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ravynsoul 28-01-2009 02:55 AM

Dayna: I'd support that... never been much of a fan of it.. that's for sure.

Pixie: You need to do what is best for you and take care of yourself first; *Hugs*


well i'm off to bed early.. still not quite over being sick; so I need my sleep :S

pixiedust 28-01-2009 03:00 AM

*hugs back*

I hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow x

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 03:00 AM

*hugs all around* btw when did we get a puppy here :)

Damnation. 28-01-2009 03:11 AM

Ravyn: >_O *Hugs* Nighty night then

Pixie: Tis understandable

Anarchist: *Hugs you too* When Wildly Insane started posting, if I remember rightly

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 03:22 AM

:( i feel bad that i had not posted in a while i really do need you all. *snuggles in blanket a bit*

Damnation. 28-01-2009 03:23 AM

Don't worry about it, Anarchist, it's fine *hugs tightly*

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 03:42 AM

thank you cyanide

Damnation. 28-01-2009 03:49 AM

No need to thank me, and please, call me Däyna

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 04:23 AM

okay :) since i am new to you most here have called me becca

Snuffles 28-01-2009 05:13 AM

Thanks guys *cuddles* And pixie- thinking of you its tough hey =(

Ohh well good news, shes going to get him to write the letter for us tonight so we can start to apply yay plus i called my counsellor at uni, im seeing her on monday yay..

Damnation. 28-01-2009 05:15 AM

Alrighty then, Becca it is ^__^. Nice to meet you

Katie: Yaay! Hope that all works out for you

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 05:18 AM

someone hold me please i wanna..

Snuffles 28-01-2009 05:33 AM

Yay thanks dayna, i hope it does too, i hope it works out for you as well!!!!!!!!

Hey Becca, I'm Katie.. are you ok? *cuddles*

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 05:46 AM

i was ok till someone who is visiting here not invited by me started ****..

Damnation. 28-01-2009 06:08 AM

*Hugs Becca tightly*

Thanks, Katie

anarchistl0ve 28-01-2009 06:34 AM

*clings* try n keep meh safe

Jetforce 28-01-2009 09:49 AM

*leaves some cans of drink for ppl*

Hope everyone is doing well there xxx

zowie 28-01-2009 01:22 PM

Hi Becca *waves* I'm Arwen. *Safe hugs*

My care co ordinator didn't call me back yesterday so I phoned her again today and am still waiting for her to call. Useless.

zowie 28-01-2009 03:26 PM

Saw my care co ordinator, she wasn't much help and I was feeling too crap to ask if they actually believe in the voices, couldn't handle it if she said no.

realflifefaerie 28-01-2009 03:40 PM

leaves hugs for everyone.

Secrets is stupidly busy and cant really help at the moment, sorry.

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