sounds like the kind of thing I'd do, Lorraine!

Night Beckie!

Sketchy 03-05-2017 09:47 PM

Good night Beckie. Sleep well.

Sketchy 04-05-2017 07:20 AM

Good morning everyone. I'm never the first to post here. So this is what morning looks like.

Buttons. 04-05-2017 08:46 AM

Morning Lorraine :D Any plans for today?

Sketchy 04-05-2017 11:24 AM

Hi Katy. I'm going to go for a walk this afternoon.

[Luna] 04-05-2017 11:26 AM

Morning ladies <3

Sketchy 04-05-2017 11:26 AM

Morning Luna.

What are you both up to today?

[Luna] 04-05-2017 11:32 AM

Not sure yet. I need to go to the shops at some point.
I hope you have a nice walk. How's the weather looking with you?

Sketchy 04-05-2017 11:34 AM

We've been getting nice weather and it's supposed to be sunny this afternoon.

[Luna] 04-05-2017 11:58 AM

That's good. It looks grey and miserable here. Really don't want to go to the shops :(

Shy_Bambi 04-05-2017 01:13 PM

Good afternoon. It's grey and miserable here too. Just had an asda shop delivered though so I can stay in today.
How is everyone? :)

Cacoethes 04-05-2017 03:07 PM

Hey guys!
It's grey and miserable here too. But it was so sunny and warm when I left this morning!

Yay for asda shop!

I've just got back from college. We managed to get all the work done but we did spend a lot of time discussing star wars and Lord of the rings. Apparently no one else in the class likes them even though they haven't seen them :eyeroll:

[Luna] 04-05-2017 03:25 PM

I've just come back from the shop.
I've eaten so much crap today. I impulsively bought pizza and now munching on fruit pastilles. Oops.

Sketchy 04-05-2017 03:27 PM

How can you not like Star Wars? I love Star Wars.

It's nice and sunny here and warm. A bit windy though, but a lovely day.

Sketchy 04-05-2017 03:27 PM

Pizza is always good Luna.

Cacoethes 04-05-2017 03:27 PM

Pizza! Nom!
I haven't had fruit pastels in forever!

I've just had one of the lemon drizzle fibre one bars. It was rather nice!

not_so_insig 04-05-2017 03:29 PM

It's sunny but windy here too Lorraine.

I have been on my walk around the park at the bottom of the road. The polling station is in the park so I voted at the same time.

[Luna] 04-05-2017 03:30 PM

Hmm I might give them a try Beckie. I feel rather sick now.
What's everyone up to?

not_so_insig 04-05-2017 03:32 PM

I am watching tv but I am hopefully seeing my nurse later. That's if she doesn't forget again.

I have had a snaccident.

Sketchy 04-05-2017 03:32 PM

I'm having tea and a toastie in coffee shop. Yum. I'm out and about since it's nice.

[Luna] 04-05-2017 03:38 PM

What happened Dawn?

Sounds good Lorraine!

Shy_Bambi 04-05-2017 04:17 PM

Good afternoon everyone! (Again lol)
I'm playing Animal Crossing. Me and my mum are obsessed with it!

Cacoethes 04-05-2017 04:22 PM

I'm watching criminal minds!
Going to shower after this episode and got clubbercise tonight :)

I love animal crossing Rebecca! Haven't played it in years!

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