![]() |
Yeah, he doesn't seem to be well at all!
No. It's really sad. I hope they don't show an unrealistic speedy recovery or something like that. It's a long process and important they portray it in a realistic and sensitive manner.
When the doctor (zosia) in holby got unwell with bipolar I think she was off for a while and showed her in a rehab clinic and getting on meds and stuff so I think they handled it quite well in holby.
We shall see. |
Morning all. This time on a Sunday should be illegal.
Morning all :) |
Hi Katy that's quite an epic post there. How be you?
I loved the Royal too Katy!
Hey guys. How are we all? |
I am ok apart from being incredibly snotty. My sore throat is much better.
Colds are awful. Glad the sore throat is better though.
One of my ears has become blocked and it hurts and can't really hear out of it. It's very annoying! |
I always seem to get colds this time of year. I go through winter without one then March comes and bam! I have a cold.
Eek you two stay away I don't want your illnesses.
They made my foot massively bandaged. I'm not sure how I'm going to get my leggings off. |
Seems to be something going around!
That sounds annoying Lillie. Did the appointment go ok? |
I am having a lazy day but did go out for an hour. I saw an private car numberplate which read ** RYL! (First letter and number obscured for privacy)
I'm having a lazy day too.
Haha! That's amusing. |
It was good news thanks beckie.
Haha that's cool dawn. I've just baked some cupcakes with butter icing. They are so sweet lol. I hope evey one likes them. |
That's great Lillie! Pleased for you :)
Oooo cupcakes! I can't imagine anyone would turn down cupcakes! |
I haven't tasted one yet lol so I hope they are nice inside.
What are you up to? I'm just colouring in a floral fish. |
I've just had a shower and now watching Mr Beans Holiday with a hot chocolate!
Ooo hot chocolate is the best! I had a starbucks one this morning for breakfast. Nomnom.
Yummy! The Starbucks ones are way better than my options hot chocolate! Still good though!
Have you tried the cupcakes yet? |
I have a My little pony cupcake kit. I am baking muffins this week but nobody in my family likes them.
The icing was a bit buttery for my tasted but the cake itself was nice.
Maybe you could give them to a neighbour dawn? |
Good :)
I could really do with some cake right now! A place in the next big town has opened called Dessert Island. I went to the one in Luton once and the food was amazing! Delicious pancakes and waffles and ice cream! I have to walk past it every time I go to the clozapine clinic and always sooo tempted to go in! I love desserts. I have a real sweet tooth! There are loads of slimming world friendly desserts to make though so I'll probably do that at some point. Sorry for rambling, I just really like cake :p |
There's a dessert place opened in town that does nothing but desserts and milkshakes. But I heard a rumour that it doesn't have a very good hygiene rating so if it's true I won't be going there. In Wales you have to display your food hygiene rating by the door I personally don't go to anywhere less than a 3. There's a Portuguese cafe in town which has only 1 star.
It's the same here Dawn.
I haven't checked the hygiene rating but it's a chain and usually chain restaurants are pretty good. |
Haha you'd die if you knew the dismal rating our shop was given under old management. It's much improved now though.
Good morning guys!
Morning Luna love, hope you get less ouchy as the day goes on!
Thank you sweetheart. How are you beautiful?
I'm tired but I don't have group today just individual thankfully and movement. Grr movement.
Morning guys!
What's movement Lillie? I have my first stop smoking appointment at 10. Hopefully this will be it for smoking! |
My other knee just gave way and I can't stop shaking. Determined to go to work though.
I hope your appointment goes well Beckie. I'm struggling with the smoking. |
Movement therapy. A load of **** but thatseen cancelled too.
Hope it goes well beckie. Oh Luna it sounds like your body is telling you to have sone time off. |
Thanks guys. It went well. And the guy is fiiiittt!!
Picking up my patches and inhaler tomorrow. Gonna finish my last pack of fags then I'm done (hopefully!) I also think you should probably have some time off Luna. Don't push yourself too much x |
Think of the £££ saved Bex! And yay for him being a fitty, you'll have to make sure you need lots of support off him ;)
My cold is getting better slowly. I don't think that I will be going swimming this week though.
Yep! I'm gonna put all the money I usually spend on fags into a separate bank account. Will be satisfying to watch the number go up!
Haha! Yep! His number is at the bottom of the appointment card so I may need some extra support before my next appointment :p That's good Dawn. |
That's a really good idea beckie!
That should be super motivating watching the money you save go up. And definitely don't hesitate to call him :P
Hope you get fully over your cold soon Dawn, and back to swimming soon! |
How are you Lillie and amy? |
Thanks Beckie and Amy.
My persistent ppi caller is back. I have reported them again. |
Oh how annoying!!
I am okay Beckie, finally free of buildery people again till tomorrow. Yay for freedom in my own home :) |
Yay!! Buildery people can be annoying!
They were friendly enough, I just don't like my home being invaded :P
I know the feeling!
Ive got a house inspection coming up in 2 weeks. I hate being here when she's doing it so I'm gonna go out or something that day. Don't know what I'll do for a whole day! Maybe go to the cinema or go to London and wander round some museums or something. |
Yay for being free of builderrs it's always so awkward with them.
You should see if anyone can meet you for the day beckie or go to the beach if the weathers nice. The beach is awesome. I'm having a bad pain day that was ment to be full of therapy but is now full of meetings. Boooo. |
That's a good idea Lillie!
Oh no that doesn't sound fun :( Have you got any painkillers? |
Meh I'll be alreet. I've had some paracetamol.
I hate builders. I am supposed to have an new kitchen and bathroom sometime between now and March 2018. I am dreading it. Thank goodness Domino's deliver to me!
I love going to the science museum whenever I'm in london. Cinema always takes up a good few hours as well so thats a good idea.
Going to a cafe with a book/journal is always good for using up some hours. Or just lose yourself in primani :P Woe at pain Lillie! Oh god I would hate a new kitchen even though mine is stupidly small and old. But yay for dominos! |
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