![]() |
Yeah it's open and very busy.
Travelling in the rain is horrible :( It looked like it threatening to rain when we arrived here. It was nice and sunny when we left though. The weather is so unpredictable! |
I'm sooooooo hungryyyyy!
Hope you're able to get some noms soon Luna!
Have you got anything to keep you entertained on the journey Lillie? |
Hey Ames, how are you? Xx
I am feeling nicely energized after doing some running :)
Time for some noms and a drink then showerrrr! |
I admire your running Amy! Go you.
Rain rain go away come back another day! I'm freezing. And yes I am just going to moan the whole journey. |
Hey guys :)
Well done for the run Amy! I need to do some exercise today but ceeb! I will be walking to asda at some point though. Hope the journey goes ok Lillie! |
Thank you! I don't think I did any last week as I was so busy so back on it this week. It seriously helps my state of mind and tiredness.
You are allowed to moan! Especially about weather thats what us brits do best :tongue2: Have you got any plans when you get back? Or just chilll? Hey Beckie! Walking to Asda is decent exercise! |
I suppose so!
Got anything planned today? |
Only chores and stuff like that nothing exciting unfortunately!
You can always jump on your wii if you want to do something more. When are your clubbercise and zumba classes? |
You're so rock and roll Amy :p
I could do. I do like the wii! Clubberci is Thursday and zumba is Friday |
Oh so a few days to wait until those then.
Yep thats me :tongue2: Do you have zumba for the wii? I remember getting one of the games for my mum for hers. |
Yeah not too bad!
She does more clubbercise classes and I know some people go to more than one of her classes but unfort they are too far away! I'd love to do it a couple of times a week! Oh well! No I don't! I'll have to have a look for it! |
You should have a look on music magpie I know they do the just dance games for the wii cheap so may do zumba as well.
I shall have a look!
Thanks :) I'm watching Flubber. Used to have this on video! It's 20 years old :O |
Wow I didn't realise it was that old I used to watch that all the time as a kid, absolutely loved it! That and Space Jam!
Omg Space Jam!! That was an excellent film!
Someone must have been seriously high when they came up with that film, I don't even get it now as an adult, but hell it's good!
Haha! That's true!
I really want to watch it now! |
Woah that makes me feel old beckie!
Same here Lillie!!
:( |
A pedestrian just overtook our train. Urgh.
Oh dear!!
How long have you got left on your journey? |
84 years at this rate.
Typical bank holiday transport :/
Adult Dot-To-Dot books really help me when I'm bored and in need of something to do. They are at Barnes and Noble. They really help! Not to sound weird. Lol.
It's been a typical bank holiday in many ways. Tge weather for one. It's peeD it down the whole time at home.
No adult dot to dot sounds awesome!
It was supposed to rain here but yet again, No rain!
I think I'm gonna skip asda today. There's nothing I desperately need and it'll be busy! |
Probably a good plan beckie. People will be doing their weekly shop and tgat. Best to go when it's quiet.
Good afternoon everyone!
Afternoon love how're you?
Dot to dot is awesome!
Hey Bambi, how are you? |
I'm doing good thank you. Feeling a little lonely at the moment for some reason but hopefully it will pass. Gosh I haven't done dot to dot for years! I do those colouring books though. They're a good way to pass time!
I went to asda anyway because I was craving melon. It wasn't too busy actually!
Hi guys! |
At least melon's a healthy craving!!
Afternoon all :) |
Good afternoon! Melon is lush. Honeydew melon is amazing.
That is true Katy!
Although I am also craving a stack of big pancakes. They were on sale in asda.. I resisted though! Honeydew melon is the best melon. |
<3 honey dewed melon. T'is indeed the best!
It's started pouring down with rain!
This rain has been promised for 2 days now. |
Afternoon guys, how you all doing?
Hey Luna! :)
How are you? |
I'm good, my stomach is a bit sore though.
How are you? How's your bank holiday going? |
Hot water bottle?
I'm good. Just watching star wars force awakens. I really want to download the older ones too but I got a second warning from virgin about downloading copywrited material....oops! I'm hungry as usual! Lol! What are you up to? |
Hello all.
Hey Lorraine!
Hi Beckie, how are you?
Good thanks!
How about you? :) |
I'm at my mums. I'm lying down which is helping.
Hey Lorraine! |
I'm a bit yucky, but I've made it out. I'm in a different coffee shop having an irn bru. I swear I keep the coffee shops in my area in business! I'm going to the shop and I'm going to buy hair dye if the shop that sells it is open. Not sure because of bank holiday.
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