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Damnation. 10-02-2009 04:19 AM

*Cuddles Katie* I'm really glad to hear that

Kahlia1981 10-02-2009 07:51 AM

*hugs Katie* Glad to hear that you have somewhere to stay.

*cuddles Dayna*

I did something really, really stupid this afternoon. I broke a piece of glass out of a glass candle holder and was intending to seriously attack myself with it. I handed the shard over to my housemate ... and now I'm regretting it. Partly because he also took the rest of the candle holder away so that I wouldn't decide to "accidentally" break any more off it.

*sigh* I feel like sh!te now. I shouldn't have done any of it. I'm sorry.

shadowedsoul 10-02-2009 08:06 AM

hmm back again, curls into ball in corner puts a blanket over my head.i want to give up, cant keep doing this. just need to disapear for a while. everythings getting a bit much.

wildly insane 10-02-2009 09:14 AM

*hugs all*

*hugs Kahlia* you sound like you have aboslute gems for housemates. Don't you think if you're feeling guilty about having done any of it that's a good thing? I think it is :)

*hugs Shadowedsoul" anything in particular you wanna talk about?

*hugs Dayna and Katie* sounds hopeful good luck

Sets provisions for the day and leaves Puppy SinClair a bonio after taking him for a walk

Snuffles 10-02-2009 09:21 AM

Looked at a place.. a really nice place... heaps of people were there.. and they make applying hard >_< I know we have friends to stay with, but it's not permanent.. and I have uni to worry about as well. How can I study effectively in a house with 3 adults and 4 kids?? And the fact is even further north.. so further AWAY from uni... I don't think this is going to work out. I don't see how. No one wants to rent to two unemployed young people (19 and 25). I haven't heard from the landlord yet, sposed to get an email from her so I can apply for the rest of this loan from uni (am able to get half of it already but need something else to get the rest..) just typical.

Don't feel like eating.. wonder if there was any point trying to have 'my own life'... f***en over it... I don't care... anymore..

Kahlia1981 10-02-2009 09:28 AM

*hugs Katie* - I'm hearing you, especially in relation to your concerns with housing and uni. Fingers crossed that things work out. Hold on hon.

Hannah - You are right. My housemates are brilliant. Very understanding and patient ... extremely patient. And I think you are right, the guilt is a good thing. It just is kind of hard because I keep thinking that I'm going to upset or worry them and I don't want to.

*offers hugs to all and pats Puppy SinClair*

Snuffles 10-02-2009 10:31 AM

Thanks Kahlia. Hope your ok. I know I've been **** with support with everyone here lately, trust me, once I'm settled I should be bouncing back, raring to go =)

Got the email, phew. So that's sorted.

zowie 10-02-2009 12:42 PM

Didn't go to the day hospital.
Was meant to be going round a friend's house for a few beers and a film but she's cancelled.
All dressed up and nowhere to go.

ravynsoul 10-02-2009 12:59 PM

*sends hugs around*

Kahlia1981 10-02-2009 01:51 PM

*hugs Katie* ~ Glad you got the email ... Fingers are still crossed for you.
*hugs Arwen* ~ That's a pain that your friend cancelled. I hope you have found something to do to take your mind off things.
*hugs Shell*
*hugs ShadowedSoul* ~ We're here if you want to talk about anything hun.
*leaves hugs for everyone else*

My mood has gone psycho. I'm now bouncing off the walls. It ain't gonna be pretty when I come down from this one . . .

Kahlia1981 10-02-2009 01:53 PM

By the way ... Nicole [mouse in darkness] says "hi ... and I miss you all. *hugs*"

MammaMia 10-02-2009 01:55 PM

sends gentle hugs around

I can't actually sit on the floor no more :'( I've hurt my coccyx (tailbone), don't think it's broke but it bloody hurts and is gonna hurt when I have to sit down in the cinema with my mum. But she's worth the pain and so is the film haha :P


rockaroni 10-02-2009 03:54 PM

Arwen- stay dressed up and come out tonight instead :) I still have beer that needs to be drunk.

Kahlia- sounds like me this last couple of weeks. So at least you're not the only one in the boat.. rowing out into a crazy sea storm... ahem.

Bouncy hugs for all :)

Detour. Derail 10-02-2009 05:51 PM

worry worry worry :(
I hate it

Tears of Solitude 10-02-2009 10:08 PM

I feel soooo low tonite xxx :(

< crawls into ball in corner of the room >

Damnation. 10-02-2009 10:33 PM

*Crawls around and hugs everyone*

Silvery_Gold 10-02-2009 10:54 PM

*am still sat in quiet corner*

she made me talk, don't like talking about it, can't, felt eyes filling with tears. almost but not properly because my eyes are broken and don't cry.

Need to stay here. keep myself here and safe and away from bingeing and the kitchen.


MammaMia 10-02-2009 11:53 PM

I'm feeling low tonight and I don't know why. Really want to hurt. Really want to stay happy. I can't go through another low again or I will end up hurting. :'(

Kahlia1981 11-02-2009 05:20 AM

*hugs all*

Silver ~ *offers special safe hugs*

I've come down ... and it isn't pretty. Just had what for me would be classed as a binge ... but it isn't a binge by ED standards (thank goodness). Just want to curl up and cry.

Detour. Derail 11-02-2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 1417944)
*hugs all*

Silver ~ *offers special safe hugs*

I've come down ... and it isn't pretty. Just had what for me would be classed as a binge ... but it isn't a binge by ED standards (thank goodness). Just want to curl up and cry.

I know how it feel sweetheart. *hugs*
have you thought about going for a brisk walk or a jog?
Or doing some exercise at the gym or maybe even dancing in your room?
I know it sounds silly and you may not feel like it...
but not only will it make you feel good about yourself (its easy to feel low after a binge) but it also triggers the release of endorphines (happy hormones!!) which will help lift your moos a little?

Take care hun

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