![]() |
Sounds like a plan batman!
On a more realistic note, how are you? how has your day been? |
I'd suggest swinging an aardvark but they're sacred so :P
Lucille and I can take you and your cow!
Hi everybody!
Hey insig.
Hey all :)
Hey Katy
Hey Katy.
We must not swing aardvarks. They are a sacred and spiritual animal!
Hello all!! |
Hey Beckie!
Yo Whaddup Voldy!!
You do know my name, right? How goes it?
Of course I do!
Just a) I don't know of you use your name on here and b) I enjoy calling you voldy :p All is good. Trying to figure out what my siblings and daughter want for Christmas. It's harder than I thought! |
Ah good stuff. I don't mind what I'm called on here so work away.
Ah Christmas shopping. Ick. |
Yep. I hate Christmas shopping!!
I've ordered my little sister's present so just Jasmine and one of my brothers to go! |
I've done none. I think Ritzi has picked up a few bits and pieces though.
That's good.
I'm not a huge fan of this whole Christmas thing but I do like giving gifts to people. Shopping for them, not so much! It's black Friday tomorrow. I don't know if it's a thing in my town but I'm going to avoid going out just in case. (Any excuse to not leave the house! :P ) |
I hate sales days. I get to go out for hot chocolate with the OT tomorrow though which will hopefully be good.
Ooo hot chocolate! Yum!
I keep meaning to pick up some hot chocolate. Would be nice in this weather. |
Yeah. I don't really drink it too often myself. It's nice in the cold weather though.
I have about 4 different hot chocolates in my cupboard
Definitely a good winter comfort drink!
I like it with cream and marshmallows. Never have it these days but I can dream! And I hear they do posh ones at Costa at the moment. |
I never go to costa. We have 2 in town but one is rather a long walk and the other is too crowded for my liking.
Costas do tend to be crowded.
I live in a small town and we don't have a Costa. We do have a surfin cafe though which is nice. And the seats outside have blankets you can wrap round you and outdoor heaters. Good place for a coffee if you're a smoker! |
I was in Costa last Friday. I think we'll be trying somewhere else tomorrow if we go.
I tend to go to caffe nero but saying that I haven't been for months. I have a nectar points voucher that I should use before it expires.
I've never had a cafe nero hot chocolate but their milkshakes are good.
I've had coffee at Cafe Nero before and wasn't impressed.
My favourite latte has to be the ones from greggs! And my local cafe does soke nice flavoured coffee like salted caramel and gingerbread and loads more. But I only have skinny lattes these days. I'm really craving porridge. |
Have some porridge then!
I think I will!
Off to make it now! Such a great winter food! |
I don't get on with the texture of porridge. Which is a shame.
It is a bit of a funny texture!
I have porridge! Yay! |
Yay! I just had a couple of pick and mix sweets. Naughty.
I love pick and mix sweets!
I have been known to arrange cinema trips with friends for the sole purpose of buying pick and mix! There is a ye olde sweet shoppe in my town but they don't have chocolate in their pick and mix selection, only the jelly type sweets. What's your favourite sweet? |
Hmm. I don't think I have a favourite sweet. It depends on what mood I'm in. I do like the white chicolate jazzies though. What's your favourite?
the jazzies are my favourite!
I quite like the chocolate mice as well. And the fudge. |
I love pear drops myself! Oh and liquorice
Pear drops are nice. We always had them in the car as kids in case we got car sick. Of course we just pretended to be car sick so we could eat them :p
I can't stand liquorice! And I think I remember reading somewhere that liquorice interacts with clozapine. I'm not 100% sure on that though |
If only you had known me when I worked in an old fashioned sweetshop-could have got you endless pear drops :P
I like licorice though, especially used to like the sherbet and licorice yellow tubes. |
I went to the cinema on my own the other day. Got two pepsi max's and a big bag of pick and mix and just sat watching Fantastic Beasts nomming my sweets and drinking my fave drink. It was awesome.
Morning all!
Sounds fun J :)
Morning Luna :) |
It's 9 am and I am fully awake because I passed out at 11 pm after sleeping for 90 minutes in 50 hours. I have never in my life been fully awake at this hour!!!! |
^ Congratulations :P
Welcome to the morning Lana :)
How can I ever watch an animal-related programme without wanting to adopt every single one-may end up with a bear, seal and a lion :P
Hey guys!
I've not been up long. Had a call from recruitment person at argos and I have a job interview on Monday. At 9am. So I'll have to be up in the actual morning! Not gonna be easy! |
Hope it goes well lovely.
Thanks :)
I don't fancy my chances tbh. I can't work boxing day because we're going somewhere quite a way away for Christmas and there's no way I'll be able to get back for boxing day. And there's 2 days I can't work because college but they already know about that so that should be ok. We shall see! I really want this job. Or any job! |
Working boxing day sucks. I remember at my last paid job I had to work boxing day. You can't have a drink Christmas day and it spoils the fun. Plus you have to go to bed early if you're working the early shift.
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