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not_so_insig 17-02-2017 03:59 PM

Thanks Lillie. I also bought a carrier bag because I couldn't find my reusable one and I was on my own at that point.

not_so_insig 17-02-2017 04:05 PM

Also my paranoia was a tiny bit better because I had a latte rather than a sealed drink. Although it didn't extend to my food however. But I am proud of myself.

Sketchy 17-02-2017 04:11 PM

Well done Dawn. Sounds like a good days shopping.

Afternoon all. I'm in the coffee shop again (I keep this place in business, I'm always here), and I have my sketchbook with me.

not_so_insig 17-02-2017 04:15 PM

Thanks Lorraine. What are you sketching?

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 04:18 PM

Just got back from asda and watching Jeremy Kyle. Might put netflix on because I can only take so much JK! It grates on me after a while.

Sketchy 17-02-2017 04:21 PM

Netflix sounds like a good plan. I hope you find something to watch.

Sketchy 17-02-2017 04:22 PM

I'm sketching abstract spheres that look like marbles. I compensating for my lack of marbles, haha.

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 04:39 PM

I'm watching kung fu panda 2 :)

Haha! Sounds good Lorraine

Sketchy 17-02-2017 04:40 PM

Enjoy it Beckie.

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 04:51 PM

Thanks, I will :)

What have you got planned for the rest of the day?

Sketchy 17-02-2017 04:54 PM

I'm going to order another cuppa here and then go to the shops. After that I'll put the wash on and relax. Really tired today.

What about you?

There's a woman here that's talking too loud. So annoying.

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 06:25 PM

Sounds good.

I'm not doing anything really. I'm pretty tired too.

Ugh. I hate people that talk unnecessarily loud!

Sketchy 17-02-2017 06:48 PM

Thankfully I'm home and no longer listening to her. It's nice to have peace and quiet. I've been to the shops, put the washing on, and can now relax. I'm determined to have an early night. I've got into bad habit of watching stuff on my phone and then not being able to sleep. I'm switching the phone off at 9 and will read for a while before I sleep.

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 06:55 PM

Well done for getting all your stuff done.

That sounds like a good plan. I used to do the same and wouldn't sleep until the early hours. I don't use my phone when im in bed anymore and it helps.

Sketchy 17-02-2017 06:58 PM

I'll need to start being strict with myself about it, because my sleeping is all over the place and I'm sleeping more during the day. Well, I have a pile of books by my bed all ready. I've no excuses.

Serendipity. 17-02-2017 07:15 PM

That's a good plan Lorraine, I hope it helps you sleep :)

Hi Beckie! How are you?

I can't decide if I want to go to the gym or not. Votes?

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 07:24 PM

Hopefully reading helps too!

I'm ok thanks Hannah. How are you?
You should go to the gym! You'll be glad you went if you go

Serendipity. 17-02-2017 07:30 PM

I'm good thanks :)

I am still quite full from my enormous lunch so I wasn't sure! But I have booked a stretch class so I guess that will be quite gentle! Need to leave in a minute - effort!

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 07:48 PM

Stretch class sounds good! Have fun!!

It's been quite warm today. I haven't had to put the heating on which is always good!

Sketchy 17-02-2017 07:48 PM

Enjoy the gym Hannah.

Sketchy 17-02-2017 07:49 PM

My heating isn't on either. It's weird not shivering and frantically trying to heat up.

Sketchy 17-02-2017 07:52 PM

I just had chilli for dinner, so that heated me up.

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 07:59 PM

It is weird! Apparently we're supposed to get some really warm weather next week.

Chilli is yum!

Sketchy 17-02-2017 08:01 PM

Warm weather sounds good to me. I'm sick of winter.

Chilli was yum. Did you make something nice for dinner?

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 08:08 PM

Me too.

Nah. Just noodles and vegetables. I need to get into cooking again!

Sketchy 17-02-2017 08:09 PM

Noodles are yummy too.

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 08:17 PM

Yep I do like noodles. They're so easy too!

chinahorse 17-02-2017 08:33 PM

Nomnom. I'm having jacket potatoes again lol

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 09:01 PM

I love jacket potatoes. Are you having anything on it?

I've just made a nice hot chocolate :)

chinahorse 17-02-2017 10:11 PM

Ooo nice. Yeah beans and cheese. It's the meal I have 3 times a week at the cassel and I've already had once this week.

Serendipity. 17-02-2017 10:15 PM

Beans and cheese is the best jacket potato filling!

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 10:20 PM

Definitely agree! Beans and cheese is the best topping!

Serendipity. 17-02-2017 10:27 PM

You've all made me hungry now :(

chinahorse 17-02-2017 10:33 PM

Have something to nom!

Cacoethes 17-02-2017 10:48 PM

Me too. So I've just eaten a load of satsumas! There was one really sour one though so my mouth is like jnshskshushsbdh

not_so_insig 18-02-2017 12:03 AM

Anyone awake?

[Luna] 18-02-2017 07:26 AM

Good morning lovelies.

chinahorse 18-02-2017 10:15 AM

Morning Luna :)

chinahorse 18-02-2017 11:18 AM

I just made myself breakfast and a cuppa!

[Luna] 18-02-2017 11:22 AM

Well done sweetie. What are you having for breakfast?

chinahorse 18-02-2017 11:28 AM

Hot cross bun bread and butter and a cuppa. Super proud of that!

[Luna] 18-02-2017 11:29 AM

Hope you enjoy it!
I'm at the train station and the cafe is closed so I can't get a tea :(

chinahorse 18-02-2017 11:33 AM

Oh no that really sucks! Are you off anywhere exciting?

[Luna] 18-02-2017 11:37 AM

There's a place I wanted to go with my camera but last I got lost and it started tipping down with rain so I'm going to have another try.
Have you got any plans?

chinahorse 18-02-2017 11:40 AM

Ah I see.

It's really foggy here today so it'd be crap for photos. My friend is coming over. Hopefully bringing me some soap as my mam doesn't own any. Like who doesn't own soap?! I washed with hand soap lol.

[Luna] 18-02-2017 11:41 AM

How very odd! Well I hope you get your soap.
How is it being at your mums?

chinahorse 18-02-2017 11:45 AM

It's ok enough. I am an inconvenience though.

[Luna] 18-02-2017 11:52 AM

What makes you think that love?

chinahorse 18-02-2017 11:55 AM

I just am but urgh nevermind. Am distracting and watching tv.

[Luna] 18-02-2017 11:59 AM

What you watching?

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