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Damnation. 06-04-2009 08:39 PM

Arwen: Yeah, I'm alright now. I did a lot of venting last night, all over the show, and that helped take the edge off my fury =D. I changed my Facebook status to 'Tödlich Axtell is annoyed because she tried to tell someone something that's been on her mind for a while, just for the other person to respond like a child' and the retard in question saw it, 'cause he left a comment. Which he deleted before I got the chance to read it <__<;;

ksdfjhlksajf 06-04-2009 08:58 PM

*Walks in* Can I stay here for a while please? I think I need to.

Tears of Solitude 06-04-2009 09:51 PM

::::::::::::: big hugs to everyone ::::::::::::::::::

Sorry thats all I can manage at the moment xxx

~*Rainbow*~ 06-04-2009 09:56 PM

Thanks Zowie - my physio has cleared my ankel injuries which means i can play football on sat but i dont have the heart to play!!! And dont worry im used to children acting stupid im a Brownie Leader (their parents give them Irn Bru just before they come to meets)

*hugs Hells* Aww babez why didnt you tell me you had a funeral to go to!!! *Big Squishes* Here have my lil monkey bear to cuddle till your head feels better *hands Hells Monkey Bear*

*hugs Fairytales* Of course you can stay hun is everything ok?

*hugs Jade* - Thats okay darlin are you ok? *Offers lil foxy bear to cuddle*

I just wanna be back home i am missing Brum and my other half far to much! i just dont know how much longer i can cope being seperated from him!! and the rest of my life in Brum!!!

Plus the longer i stay up here the more i get my urges triggeres and old habits wanting to come back and i dont want them back!!!!

MammaMia 06-04-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by zowie (Post 1535025)
Helen - Hope the migraine passes. Good luck at the funeral tomorrow, it's nice to hear you're there for your friend. *Hugs*

Thanks honey, I'll need that luck!!! *hugs tight*


Originally Posted by Fairytales Tell Tales (Post 1535124)
*Walks in* Can I stay here for a while please? I think I need to.

Sure thing :)


Originally Posted by Tears of Solitude (Post 1535271)
::::::::::::: big hugs to everyone ::::::::::::::::::

Sorry thats all I can manage at the moment xxx

*cuddles tons and tons* Love you Jadey poo :P


Originally Posted by ~*Rainbow*~ (Post 1535286)
*hugs Hells* Aww babez why didnt you tell me you had a funeral to go to!!! *Big Squishes* Here have my lil monkey bear to cuddle till your head feels better *hands Hells Monkey Bear*

I just wanna be back home i am missing Brum and my other half far to much! i just dont know how much longer i can cope being seperated from him!! and the rest of my life in Brum!!!

Plus the longer i stay up here the more i get my urges triggeres and old habits wanting to come back and i dont want them back!!!!

*cuddles lots* I told you now why, thanks for the bigh squishes and the monkey bear *cuddles monkey :P* I jnow how much you're missing home but you'll be back soon enough I hope, you better come back :( When you do get back, we're gonna have a blast!!!!!!

~*Rainbow*~ 06-04-2009 10:38 PM

*hugs Hells*
Dont worry babe I Will be back and thats a promise - you know where I am if you need me tomorrow

wildly insane 07-04-2009 12:19 AM

*hugs all* sorry bit out of the loop, had a weekend away and an interview to prepare for, which went okay, I thought I was doing okay, but I think I was kidding myself, will sleep and hope tomorrow is better.

*hugs again* hope you guys are doing okay and if you're not then I hope tomorrow is better and that you find the strength to keep fighting.

[Fog] 07-04-2009 01:10 AM

Hey everyone, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier :) I'm Hannah, I'm pretty new to RYL and I stumbled across this thread and you all seem lovely! To give you some background I have clinical depression due to chronic pain and a big loss that I haven't come to terms with, I also have OCD, psychotic symptoms and I SI a lot. I know that's not interesting but I just thought I'd explain for next time I come and say something out of context :D

Hope everyone is doing ok, lots of hugs all round! xx

MammaMia 07-04-2009 01:21 AM

What a lovely introduction :) I hope you settle down well in here. We're not a scary bunch really, we just post pretty fast in here. But we're a lovely bunch. Hope you're doing okay? *squish*


omg. I am so ****ed off.

