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nonperson 05-11-2018 09:28 PM

I tried some soft ones once called Chicken Lickin's which my cat looooved… but they were actually dreadful. At least Dreamies are palatable. =P

Indigo. 05-11-2018 09:32 PM

I don't know which ones it was that I tried, it was too long ago!

I wondered at the time if that's what food in space tastes like!

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:32 PM

I should have some human food for dinner....

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:33 PM

You can buy packets of space food!

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 09:33 PM

I can't see a situation anytime soon where I'd try dreamies but may do one day :p

Space food is very different!
I went to space camp in Alabama and we got to eat some.

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:35 PM

What space food did you try?

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:35 PM

I'm so jealous of you going to space camp btw!

Indigo. 05-11-2018 09:38 PM

If only I had! I thought dried cat food might be similar to space food but that's it��

Space is amazing though, I've had a bit of an obsession for as long as I can remember.

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:40 PM

Space makes everything seem so small. =/

The film of Apollo 13 didn't help with my space love (as in, made it worse). Love that film.

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 09:41 PM

I can't remember now.
The space food we tried was all dehydrated cube things.
It was a long time ago!
Only got to go because I won a competition.
It was so cool though

Space is amazing

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:46 PM

Let's all move to the moon. I have an acre of land up there.

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 09:47 PM

Sounds good to me!!
Funnily enough I've just seen an ad on Groupon for a space burial.

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:49 PM

I'd take that too!

Although in Star Trek that just means your body floats around in space forever in a little jettisoned pod thing. Kinda... strange because what if someone picked it up?!

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 09:55 PM

This is what it says:

Celestial package includes: scattering loved one’s ashes at the edge of space | choice to be active in preparing the launch vehicle | choice of five launch locations | possibility to invite spectators | hot and cold refreshments

Choice of locations include: The New Forest | Cambridgeshire | The Cotswolds | Rhosili, Wales | Falmouth, Cornwall

nonperson 05-11-2018 09:57 PM

Hot and cold refreshments, very important.

OMG.... Falmouth would absolutely be my launch site of choice!

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 10:00 PM

Very important indeed!

I think I'd go for the New Forest
Jasmines current pony is a new forest pony and we used to go and see all the wild ponies!

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:02 PM

I like Falmouth. There's something about being by the sea...

And the New Forest is nice too. I don't remember much of being there though.

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 10:04 PM

Being by the sea is nice too!

chinahorse 05-11-2018 10:07 PM

Being by the sea is currently noisy.

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:09 PM

Being not by the sea is currently noisy too. Fireworks are going off somewhere nearby...

chinahorse 05-11-2018 10:11 PM

Blumming noisy things.

Cacoethes 05-11-2018 10:11 PM

Fireworks here keep stopping and starting

Off to bed now I think
Still tired!
Night all!

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:15 PM

Night night, Beckie.

They are blumming noisy... and won't stop now until new year!

chinahorse 05-11-2018 10:17 PM

Night beckie x

I don't think they should be available to buy. Just sparklers. And then the big organised displays only can get them. I hope that makes sense I'm knackered.

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:20 PM

It does make perfect sense.

Aubergine 05-11-2018 10:25 PM

Makes sense to me!

Night night, Beckie. Hope you sleep well.

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:34 PM


There were only shrivelled versions of you for sale in the supermarket today.

Aubergine 05-11-2018 10:40 PM

Hello! A friend came round for pudding. :) It was fun!

Oh. :( I promise that this Aubergine is not shrivelled. :)

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:46 PM

What pudding did you have?

Oh I'm glad you're not shrivelled too. I was hoping it wasn't a country-wide problem!

Aubergine 05-11-2018 10:49 PM

Sticky toffee pudding with cream. It was so good!

Hehe. Nope! :D

You up to much?

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:51 PM

Oh I love sticky toffee pudding! It's like the worst dessert a diabetic could have but is so worth it sometimes. =D

Nah, just watching Big Bang and still looking at exercise bikes.

Indigo. 05-11-2018 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4194948)
Choice of locations include: The New Forest | Cambridgeshire | The Cotswolds | Rhosili, Wales | Falmouth, Cornwall

Rhosili is maybe a half an hour drive from where I am and it's just beautiful up there!(also by the sea, lovely beach) The entirety of the Gower peninsula is a gem tbh.

Night Beckie!

Yay for sticky toffee pudding Aubergine!

I've gone to the shop and gotten chocolate to fight off the Dementors!

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:10 PM

I bought dark chocolate orange tonight.

And I'm also re-reading Prisoner of Azkaban at the moment so Dementors are on every page!

Now I don't feel so guilty about buying chocolate. =P

Indigo. 05-11-2018 11:14 PM

I love PoA!!!!

Also dark chocolate orange is yum. I've got Dairy Milk winter edition. I also feel less guilty :)

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:17 PM

I still know nothing about Harry Potter!

Indigo. 05-11-2018 11:19 PM

One day you will Aubergine! PoA is the third book in the series and it's a fan favourite I guess.

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:20 PM

Oooh what's wintery about the winter edition?

And yes, PoA is one of my favourites. =D

Shame on you, Aubergine. But we've had this conversation many times before so I shall say no more. =P

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:20 PM

But I think the lowest grossing film?

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:21 PM


I actually have the first two books downloaded on Audible. Not got round to reading them though.

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:24 PM

Stephen Fry makes the audio books extra amazing.

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:25 PM

Oh my Stephen. <3

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:26 PM

See, you need to get round to listening now. =)

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:28 PM

I do! But he might make me fall even more in love with him!

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:31 PM

And what's so wrong about that? =P

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:35 PM

Nothing, I guess. I am going to marry him one day. :)

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:36 PM

You had better become familiar with his audiobook work then!

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:41 PM

I think I best had! What if he asks me if I've listened to his audiobooks and I have to say no?!

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:42 PM

That would be awful. And he'd know if you tried to lie to him about it.

Aubergine 05-11-2018 11:49 PM


I must start listening to them!

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:56 PM

Yes. =)

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