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I would like to work it but I really can't. Unless I stayed at home for christmas day. Which I obviously don't want to do.
In my last job I had to work Christmas day but it was actually quite fun! |
Good luck with the interview Beckie.
Thanks Lorraine :)
How are you today? |
I'm trying to keep busy and distract myself. I've just been to collect a parcel for my sister and now I'm in a wee cafe near my flat having a toastie and irn bru. It's freezing, I should have coffee instead.
How are you? |
Toasties are lovely in this weather.
It is quite cold today. I imagine it's much colder in Scotland though! I'm good thanks. Not done much today. |
Afternoon all, how are you guys?
Hi Luna!
I'm good thanks. How are you? :) |
I'm ok. I've got toast and watching 'It's a wonderful life'.
Sounds like a nice relaxing afternoon Luna.
I love those type of afternoons. Just chilling :)
I keep getting texts from dominoes pizza. It's like they're taunting me! I love pizza but also want to lose weight! I must remain strong! |
Good luck with the interview, Beckie.
ThankS :)
How are you today? |
Eh. Still here. How are you?
Did you go to a cafe with the OT?
I'm fine. Still watching criminal minds! |
Yeah we went to insomnia and I tried a red velvet hot chocolate but it wasn't so good unfortunately.
Hah! I'm still watching one tree hill. |
That's a shame. It's sounds good though!
Haha! How long have you been watching that now?! I'm having baked potato and beans for dinner. |
It sounded good yeah but not for me.
I'm on season 5 now. Still a few seasons to go. Yum. I had a spring roll for tea. |
I'm going to try and have a microwave lasagna in a bit.
Sounds good, Katy.
Thanking you :) Am also rewatching a Peter Kay show-ho can be unhappy when watching him
I love spring rolls!
Lasagne is yummy! I've never watched any Peter kay stuff. I think I've seen him ok Netflix though |
I'll be sure to take a look!
Damn right you will, otherwise I'll personally find and kill an aardvark. On principle :P
What was it we watched when I stayed at yours? Think it was Russell Howard but can't really remember! Russell Howard is awesome anyway! |
Russell Howard is brilliant.
Yup was Russell Howard who is a ****ing legend. Seems like I have good taste in comedy *hintPETERKAYcough*
I have a bit of a crush on Russell Howard!
You do indeed have good taste in comedy! I believe you are one of the few that know what I'm talking about when I say MONSOON POULTRY HOSPITAL!!! |
Oh my days I'm going to have to youtube that again so much love! Also Dara Obrien does epic stand up shows. Just saying :P
I like Michael McIntyre too.
^ Same. The dancing for a start :)
And his skit on people with kids and without kids is just brilliant.
^ Completely agree. I like the bit (I'm evil) when he accidentally knocked his kid out with a wii game :P
Ahah. Yeah. He does a good skit on a visit to Dublin too and a stolen penguin.
I regularly YouTube that episode! It never fails to make me laugh!
Dara is sooo funny! I enjoy Michael mcintyre also! |
Oh yeah Dara O'Brien is hilarious too.
Omg!!! That's brilliant!
^ Were you the kid in disguise :D
Nooo *shoves penguin in cupboard*
>.> <.< |
Lol! Omg, that's insane.
You know what if I ever come to yours I actually wouldn't be that surprised if a penguin wandered out :P
I really want a panda.
^ So do I. Or a seal. Or a lion.
I don't think anything I do would surprise anyone anymore!, no matter how crazy!
People are too used to my random mentalness Pandas are cute! |
Oh my days (don't actually do this for a job you really want) but you could surprise people when asking for references just answering 'aardvarks'
They're so adorable and hilarious and cuddly and they like cuddles and they're pandas. ^_^
Aardvarks is a good answer to anything! Maybe not great for job interviews though :p
Pandas are hilarious. I've seen many a funny gif of silly pandas! |
What's the deal with aardvarks?
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