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I think I'll go to sleep now.
Good night everyone. Sleep well. |
Is anyone about?
I have been having a life today so I have only just checked this thread. |
Night Lorraine. :)
Heye Dawn. I'm around. What have you been up to today? |
I went to a model horse show. It took up most of the day then I had to attend to my kitties and then eat. Hence why I have been away until now.
Sounds like a good day Dawn, I hope you enjoed it :-)
Morning guys, how did you all sleep?
Hey Luna. How are you?
I slept on and off. |
I'm okayish. Just watching a film on Netflix.
How about you? What are your plans today? |
*hug* what film are you watching?
I'm listening to music. No real plans. How about you? |
The shawshank redemption. What you listening to?
I don't have any plan. Still in quite a lot of pain so will probably try to chill and watch a few films. |
Morning guys.
That is a fantastic film. |
I really like that film. One of my favourites. I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope you're able to relax a bit and enjoy the films.
I'm listening to ed sheeran. I've got Spotify though so have lots to choose from. |
I haven't seen it before.
How are you Lillie? |
I love Ed sheeran, have you heard his new album?
Hey Lillie. How are you?
I'm listening to his new album. It's so good! |
It's a very good album.
I'm enjoying it. :) Spotify is one of my favourite things ever. I pay for preminding, but haven't bought any music for a long time so it works out really well.
That's cool. I used to use Spotify all the time. Does anyone remember LimeWire? That downloading software that would totally wreck your computer.
I remember it! Full of virus ridden stuff from what I remember.
That's right. The amount of times I messed up my computer using it. Too stubborn to actually pay for my music haha.
My neighbour keeps randomly yelling. It's very odd. |
That is odd! I hope they are OK! |
Odd neighbour!
I'm anxious for no good reason. I've just remembered I need to buy my twin a birthday gift. Doh. |
Sorry you're anxious, Lillie. Do you know what you are going to buy your twin?
No idea but it'll have to be cheap. Might raid a charity shop or primark.
Charity shops can be great for fun, cheap gifts. Hope you find something. When is your birthday?
I hope so. It's next Sunday.
Oh cool. Are you doing anything for it?
Woo I got a seat! The train is busy but I must have my pissed off look on as no one has sat next to me.
That's good. :)
I might she'll out for a cuppa. I'm gagging for one.
Morning guys :)
Hey love how'd you sleep?
Tea sounds good, Lillie.
How are you, Beckie? |
I'm good thanks guys :)
I got a friend request from someone from slimming world! So had to go through all my recent posts to make sure there's nothing majorly crazy on there :p How are you both? |
Lol beckie :P
I'm not great so am staying safe by going back to the cassel early. I barely slept but don't feel too tired which is odd. Bet I crash to ight though! |
Hehe Beckie. I do that too!
Well done for being safe, Lillie. |
That's a very sensible decision Lillie. Proud of you! <3
Thanks guys!
Haven't you got far to travel? |
Yup. 6 hours door to door
That is quite a way! Hope it's a good journey for you.
I'm going to West Yorkshire on Thursday and that's 5.5 hours. Going to see a friend I've known since primary school. :) She used to live here but is training to be a vicar up there. Quite excited. Hoping I'm free by then. |
I hope you are free by then it sounds like you will have a lovely time if you get to go.
Thanks. :)
Haven't you got anything to entertain yourself with while you're travelling? |
I have my kindle and music but I just am too anxious. So I'm on here and taking photos for a project at the cassel. It's titled journeys.
Taking photos sounds good. Interesting project. :) do you have to make something out of them?
They may get made into a book and put in an exhibition. It's happened before.
Oh that's cool. Do they do a lot of creative stuff there?
Not really but we are encouraged to follow our own hobbies and try new stuff. One of the nurses is into photography in a big way which is why it's a thing.
That's cool. It's good that the nurses are able to share their interests with you all. Photography can be sof much fun.
I'm no good at it but I'm trying.
Yeah it's not like an acute ward the nurses are more free and talk about themselves and such more. |
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