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Sketchy 28-11-2016 04:25 PM

Cheese and marmite sounds nice.

I'm still waiting on my dad. I got another cup of tea. How is everyone today?

Buttons. 28-11-2016 04:33 PM

Ugh marmite-can't even stand the smell!

Hope your dad shows up soon x

I'm okay, finally begun to put a dent in Christmas shopping so it doesn't creep up on me like most years :P

Sketchy 28-11-2016 04:36 PM

That's very organised of you. I haven't started yet.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 04:38 PM

Believe me being remotely organised is very new to me too :P

Sketchy 28-11-2016 04:42 PM

I'm impressed anyway. I'm always so scatty and unorganised. I do plan to do some shopping at the end of the week though.

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 04:42 PM

When I was a kid I'd eat marmite out of the jar with a tablespoon :p

I have bought 1 Christmas present. Everyone else in the family is all like 'hmm, I don't know what I want' which is very annoying!

Sketchy 28-11-2016 04:44 PM

That is annoying Beckie. My family are the same, but thankfully I know what I'm getting most of them.
I should buy some marmite.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4072053)
When I was a kid I'd eat marmite out of the jar with a tablespoon :p

Oh my days and they let you out of psych????? :P Tbf I did the same with syrup although don't like sweet stuff much anymore.


I have bought 1 Christmas present. Everyone else in the family is all like 'hmm, I don't know what I want' which is very annoying!
I hate the 'I don't know what I want' thing, bar surprises I find Amazon public wishlists are helpful-add a ton of things you want then it's still somewhat a surprise but know it's something they actually want.

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 05:00 PM

I'm just going to have to get them random things!
One of my brothers is turning 18 on Christmas Day so maybe something alcohol related?!

I never told any of my psychiatrists about my love for marmite, I'm sure they would have kept me in if I had told them :p

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4072058)
I'm just going to have to get them random things!
One of my brothers is turning 18 on Christmas Day so maybe something alcohol related?!

Sounds like a (carefully measured) plan :P


I never told any of my psychiatrists about my love for marmite, I'm sure they would have kept me in if I had told them :p
Definitely if it were up to me there'd be a specific marmite-liking diagnosis :P

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 05:12 PM

Dude marmite is awesome!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:14 PM

See-totally deluded :P

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:17 PM

Whereas I am sat perfectly fine in hippy trousers and a Disney T-shirt watching Sister Act for millionth time and as such vaguely considering becoming a nun-perfect sanity.

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 05:20 PM

Yes, that is totally normal..... :p
I do enjoy Sister Act though!

I'm watching Last Vegas. Good film!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:22 PM

I've never seen Last Vegas actually may have to give it a go.

And I could so be a (lesbian, drinking, smoking) nun!!!!

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 05:29 PM

It's good. And it's got the legend that is Morgan Freeman in it! And Robert De Niro who is also awesome!

You could be a party nun!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:31 PM

I love everything about that post, especially Morgan Freeman!!

I wish there were an emoticon of a dancing nun :P

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
No emoticon but here's the next best thing!

Attachment 23258

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:57 PM

Marry me!!!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 05:58 PM

..oh wait :P

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 06:16 PM

Lolz!! :P

I've just had jacket potato and beans for tea. Would be waaaay better with cheese but I have no cheese :(

Voldemort 28-11-2016 06:19 PM

Hey all.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4072074)
Lolz!! :P

I've just had jacket potato and beans for tea. Would be waaaay better with cheese but I have no cheese :(

That is the biggest calamity I can imagine :P

Hey Voldy (so hard to get back to your real name now Amy :P)

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 06:24 PM

Cheese is life!

Hey amy!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4072080)
Cheese is life!

Preach sister, preach!

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 06:30 PM

Getting into the nun spirit I see!!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 06:32 PM

*kneels and worships cheese*...not sure I quite have the concept down yet

Voldemort 28-11-2016 06:33 PM

Cheese is yuck!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 06:42 PM

^ Go away :P

Voldemort 28-11-2016 06:58 PM

Owh. :(

Buttons. 28-11-2016 07:05 PM

Oh yeah I went there cheese hater :P Don'[t you know about the great cheese string in the sky? :P

Voldemort 28-11-2016 07:06 PM

I don't mind cheese on pizza!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 07:08 PM

I may forgive you, with time and counselling :P

Voldemort 28-11-2016 07:16 PM

You better. I am the Dark Lord after all. I show no mercy.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 07:18 PM

Hey I'm Lord of the not very interesting thread...wait that doesn't really sound good :P

Voldemort 28-11-2016 07:19 PM

Not so much!

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 07:28 PM

Haha! New title 'lord of the not very interesting thread'

Voldemort 28-11-2016 07:29 PM

We're very interesting though. Well. I am. :P

Buttons. 28-11-2016 07:35 PM

Erm I'd say more 'quirky' and Beckie...well a title of any kind is an honour *bows*

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 07:40 PM

I've been described as 'interesting' by 3 separate psychiatrists :p

Haha Katy! We need to abbreviate it though because lord of the not very interesting thread is a bit long winded!

Voldemort 28-11-2016 07:43 PM

Oh dear. I'm watching the walking dead.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 07:59 PM

Fair point Beckie I may have to get a LOTNVIT chrest :P

Never seen that Amy, any good?

Voldemort 28-11-2016 08:06 PM

It is yeah. I'm on the new season. I've finished it now. Back to One Tree Hill.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 08:08 PM

So many programmes/films I need to catch up on! Enjoy :)

Voldemort 28-11-2016 08:12 PM

Same! There's just so many.

Buttons. 28-11-2016 08:18 PM

True true, it's like with stand up comedians find one, find another etc etc.

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 08:21 PM

I'm watching Jurassic World. I love this film!

Also had a nice chat with my nanny as she sent me a lovely advent calander from M&S with a different beauty product for every day :)
Which is especially good as I'm not eating chocolate atm so it's perfect!

Buttons. 28-11-2016 08:22 PM

^ That sounds so lovely!!

Voldemort 28-11-2016 08:26 PM

Ahh. That's really nice, Beckie.

Cacoethes 28-11-2016 08:31 PM

I love my nanny. She's awesome!

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