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MammaMia 05-02-2009 02:52 PM

Snow snow snow.
But still depressed at same time...

zowie 05-02-2009 05:31 PM

*Hugs Katricia and Helen* Hang in there guys!

I went to the doctors and have signed up for a stop smoking clinic, hopefully they'll prescribe me that inhalator thingy.

wildly insane 05-02-2009 06:09 PM

Hey Arwen, apparently the nicotine is out of your body in about 4 days and it's just habit addiction the rest of the time, good luck.

*hugs everyone, hope the rain/snow/council/university/parents/housemates/house issues/everything else all gets sorted out, you know what I mean. even if it doesn't make sense ;P*

realflifefaerie 05-02-2009 08:13 PM

*hugs Zowie* well done for making the step to give up smoking.

*hugs Katrica* telling your mum was brave, she cares about you and I'm sure she'll be around to help.

*hugs mamma Mia* how are things going?

*leaves hugs for everyone else* my concentration is very poor tonight.

I'm really stressing out, am majorly triggered but have a trampolining competition this weekend so can't really be bad. I've not practised and tbh should be doing it cause I've damaged my knee and just argh. Everythin is stressing me out, I have so much work to do.

Mary Anne 05-02-2009 09:11 PM

Secrets - I always fancied trampolining, good luck and hope your knee feels better soon.

Arwen - let me know how you get on, I was thinking about getting one of those inhalator things.

Helen - least you have got snow! We get a piddly wee amount which then melts and soaks the bottom of my trousers every day or freezes and turns the pavement into a skating rink (I live on a street which does not get gritted).
Funny story - walking down to the bus this morning and went flying on the ice, managed not to fall but I was going all over the place, would not have been so bad but there was a car stopped and they saw the whole thing! I was mortified at the time but it is funny now :)

*leaves hugs and hot chocolate for everyone*

Tears of Solitude 05-02-2009 09:38 PM

Poisonous xxx I really hope you find somewhere to live ASAP. My thoughts are with you.

Helen xxx only one day left of snow xxx Hope you feel better soon.

Zowie xxx good luck with the stop smoking xxx

Wildly insane xxx Big hugs xxx

Secrets xxx Hope your knee hold out for your competition xxx

Mary Anne xxx Hope you didnt hurt yourself when you fell xxx

{{{{{{{{{{{{Huge hugs to everyone}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Oooo tomorrow Im going for an ECG. My psych wont prescribe me mood stabilisers without having my heart checked first.

Detour. Derail 05-02-2009 10:33 PM

*sits in corner and whimpers*

I feel so unsafe.
Im drunk.
I dont want to be alone
and I dont know what im doing or why im just....

doing stuff...
and i dont know...

im not good for anything...

Im just a vent for people...

If they need a punching bag or someone to scream at or someone to sleep with...or someone to bitch about....thats me...

oh :'(

Tears of Solitude 05-02-2009 10:35 PM

Voice of Reason

Keep venting honey, anything that will help. Im here listening xxx
Jade xxx

Detour. Derail 05-02-2009 10:38 PM

Im crying....I dont want to cry...

I want to be happy.

I dont understand why me?

what did i do wrong?

Tears of Solitude 05-02-2009 10:41 PM

Oh honey, sometimes a good cry can really help

Honey, being drunk can be quite depressive xxx Im sure you will feel a little better in the morning. xxx

Im sure you havent done anything wrong xxx

Detour. Derail 05-02-2009 11:03 PM

I just want it to stop :cry:
can..i have a hug? off anyone?

pretty please?

realflifefaerie 05-02-2009 11:23 PM

*hugs voice of reason* I'm sorry I can't say anything, but PM me if you like

Detour. Derail 05-02-2009 11:27 PM

I'll be ok..
I dont want to be a burden..

realflifefaerie 05-02-2009 11:35 PM

Well the offer's there if you want someone to listen (well read).

I just watched disney films with friends, never fail to make me feel better =]

Tears of Solitude 06-02-2009 12:05 AM

Big hugs too Voice of reason.

Hope you feel a little better soon xxx

Detour. Derail 06-02-2009 12:36 AM

I keep thnking....

I want to go back to old habits...

but i have a party on saturday....a family party...so i cant...

but i want to..

but i cant...

but i want...

but i....

MammaMia 06-02-2009 01:03 AM

*hugs Alex, Jade, Mary Anne, Jem, Dayna, Katie, Kahlia, Louise, Katrica, Secrets, Wildly Insane and everyone else in this ward*

I'm doing a little better, felt good earlier. But I feel really ****. Just really want to lose control for a while and hurt hurt hurt. :(

Damnation. 06-02-2009 03:19 AM

x_x *Hugs all*

My dad managed to get us a meeting with council/housing/benefits people tomorrow, at 10:30am (x_x!), and we're going to see about trying to get the place back again. Apparently the council woman's been trying to talk the landlord round for us.

ALSO. My housemate and I still haven't been notified of the exact time the bailiffs are due to arrive tomorrow, so she phoned up and was told that they MIGHT NOT BE IN THE OFFICE TOMORROW. So it's far from guaranteed, but we JUST MIGHT have the weekend. Which is good, 'cause we ain't finished packing yet <_<;

Snuffles 06-02-2009 04:29 AM

Oh geez.. hope it works out Dayna.. hope you get the place back again... can I ask why your having to leave in the first place?

Ugh... I don't know how much more I can take hey. We do have a friend or two we can stay with for a bit till we get a place. Thing is, they all have kids so we both just feel like we're going to be burdens.. but then I'd rather stay with them then be homeless.. I'm thinking, if we don't have a place by the 20th, we will see about staying with these friends for 2 weeks (shared between them of course) so we can get some money behind us then we'll move temporarily into like a caravan park... We have a reserved spot for storage.. So yeah... I think that's a plan?? Maybe?? I'm just so over it.. Still am bitter about Mel and Mik.. though I shouldn't be..I guess. It's just unfair.

I dunno.. am just so over it. ED thoughts starting to take over again...

Damnation. 06-02-2009 05:16 AM

My housemate and I fell behind with our rent payments. She was working for a while, but kept having 'mini breakdowns' there, and her GP signed her off as sick for a long while. In the end, she lost her job. Because of that, money - obviously - became tighter, and thus, problems with the rent started.

Also, the man who was assigned to deal with us at the housing association, he tried to get in touch with our landlord multiple times to try and arrange a way for us to stay in the house that would be satisfactory for him, but he never bothered to return any of the calls/essages. As a result, we went to court, and it all spiralled downwards from there, to where are are now

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