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Aubergine 19-03-2017 01:51 PM

Trying is all anyone can ask. I expect you are better than you think!

chinahorse 19-03-2017 01:59 PM

I'm so bored and have an hour and a half to go yet. Then an hour from the station to the hospital. Moan

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 02:09 PM

That sounds awful Lillie!
I get frustrated enough on a 2 hour journey, let alone 6!!

My new laptop charger came so I can use my laptop again!! :-D
Went on a music download binge and now watching pirates of the carribean which I've been desperate to each again for week!
Does anyone else get proper film cravings sometimes?

chinahorse 19-03-2017 02:11 PM

Woop for the charger arriving!

Hah yes I do it's odd isn't it.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 02:17 PM

It is quite odd!! Lol!
Usually the craving is harry potter tbh!

chinahorse 19-03-2017 02:18 PM

Mine is usually a kids film or twilight.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 02:28 PM

Good choices!

I have quite a few kids films on my laptop. I couldn't pick a favourite though.
Do you have a favourite one?

Aubergine 19-03-2017 02:31 PM

I have never seen or read Harry Potter. I probably should one day.

chinahorse 19-03-2017 02:36 PM

Depends what mood I'm in as to what my favourite is.

Oh my gosh you totally should they are so good.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 02:38 PM

Aubergine I am shocked!!!
I have never met anyone who hasn't read or seen harry potter!!!

I want to marry captain jack sparrow. Not Johnny Depp, just captain jack. <3

Aubergine 19-03-2017 02:44 PM

Captain jack is so cool. One of them was on on Friday night on BBC. :)

My cousin is making her way through Harry Potter at the moment so I may be able to borrow the films.

[Luna] 19-03-2017 02:45 PM

The films aren't as good as the books. Prisoner of Askaban is my favourite.

Aubergine 19-03-2017 02:56 PM

I haven't really got the concentration span to read a novel. Films are done in two sittings these days. Think it's something I could get quite into.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 02:56 PM

I must have missed that aubergine!

I agree with Luna, the films aren't as good as the books.
My favourite is probably half blood prince.

not_so_insig 19-03-2017 03:17 PM

I am at the seaside and it's windy and raining! I don't think that it's fit to go on the pier !

[Luna] 19-03-2017 03:18 PM

Sorry the weather isn't great.

not_so_insig 19-03-2017 03:22 PM

I can take it when it's just windy but when it's windy and raining that's an entirely different matter.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 03:39 PM

Not great seaside weather!!

[Luna] 19-03-2017 03:47 PM

I hope you're enjoying yourself despite the weather!

[Luna] 19-03-2017 03:48 PM

What are you up to Beckie?

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 03:51 PM

Just watching pirates of the carribean still.
I'm having a lazy day today!
Might have a go on the wii fit later.

What about you Luna?

[Luna] 19-03-2017 03:58 PM

Resting and trying not to feel guilty about it.
I'm watching Fight club.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 04:02 PM

Rest is good Luna!
And it's Sunday, Sundays are made for doing f all!!

I've never seen fight club.
Did you enjoy shawshank redemption? I love that film. Watched it the other day.

[Luna] 19-03-2017 04:03 PM

Yeah it was really good!
I never seen Fight club before either.
Thank you love <3

Have you got any other films lined up?

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 04:05 PM

I need to watch fight club really. It's such a big film I feel I should at least try it!

I'll probably watch the next PotC after this. And then I don't know! I've forgotten what films I have on my laptop.

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:25 PM

Good afternoon all.

I'm in coffee shop about to have tea and a toastie. Yum.

How is everyone?

Aubergine 19-03-2017 04:31 PM

I really like Fight Club!

Hey Lorraine. Tea and toastie sounds lovely.

I just had a nap.

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:34 PM

Naps are always good.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 04:34 PM

Mmm tea and toastie!!
I have a toastie maker and used to live off cheese and marmite toasties!
Haven't had it out in a while though!

Did you enjoy your nap aubergine?

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:36 PM

A cheese and marmite toastie sounds yum. I'm having cheese and onion.

Aubergine 19-03-2017 04:47 PM

It was a nice nap. I'm not sleeping well so it was good to close my eyes.

Cheese and marmite sounds nice!

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:49 PM

Sorry you aren't sleeping well. Are you still in hospital? I find it hard to sleep in hospitals.

[Luna] 19-03-2017 04:52 PM

I hope guys enjoy your toasties.

I'm glad you got some rest love <3

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 04:54 PM

That's good. It's horrible when you can't sleep at night.

The program I use to play films on my laptop isn't working now for some reason. Trying to fix it :plain:

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:57 PM

I hope you get it fixed Beckie.
There are lots of films on Netflix though. Think I might watch a film tonight. Not sure which.

Aubergine 19-03-2017 04:57 PM

Thank you. Yeah, still here. I have more tea. I wonder if it's decaff. If it not that might explain a lot!

Aubergine 19-03-2017 04:58 PM

Hope you fix it bEckington!

Film sounds good, Lorraine. What are you in the mood for?

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:59 PM

Sorry to hear that. I hope you get a better sleep tonight.

Sketchy 19-03-2017 04:59 PM

Not sure what I feel like. Maybe one of the hunger games films.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 04:59 PM

I'm restarting my laptop. If this doesn't work I have no idea what to do!

not_so_insig 19-03-2017 05:00 PM

I managed to get to the pier.

Sketchy 19-03-2017 05:01 PM

I hope it works Beckie.

Dawn, that's good you got out. Did you have a nice time?

Aubergine 19-03-2017 05:04 PM

Sorry Beckie. I have no idea why my phone autocorrected to bEckington! I hope restarting it fixes it.

Howe was the pier, Dawn?

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 05:06 PM

Maybe my new nickname could be Beckington lol! :p

The good ol' turn it off and on again has worked!

Sketchy 19-03-2017 05:09 PM

Glad to hear it beckington. :)

[Luna] 19-03-2017 05:15 PM

Well done Beckington ;)

Aubergine 19-03-2017 05:16 PM

BEckington it is! :) Glad restarting worked. It's annoying when technology doesn't play nice.

Sketchy 19-03-2017 05:18 PM

I've just bought another cup of tea. I'm holding off going to the shops, which is lazy of me. They just played a song that reminded me of friends and I had to stop myself from doing a Janice impression.

Cacoethes 19-03-2017 05:20 PM

I'm watching suicide squad now. Been mean to watch it for ages!!

Can never go wrong with more tea Lorraine! Do you need to get much from the shops?

Sketchy 19-03-2017 05:22 PM

Just a few things. I tend to do my shopping in bits rather than one big shop. It's the only way I can guarantee getting out the flat sometimes.

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