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Tears of Solitude 29-01-2009 11:12 PM

Auburn, sorry that you are going through such a rough patch right now. Keep hanging in there and fighting xxx

I really hope you feel a little bit better tomorrow

< hugs >

MammaMia 30-01-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mary Anne (Post 1389710)
*cuddles Helen* how did the meeting go?


Originally Posted by zowie (Post 1390126)
*Hugs Helen* How did the reporting of the incident go hun?

It went alright I guess. *cuddles back*


Originally Posted by Secrets (Post 1389810)
*hugs Helen* Lecturers are often insensitive, I'm sorry you had to listen to that.

*hugs back* They sure are, am going to be putting in a compliant :pinch:

Jetforce 30-01-2009 01:49 AM

A night passes by and yet my mood is still pretty crappy

oh well...*sigh* still feels a waste of space and useless atm....i wish it was over by now...

wildly insane 30-01-2009 02:12 AM

*leaves hugs for everyone* sorry am lame, but am too tired to think, leaves a little pressie for everyone, to make you all feel a little better, hopefully....

anarchistl0ve 30-01-2009 05:16 AM

beccas now a very sad becca:

wildly insane 30-01-2009 08:47 AM

*hugs Becca*

Snuffles 30-01-2009 10:33 AM

Just letting you all know I might not be on for another week...


Jetforce 30-01-2009 10:48 AM

*cuddles katie*

hope u get ur notebook fixed!

MammaMia 30-01-2009 02:30 PM

I give up.
I really do.

zowie 30-01-2009 03:16 PM

*Hugs Helen* What's up hun? x

Tears of Solitude 30-01-2009 05:25 PM

Whats up Mamma ???? < big hugs >

Damnation. 30-01-2009 10:14 PM

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. Was having a bit of a weird day. I live, so. Yeah

*Scuttles off again*

Tears of Solitude 30-01-2009 10:21 PM

Did you have a bad day yesterday Poisonous, do you want to talk about it ????

Mary Anne 30-01-2009 11:05 PM

Hi everyone,

The weekend is here again,

*hugs Helen* anything you want to talk about?

*hugs Katie* take care this week, thinking of you even if you cannot log in.

*sends hugs to Dayna, Kahlia, Ravyn, Tears, Jetforce, Zowie, Becca, Auburn, Secrets, Voice and everyone else*

Scary day for me - things got very real as I had to visit the lawyer to sort some stuff, day to day I try to forget what has happened and get on with life, can't do that when someone is asking for bare facts :(

*crawls into the denial tent for the duration of the weekend*


pixiedust 31-01-2009 12:46 AM

Sorry I don't come in much, it's a bit overwhelming with lots of people. I'm feeling very anxious tonight but at least my mood has been slightly better the last couple of days.

*hugs for everyone*

Damnation. 31-01-2009 01:35 AM

*Hugs all*

Jade: I dunno exactly what it was. I just had no emotions at all. For hours on end, I became completely void, and it even changed the way I spoke :/ 'cause I was talking to a friend on MSN, and he noticed that the way I was wording things was a lot colder than usual

Kahlia1981 31-01-2009 02:33 AM

*crawls out of where she has been hiding and offers hugs to all*

Just going to stay out of sight for awhile okay ??

*sneaks back into dark corner of denial tent*

shadowedsoul 31-01-2009 08:25 AM

*walks back in curls up into a ball in the corner* Argh things are getting to much again, my manger so up her own ass. they way she spoke to me the other day was so ****. made me feel crappyer about myself. i really dont need that on top of everthing else, iam trying really hard not to cut, and not act on the really stuiped thoughts running through my head, even though, iam not sure i care anymore, i have had enough, had enough of people treating my like crap, like iam noithing more than scum, okay mabye iam not putting much effort in at work, and mabye i should be showning the new starts how to do things, but iam haveing a really hard time keeping myself togher right now, hmm dout they would even care if i told them that, damn it i hate my work. just want this to be over =/

Damnation. 31-01-2009 08:39 AM

Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID!

Jetforce 31-01-2009 08:43 AM

I sooooo wanna give up right now :-( argh

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