[Fog] 07-04-2009 01:30 AM

Thanks :) Yeah I'm doing alright actually, normally this time of night is really bad for me but I'm doing well distracting myself. Well. So far anyway... How are you?

[Fog] 07-04-2009 04:10 AM

*rocks gently forwards and backwards*

*tries to hide in the corner*

Jetforce 07-04-2009 04:18 AM

Yay..i got discharged from hosp today

woohoo...freedom!!!!! lol

Hope every1 is alrite there *cuddles*

[Fog] 07-04-2009 04:22 AM

*looks up from her moping*

Well done you!!! :D Congratulations!

*gets out her pillow for bed*

Long*Past 07-04-2009 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by zowie (Post 1535025)
Ashley - What have you packed in your bag for a stay in the denial tent? I've got chocolate and magazines to keep us going :)

I've got lots of books. Romances and fantasies are abundant. I've also got plenty of orange Mike&Ikes! ^_^ Oh and I have teddies and blankies to cuddle.

ksdfjhlksajf 07-04-2009 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jetforce (Post 1536009)
Yay..i got discharged from hosp today

woohoo...freedom!!!!! lol

Hope every1 is alrite there *cuddles*

Good job!

*goes back to corner and curls up crying*

wildly insane 07-04-2009 08:34 AM

Hey Jem welcome back, how are you doing? *hugs*

*hugs Hannah* heyup I'm Hannah too, I think I might get confused :)

*hugs Helen* hope the migraine has gone and that you're feeling a bit better

*hugs Ashley* you got everything you need there? what are orange Mike & Ikes?

*hugs Fairytale* what's up? You feeling any better today?

*hugs Gil* are you okay?

*hugs Arwen* How's it going? hope the guilt has gone, you don't deserve that. Did ou have a good time with your friends?

*hugs Dayna* some people just don't get it, sounds like the person in question really isn't worth your trouble, take care of yourself hun.

*hugs Kahlia* glad to hear you're doing a little better

*hugs Jade**hugs Shell**hugs MaryAnne**hugs Kat* (has anyone heard from her recently?)*hugs anyone else hiding in a corner and wanting a hug*

Right must get to work, so looking forward to some days off. Leaves some easter eggs hidden in the garden.

Kahlia1981 07-04-2009 11:08 AM

*hugs everyone*

Jem - yay for freedom. Now keep yourself safe.
Helen - oh yucky migraine's .... I hate them.

I put up dark curtains in my room today.... Yay. Hopefully it will be dark enough for me to sleep a bit easier. Fingers crossed.

World War III starts tomorrow with my house-mate && Qld Health. This could be interesting ....

Jetforce 07-04-2009 11:27 AM

Yah..i know! i better try and keep safe

I'm already have bad thoughts already..ugh..sucks to be me really :-(

But yah..hope u guys have a lovely day or had a lovely day xx

zowie 07-04-2009 01:26 PM

Wooo Jem! Well done for getting out of hospital, I hope your stay helped you.


I had a good time with my old friends last night. Only a few people who were actually part of the old gang were there but it was nice to talk to them.

My care co ordinator has cancelled our appointment today. Didn't really need to see her, but it was something to do today. Gosh the days are really dragging.

Damnation. 07-04-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by wildly insane (Post 1536112)
*hugs Dayna* some people just don't get it, sounds like the person in question really isn't worth your trouble, take care of yourself hun.

*hugs Kat* (has anyone heard from her recently?)

I'm slowly distancing myself from the person in question. Which is quite easy, considering it's me who's putting 99% of the effort into what remains of our friendstil <__<;;.

And she's coming round mine tonight. With any luck, we might have some piccies xD

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