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Tears of Solitude 01-02-2009 08:47 PM

Big hugs to Everyone {{{{{ hugs }}}}}

I really hope we all have a better week < keeps fingers crossed >

Gets in denial tent, makes myself comfy for the night xxx

Love Jade xxx

Damnation. 01-02-2009 09:26 PM


*Hugs all*

Tears of Solitude 01-02-2009 09:31 PM

How are you today Poisonous ??????

MammaMia 01-02-2009 10:34 PM

Oh god.
Oh god.
Things are really horrible right now.
Had a weekend of hell (except for last night & this morning)
Why do people keep hurting me?
Stop them.

ravynsoul 02-02-2009 12:44 AM

*hugs all*
I agree... I hope this week brings lots of positive things for everyone.

sorry no individual replies yet; but thinking of you all. Thanks for all the hugs.

MammaMia 02-02-2009 02:39 AM

*is still rocking*

8 months free.
Can't be bothered to cleberate.
Can't be bothered to stay free.

ravynsoul 02-02-2009 02:44 AM

*sits by Helen* you may not feel like celebrating.. but I want to congratulate you... 8 months! that's a wonderful achievement!!

MammaMia 02-02-2009 02:56 AM

Thank you sweetheart xx

Jetforce 02-02-2009 03:56 AM

Congrats helen

8months is awful long time to stay safe..well done!!!! xxx

Damnation. 02-02-2009 05:52 AM

The emotional void: I need to leave it

Damnation. 02-02-2009 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Tears of Solitude (Post 1396229)
How are you today Poisonous ??????

My apologies, I nearly missed this. I think that I do well, for the most part, but my emotions seem to be void. For the past six (or so) hours now, I have been emotionally dead.

I hope that you, and everyone else are all doing okay in here, and again I apologise for not being around much/supportive

Tears of Solitude 02-02-2009 05:55 AM

Sorry your feeling numb Poisonous, and dont worry about being there for others. Just take care of yourself at the moment xxx

Sometimes you just have to put yourself first.

Thinking of you
Jade xxx

Damnation. 02-02-2009 05:56 AM

I am doing my best. Thank you, Jade

Tears of Solitude 02-02-2009 05:58 AM

Helen Thats great news 8 months, I hope later on in the week you will feel like celebrating.

Im wishing you a great week < puts protective barrier around you to keep out hurtful people >

Love Jade xxx

Tears of Solitude 02-02-2009 05:59 AM

Poisonous Keep posting, it might help

Im here to listen

Jade xxx

Damnation. 02-02-2009 06:00 AM

Well, I have another two hours before it is my bedtime, so I should be sticking around for a bit yet

Tears of Solitude 02-02-2009 06:02 AM

Ok poisonous xxx Your welcome to PM me anytime or I will keep an eye on this thread xxx

Damnation. 02-02-2009 06:05 AM

Thank you. I think I will keep posting in here. I tend to respond better to threads than PMs for some reason

Tears of Solitude 02-02-2009 06:09 AM

I totally understand < smile > I just wanted you to know that your not alone xxx

Damnation. 02-02-2009 06:10 AM

I very much appreciate it. Damnation, I rather wish I did not have to wait until Tuesday for my doctor's appointment. Sometimes, I am too impatient for my own good

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