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D-liscious 06-07-2007 03:25 PM

hey southern how are you?
*offers biscut and hug* Stevevaijr is making the tea!

southern_bell 06-07-2007 03:27 PM

oh tea and biscuts, yum.

I've been better, but I am just thankful I have survived this week. thanks for the hug *hugs back*

D-liscious 06-07-2007 03:38 PM

well done you *offers another biscut and another hug*

~KemicalRain~ 06-07-2007 03:41 PM

sorry i have just been sorting out the kitche there *produces a tray with all sorts of treats and tea coffee and hot chocolate and goes to slump in a chair* sarry it took so long a bit of trouble *hugs everyone*

D-liscious 06-07-2007 04:00 PM

mm hot chocolate mmmmm *hugs stevevajr* thanks

~KemicalRain~ 06-07-2007 04:03 PM

thats what i am here for today *hugs S pod* oh could i ask you a favour wwould you check out my poems please cos well not many people have commented

D-liscious 06-07-2007 04:18 PM

sure *goes to read poems*

~KemicalRain~ 06-07-2007 04:18 PM

cool ty

D-liscious 06-07-2007 04:29 PM

they are pretty powerful

~KemicalRain~ 06-07-2007 04:32 PM

surprisingly i was actually moved alot after i read them back i was just surprised i could write like that and well i put a "hidden" thank you to RYL for being here not very hidden but funny

~KemicalRain~ 06-07-2007 04:50 PM

*slumps in a corner out of the way*

D-liscious 06-07-2007 05:37 PM

you ok *checks stevevaijr*

southern_bell 06-07-2007 07:40 PM

*finds a bed to curl up in and pulls blankets over my head*

l.e.g.o 06-07-2007 08:54 PM

*comes in and curls up on the floor crying*

Sugar and Spice 06-07-2007 09:31 PM

Is everyone ok? Anyone want a cuppa and a chat?

*offers drinks and homemade chocolate truffles round*

l.e.g.o 06-07-2007 09:36 PM

just want a hug and for someone to lock me away so i cant damage myself sorry sorry sorry

Sugar and Spice 06-07-2007 10:16 PM

*hugs newlife, wraps her up in a blanket and makes sure she is alright*

D-liscious 07-07-2007 11:08 AM

morning all

*goes to work on stupid essay*

~KemicalRain~ 07-07-2007 11:40 AM

*runs into room and dives onto a pile of cushions and crys*

Auburn Shadow 07-07-2007 12:57 PM

K I'm going to stay in here until my hangover runs away.

You ok Stevevajir?

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