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just wanted to let you all know i am finally out of the hospital...feeling a little better, i think... not sure if i left too early or not. time will tell i guess. hugs for everyone.
Katiiiiiiiiiie, if I'd seen your messege I would have come over! I have a bit of spare cash now, so we should definately do something soon.
Plus I'll buy you a couple of beers on Sunday to pay you back for the ones you bought me on your birthday ;) |
Hi everyone,
slipped away for a bit, just not got much enthusiasm for doing anything right now. *hugs everyone* |
why can't I look after myself, instead of knowing that I should go to bed now I'm still up.
*hugs Snuffles* any luck yet? I know how frustrating house hunting can be. *hugs Kahlia* hope the low eases soon *hugs Helen* how did you hurt your coccyx? *hugs Rockaroni* hope you're doing okay. *hugs Jade* sorry to hear your feeling low, *bug hugs* *hugs Dayna* still wishing you lots of luck *hugs Silver* hope you're feeling better *hugs Caidan* hope you're feeling okay *hugs MaryAnne**hugs Arwen**hugs Shell**hugs Kat**hugs Voice* gives Puppy SinClair a huge hug, am seeing my own doggies this weekend, am so looking forward to it, am getting city-fever, want to get out, had enough of concrete and tarmac and people. |
Hannah, I'll try and help: *speaking in a stern voice: Go to bed!!*
did that help? what kind of dogs do you have? *hugs back* |
just went from being fine to being very not fine in the space of a shower. I'm freaking out. I'm choking on words I want to write, I can't even write, and now my head's in no state to sleep arrgghh
Shell, Biff is a german shepherd cross colley and an absolutely useless guard dog because every time any body turns up at my parents house he runs up to them wagging his tail with a big stupid grin on his face saying hi. Bounce is a german shepherd dog, who has very little teeth left as they were in such bad condition when we got her that they had to be taken out, she's such a softy. They're both rescue dogs and they always want more attention :) |
*cuddles kat gently*
*Hugs everyone*
Just wanted to say that the move is tomorrow, so chances are I won't be online. I dunno how long I'll be offline for, but with any luck, it won't be too long. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated, even if I have to go to the library and yoink their internet! You all take cares n stuffs <3 |
I'm evil.
I'm seeing a counsellor/psychologist out at uni tomorrow. First time with this particular person ... Really nervous. I absolutely hate meetings with new psych workers because I have to go into things that I really don't want to. But I somehow need to find a way out of the dark hole that I'm in ... and I guess this is my attempt to find it. I'm hoping that if she thinks I need more than she is able to offer, she'll advise me both of that fact and where I might be able to get help from ... fingers crossed. :S
*drops by to leave hugs for everyone*
Things have gotten rather hectic recently so I'm not around as much as I wish I could be. Sleep patterns are rather messed up at the moment, in that I'm really not getting as much sleep as I need, but I just can't sleep anymore. Although, one of my friends is going to make me a hypnosis script to see if that helps the situation anymore. Things are very up and down at the moment, and I don't really have the words to be of much use to people at the moment, but soon I will, or I hope I will anyway. *leaves more hugs to last until I can get back in* |
Wildly Insane- nothing yet. We looked at one the other day but there were heaps of people there we just lost all hope of getting it, then there was one yesterday we looked at which was good, and we were going to apply, but even with the loan I'm getting (should be getting tomorrow) I will have NO money for uni books, plus Trent wants to move a bit further north anyway, and start afresh. After thinking about it I want to as well, get further from the city coz then I'll be close to two forum people (another forum) so I'll have a bit of support. Plus we're staying with one of them from next week so will be good. I've changed one of my subjects to off campus =) So that's good. Oh and there's HEAPS of work for Trent up there too. So as much as I didn't want to go further, the Pros are actually outweighing the Cons =)
I hope everyone's ok. Haven't been on much sorry. Just always seem to have a million and one things to do each day grrrrr. Still haven't done everything either.. Feeling ok.. just dealing with Ana which unfortunately she seems to winning the battle so far =( *cuddles everyone* |
Katie - good luck with the house hunting... glad to hear that there have been some positive changes and hopes relating to uni. Hang in there with your battle with ana hun, but don't forget that even if she wins one battle, she doesn't have to win the war. *hugs*
*leaves hugs for everyone* |
i give up........i give up on everything...........i think i left the hospital too soon. i think i should have stayed there a little while longer. i think i needed more help.......GGGGRRRRRR!!!!!!!! why cant people just let me die already???!!!!!!
Thanks Kahlia.. Means alot..
Caiden.. *cuddles* have no words, but have an endless amount of hugs for you:-D A year since she died. A whole f***ing year. :crying: *curls up in the corner with Puppy Sinclair* I wish I had a cat :sad: |
::::::::::::: hugs everyone :::::::::::
Im so sad right now. Ive been crying all afternoon. Will I ever recover from this???? |
*hugs everyone*
Jade you will recover sweety...
it just takes time and i know that sucks because given the choice we'd all be recovered straight away...but just be patient.... you're stronger than this and you CAN and WILL beat it ok? Just keep going...you're doing so well ****BIIIIIIIG hugs**** |
*cuddles everyone*
Sorry I haven't been around, Have been thinking of you all but am stupidly busy and really struggling.
Will make more of an effort to pop in. *leaves hugs and chocolate fingers* |
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