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zowie 31-01-2009 02:54 PM

Why do I spend all my money on beer and cigarettes?

Tears of Solitude 31-01-2009 03:01 PM

Sorry to hear that Jet Force, do you want to talk about it.

Shadow I am sorry to hear that work is getting you down so much, well done for not cutting, please keep yourself safe.

Kahlia, do you want to talk about things < hands blanket out >

Pixie Yay for feeling a little bit better

Mary Ann I hope you have a good weekend

Poisonous, Whats wrong honey ?

Today Im feeling a little bit better, and I just want to wish everyone a good weekend. You ALL deserve it

Sending you much love
Jade xxx

Tears of Solitude 31-01-2009 03:02 PM

Hi Zowie, how are you doing today ?

Damnation. 31-01-2009 08:31 PM

*Hugs all*

Sorry I've been so **** at supporting lately. Or, well, anything really.

Jade: x_x I confided in my friend. I needed to tell someone just how much I've been struggling. I...scared him

Mary Anne 31-01-2009 08:57 PM

Hi everyone,

a good saturday for once :) long lie then a 4 hour dance class so hopefully I am knackered enough to sleep.

have recovered from being very triggered last night when I watched some show about celebrities with 'issues' and it went in depth about those who si, I wasn;t ready for that bit, I was just expecting the britney story.

hope everyone is okay
*lots of hugs for everyone*

Damnation. 31-01-2009 08:59 PM

*Hugs Mary Anne* Glad you're doing okay

Tears of Solitude 31-01-2009 11:44 PM

Poisonous, I sort of know how you feel. When I confide in someone I always beat myself up after, thinking have I done the right thing. Have I scared them off.

Was having a great mood this morning but have come down with a crash. I feel so low and alone at the moment. xxx

Jade xxx

ravynsoul 01-02-2009 01:10 AM

*sneaks in*

*Hugs all* *pets Puppy SinClair*

*scampers off*

anarchistl0ve 01-02-2009 02:17 AM

*hugs Angelica bunny* i still cant believe hes gone

Mary Anne 01-02-2009 02:29 AM

Hi everyone,

middle of the night here, popping in as a little scared, there is a huge sectarian fight going on outside :(
I bet not a single one of them goes to church/chapel but they are calling each other 'orange ******' and 'fenian *****'.
Stupid football hooligans, they even started on a resident who drove into the street (I live in a cul de sac so you can't even keep going out the other end).

*cuddles puppy Sinclair and gets him to bark at the bad people*

*hugs everyone*

Kahlia1981 01-02-2009 02:47 AM

*crawls out of denial tent*
*hugs anyone who wants/needs/can accept them*
*pats and cuddles Puppy SinClair*
*disappears back into the darkness*

Jetforce 01-02-2009 03:15 AM

Thx's guys for the hugs

I'm just having a rough time that's all..no real reason..*sigh* Oh well...like i isaid i'll manage :-) somehow xxx

anarchistl0ve 01-02-2009 09:39 AM

*huggles eberee one an offers angelica bunny* i will warn you all shes a good cuddler if puppy Sinclair is already being snuggled up

Kahlia1981 01-02-2009 11:49 AM

*crawls out and steals any available candles and various supplies in case the tropical cyclone hits tonight*

We are in the cyclone warning area and could quite possibly lose power overnight - or for a few days. Just as a warning ... I might not be online for a few days if we do lose power and internet.

*leaves hugs for anyone who wants them and comes into the ward until I next get online*

Snuffles 01-02-2009 12:12 PM

*hugs kahlia* heard about that.. hope you'll be ok! stay safe!

I have the computer back, or at least my BFs lol.

Feel ok, am surprisingly calm about the housing buisness considering it's 19 days till we have to be out.. hmmm

wildly insane 01-02-2009 12:49 PM

I'm sure I wrote a post here in the wee hours of the morning, however I don't seem to have posted it, i was drunk and had hiccups, hmm...

*hugs becca* ooh a bunny as well as a puppy, we are lucky

*hugs Kahlia* good luck with the cyclone, hope you are feeling a little better

*hugs Shell* hope the cold/flu has gone and you're feeling better

*hugs Emma, Dayna, Helen, MaryAnne, Jade, Pixiedust, shadowedsoul, Jet, Zowie, snuffles, puppy SinClair and anybody else who drops by*

Am very very tired of everything, hope you all have a nice relaxing sunday, I'm making pancakes if anyone wants them :)

Jetforce 01-02-2009 02:23 PM

thx's for the hugs Hannah :-)

wildly insane 01-02-2009 03:54 PM

Anytime, you okay jet?

Mary Anne 01-02-2009 08:22 PM

*leaves hugs for everyone*

too tired to think

Kahlia1981 01-02-2009 08:33 PM

*crawls out from the denial tent*

*leaves hugs for everyone*

Sorry, have no words at the moment. =( Just hoping that things are starting to look up for everyone.

*disappears back into the safety and darkness of the denial tent*

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