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I love the cold so I wouldn't mind
I used to like the cold better, but lately I seem to have dramatically aged and became sensitive to the cold. I'm not living in the best of places then.
Do you like Glasgow? Or would you ever move?
I love Glasgow. There is so much to it and so many good people. Plus we have lots of massive parks.
Haha amy!!
I'd be a terrible housewife. Chels is an amazing housewife. When she comes over she cooks, cleans the kitchen, washes up and has a cup of tea ready for me when I get up in the morning! Well, if one of us cooks then the other will do the washing up. It's a two way relationship :p I don't mind the cold that much. Hate the heat though!! I live in Bedfordshire and we're pretty weather neutral. |
I have never been, but a place that I would like to visit
I just had to look on maps to see where Bedfordshire was :P
Chels sounds like a great mate to have visit.
Tixy, you should come see it.There are so many museums, pubs, restaurants, parks and many other things. As long as you don't mind a bit of rain. :) |
She is the best :)
I've had people from far away/abroad ask me where Bedfordshire is and I usually just say 'about 45 mins train journey away from London' It's easier that way! Glasgow does look lovely! My brother went to an open day at Edinburgh uni and he fell in love with the area! |
I like Edinburgh. I've never been to Bedfordshire or London though.
There's nothing in Bedfordshire really! It's a very boring county!
London is with visiting though. There's so much to see and do! |
I'd love to see London. I'm scared of crowds though, but I imagine there is so much to see and do there.
You know what I thought I'd find London scary Lorraine, with it being crowded and thought everyone would stare at me and such. But you know what everyone is busy so wrapped up in their own world it's just lovely, no one seems to bother you. The tubes can obviously get a bit manic but you get used to that.
It is a very crowded place. It can be quite overwhelming at times.
Although if you were visiting you could go on an open top bus tour and can see a lot from there while avoiding crowds. And they have hop on, hop off ones so you can get off if you get to an interesting bit! The tubes can be mental though! |
Maybe one day I'll finally see it.
It's definitely worth a visit!
I hope you do Lorraine. I especially love Camden, when I went a few years back it literally felt like we were in spain or sometwhere similar. It's got such a nice vibe about it.
Sounds nice.
I think I'll log off now. Going to watch some Netflix before I go to sleep. Catch you guys later. :) |
Good plan Lorraine, hope you can settle down to sleep soon!
Me and hannah went to Camden on Saturday. Love that place!
See you later Lorraine. Sleep well! |
Did you get your piercings in Camden?
Yep!! So many tattoo and piercing studios there!
I'm off to bed now guys! Good night and sleep well! |
How are you all today?
Camden is fun. I like London. I wouldn't want to live there but I do really miss living in a city! |
I like Camden but I generally find London a bit overwhelming.
I'm okay, really enjoyed Beauty and the Beast yesterday. Got blood test today but seeing my mum afterwards so not all bad :) How are you Hannah? |
Glad you enjoyed beauty and the beast Katy! Hope you have a nice time with your mum today :)
I'm okay. Tired! |
Morning all.
I am up early because I have to go for a blood test today. I am nervous because I hate needles. Fortunately my replacement nurse is coming with me. My headache is still here but not as bad as yesterday. Darent take painkillers because I am not sure if the blood test is a fasting one so I don't want to mess up the results. |
Hi all,
Hope the blood tests go ok for you both :) |
Thanks Tixy.
Hope the blood test goes okay.
How are you Tixy? |
Hey, I'm tired today. I think I might spend the day in bed lol. How about you, any plans for today?
Thanks Hannah.
Hey guys :)
Hi Beckie.
I am waiting for the bus to take me to the hospital. |
Hey guys :)
Hi Lillie
Hope your blood test goes ok Dawn!
Hi Lillie! How are you? |
I'm not great but that's not for here.
What's everyone up to today then? I have a busy day yet again. Always busy. |
*Gentle hugs* Up to anything fun Lillie?
Bex, Dawn, Tixy, how are you all? I'm just done another running workout, so I'm now a sweaty betty eating a pear. Soon be hopping into the shower. And seeing my support worker later. |
Sending hugs Lillie.
I'm ok. Washing has just been delivered so I'm happy about that! Well done amy! |
Yay for clean washing Bex! You up to much today?
My support worker came early, just ended up ranting to her for twenty mins about the bloody wait for psychotherapy. 18 months and counting! We did get on to better subjects about going for massages though :-) |
Not up to anything really! Not feeling too well so I don't think I'll be going to asda today! Which really sucks because I can't sit still but I don't wanna collapse and go through the whole hospital crap again!! Gah!!
That's a ridiculous amount of time! Not surprised you wanted to rant about it!! Massages are nice though! |
Oh no Bex. Do you need to call your GP?
Yep indeedy. I've never had a massage before, but the local college has a salon ran by the students and teachers of the hair and beauty courses, so we are thinking of going there as it's super cheap. |
Nah. I'm avoiding her at the moment! Lol! :p
I'll be totally fine. It's just really bloody annoying because I want to do stuff!! Any stuff!! Will try on the wii fit later. That would be cool! I've had a couple of massages a while ago and it was so relaxing!! |
My blood test went ok. I didn't flinch but my replacement nurse was useless. I need someone to talk to me consistently otherwise I panic but she didn't say anything to me. The nurse who did my blood test said I did very well.
Thats why I want to start having them Bex, I hold so much tension in my body.
Why are you avoiding the GP? If the Wii tells you to slow down then do, it knows its ****! Glad the blood test went okay Dawn :-) |
A massage will definitely help with that!
I'm avoiding the GP because she always totally overreacts when im happy and she's all like 'you're being manic and you're gonna do something weird and get sectioned forever blah blah blah!!' She's a great GP but can be annoying like that!! Glad the blood test went ok Dawn! |
Well just make sure you go see someone if you start feeling much worse. That would show you are taking responsibility for your physical health, which I'm highly sure she would approve of. Rather then you end up passing out again and ending up in a&e :-)
I'm hoping it will help. Just so nervous for the first time I go, hence why my support worker is coming. I find the whole being naked thing just weird, actually probably just as much someone touching me as I'm very ticklish as well. |
That is very true!!
Yeah it can be quite nerve wracking! It does seem a bit weird at first but you soon get used to it! |
I should be used to nakedness by now with however many 1-1s and supervised showers I've had but apparently not!
It's after all the years of 1-1s that desensitised me to being naked in front of people! I really don't care anymore! XD And tbh giving birth helped a lot too! No time for dignity when you're in labour!! Lol!! |
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