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bobidrawpictures 28-06-2007 10:51 PM


IceBreak 29-06-2007 01:45 PM

:-) :-)

D-liscious 29-06-2007 07:28 PM

*hugs Ann* im working again tonight - *waves to all* take care

The Oncoming Storm 29-06-2007 08:31 PM

*crawls in and lies on the floor*

This seems like the perfect place to be.

How is everyone?

Bitter_Angel 29-06-2007 09:00 PM

*curls up on floor*
*pulls blanket over head so that no one can see me*
Im just hiding in here for a while guys. Dont mind the huge bump on the floor.

bleedingdragon 29-06-2007 09:38 PM

gives Kim A HUG
Dave comes out of his nice little padded room
to find kim and offers you a gentle hug full of TLC
sorry your having a hard day
and heres some coco pops
sneaks back to his room to hide

toothpaste 29-06-2007 10:16 PM

*comes in and offers everyone a hug*

IceBreak 29-06-2007 10:40 PM

*Finds Kim and Hugs her tightly*

U wanna talk bout anythin? U know Im here for u.

*hugs everyone else so noone feels left out*

bobidrawpictures 30-06-2007 12:27 AM

sorry lack of posts hope everyone is ok hugs

Bitter_Angel 30-06-2007 12:37 AM

Thanks everyone. The hugs mean a lot. Sorry im quiet tonight.
Hope you are all ok.

bobidrawpictures 30-06-2007 03:01 AM

offers hugs to anyone around

and kim i hope things will be ok pm me and let me know luke

bleedingdragon 30-06-2007 03:53 AM

hugs you mate
Luke, if your still around mate,

accepts hug off you, and hugs you back,

look after yourself,
and you know where i am when you feel ok about being supported, im right here luke

bobidrawpictures 30-06-2007 04:00 AM

im around dave on and off

same goes for you and i hope you are ok

bobidrawpictures 30-06-2007 04:24 AM

hoovers up with a slient hoover as not to wake anyone, then starts cleaning to make it look nice and clean when people awake and come back in tomorrow

Ileana 30-06-2007 04:35 AM

Why hasn't the world ended yet? Where the **** is god? He sort of forgot to end it...did he abort his own mission?

bleedingdragon 30-06-2007 04:35 AM

helps luke tidy up psych ward
Hey Luke thanks

im ok bin keepin busy and im still up eek,
hey luke its great your taking care of the place but dont tire yourself out,
dave helps you with tidying up and moving stuff. cleans campfire.

if you want a chat luke let me know i will be hiding away soon

Ileana 30-06-2007 04:39 AM

Humanity makes me want to puke, my family makes me want to puke...the world makes me want to puke...I can't wait for it all to end, it will be the happiest day of my life. Sometimes I wish aliens would come and take me to some unknown civilization in space...in another galaxy altogether, where people are smarter and much nicer...and less selfish. Oh when will that glorious day come?

bobidrawpictures 30-06-2007 04:39 AM

i will be ok thanks for the help, i know still up at this hour, im off anyway the place looks clean and dont hide away too long you know where my inbox is luke night

bleedingdragon 30-06-2007 04:40 AM

hugs you Ileana

hugs you, who knows why the world hasnt ended yet i wish it would sometimes well for me anyway, no one else.

do you wanna say more .

bleedingdragon 30-06-2007 04:43 AM

night mate
ok mate im glad you will be ok, you know where my room is knock onmy door anytime im not around.
ok mate you take care and get some sleep, i wont hide away to long mate thanks, will pm u if i need to, same goes for you luke.

night night mate

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