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I can't sleeeeeeeeeep
How are you love? |
I've been better. Trying to muster up the energy to bat and wash my hair over the bath. Might do it separately and just wash me now. How're you? What're you up to today? |
I am awake barely. I am going out swimming with my dad hence why I am up so early. Just hope that there's no kids because it's some English schools half term this week and I live near the border.
Hope you enjoy swimming dawn. :)
I am clean and washed my hair. I'm exhausted now though. |
It's a week to go until my birthday!
Ooo yay!
Morning guys :)
Hi beckie. How're you today?
I'm good thanks. Happy because I've been a year out of hospital with no self destructive stuff or anything :)
And I'm going to visit my friend in hospital this afternoon. How are you Lillie? |
That's amazing beckie well done!
I'm exhausted and ouchy! And the bloody Dr's was closed after we made the effort to go there. And jodies being a me any and making me eat lu nch :p |
Thanks :)
Oh no! Definitely take some time to rest. And good for Jodie!! You need to eat and keep your strength up! |
I have been swimming. It was bloody awful. And cold.
Oh that sucks dawn.
Yeah I suppose she is just looking after me beckie. |
Afternoon all.
Heya how're you?
Bit rubbish. I'm having a lazy day though and might just read books or watch something. What you up to?
I'm sorry to hear that. A lazy day sounds good!
Were watching TV. Had a lazy afternoon. |
I hope you managed to relax and enjoy your lazy afternoon. Do you have anything planned for this evening?
1nah more of the same. My foots swollen so just resting that.
Best to stay rested then. Hopefully there will be something good to watch on tv.
Evening everyone :)
Evening back in. Whare you up to?
We are watching GPS behind closed doors |
Evening Beckie. What you up to?
Hey guys!
I love that programme Lillie, very interesting! I'm just watching TV. Only got back from seeing my friend about an hour ago. It's very cold and wet outside! What are you up to? |
Did you have a nice time with your friend?
I'm deciding whether to watch something or read. I have a few books to read. |
I am watching Who Do You Think You Are. I fell asleep for about 2 hours before though. My legs are killing me after the swimming. I missed my tea so am cooking some sausages.
I hope you enjoy your sausages Dawn. You must be hungry after all that swimming.
I did have a good time thanks. It was nice to catch up. I haven't seen her in a while. I'm tired now though!
There's not a lot on TV tonight. |
I know. I can't decide what to watch. I want to read but I don't think I have the concentration.
Maybe you could give reading a go?
If you can't concentrate them you can just go back to tv. I'm off to bed now. I am exhausted! Goodnight everyone! |
Glad you had a nice e time with your friend beckie and hope you have a good sleep.
Lorraine I hope you're able to mange tk read for a bit. Beckie suggestion was good. |
Morning all. I'm tired but way too anxious to sleep.
Good morning Lillie, it's perfectly understandable that you're anxious. It's going to be ok. It really will be.
Thanks Luna. How're you today?
Not feeling fantastic. Trying to decide what to do today.
What are the options?
I don't know, I can't think straight.
How are you getting on? |
I'm procrastinating having a bath next to a snuffling jodie.
Hmm maybe have a bath and a film? Or watch TV? |
Morning everyone!
Sorry you're feeling anxious Lillie. Hopefully the bath and film will help. Try to take it easy Luna. Don't push yourself too much to do things. Although it would be good to stay busy. |
Morning beckie how're you?
The bath helped a bit as did a very slow walk to the train station. |
I'm ok thanks.
I'm glad the bath helped. Hope today goes ok lovely x |
Well done for having a bath Lillie.
I watched a film and now getting dressed (slowly) because my friend is coming over. How are you Beckie? |
Hope you have a nice time with your friend Luna :)
I'm ok thanks. Need to go to asda as usual. Ugh! |
It's not my day! I got my ebay parcel and found out that I got charged nearly double for postage. Then whilst opening said ebay parcel I cut myself with the scissors and it bled tons. Then I nicked myself shaving which caused further blood loss. I feel a bit light headed. So I am sitting here with several plasters all on my right hand side.
Also the weather is rainy and windy so I couldn't go for my usual walk around the park. |
That's not good Dawn. I hope you are ok.
How is everyone? I'm getting ready to go to the shops and I'll go for a coffee too. Can't be bothered though. I just want to hide. |
Hope you're ok Dawn.
Hey Lorraine. Hope you manages to get out. I relate to just wanting to hide! |
I am feeling slightly better now that I have had some food Lorraine. Because they happened within 15 mins of each other I lost a fair amount of blood in a short time. But I know that from past experience that I will be ok and they are no longer bleeding.
I hope you heal up soon.
I'm in the coffee shop now. Had tea and a toastie, but now having a cappuccino before I head to the shops. |
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